Acta Odontologica Scandinavica

(The median citation count of Acta Odontologica Scandinavica is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Sudden onset, acute loss of taste and smell in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a systematic review45
Association between diabetes and dental implant complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis39
Molar-incisor hypomineralization: an umbrella review37
Efficacy of occlusal splints in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials37
The efficacy of bio-aerosol reducing procedures used in dentistry: a systematic review34
Temporomandibular disorders and neck pain in primary headache patients: a retrospective machine learning study33
An artificial intelligence proposal to automatic teeth detection and numbering in dental bite-wing radiographs32
Association between periodontal disease and inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis26
The effectiveness and efficacy of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) in dentistry and other health care settings: a systematic review20
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of taste genes and caries: a systematic review and meta-analysis18
Robotic approach to the reduction of dental anxiety in children17
Effects of xylitol and erythritol consumption on mutans streptococci and the oral microbiota: a systematic review17
Remineralization potential and caries preventive efficacy of CPP-ACP/Xylitol/Ozone/Bioactive glass and topical fluoride combined therapy versus fluoride mono-therapy – a systematic review and meta-ana17
Gustatory dysfunction in COVID-19 patients: a rapid systematic review on 27,687 cases15
Self-assembling peptide P11-4 in remineralization of enamel caries – a systematic review of in-vitro studies14
Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for delayed tooth eruption associated with persistent primary tooth13
Radiographic outcome of root canal treatment in general dental practice: tooth type and quality of root filling as prognostic factors13
Possible association of periodontal disease with oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders: a systematic review12
Calibration improves observer reliability in detecting periapical pathology on panoramic radiographs12
Cost-effectiveness of caries preventive interventions – a systematic review12
Dental caries prevalence in children with congenital heart disease – a systematic review12
MRI correlates to histopathological data in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma diagnostics10
The influence of voxel size and artifact reduction on the detection of vertical root fracture in endodontically treated teeth10
Dentists working conditions – factors associated with perceived workload10
Restraint in paediatric dentistry: a qualitative study to explore perspectives among public, non-specialist dentists in Norway9
Translation and validation of the Swedish version of the Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (PIDAQ) for adolescents9
Hyaluronic acid injection to restore the lost interproximal papilla: a systematic review9
A systematic review of the clinical and radiographic features of hybrid central giant cell granuloma lesions of the jaws9
Parents’ perceptions of oral health, general health and dental health care for children with Down syndrome in Sweden9
Survival rate after endodontic treatment in general dentistry for cracked teeth with different coronal restorations9
Salivary VEGF and post-extraction wound healing in type 2 diabetic immediate denture wearers8
Adjunctive probiotics after periodontal debridement versus placebo: a systematic review and meta-analysis8
Effectiveness and safety of Bifidobacterium in preventing dental caries: a systematic review and meta-analysis8
Effect of polyhexanide as antiseptic mouth rinse against oral pathogens in an in vitro biofilm model8
Prevalence of dry mouth in adult patients in primary health care8
Dental caries in a Norwegian adult population, the HUNT4 oral health study; prevalence, distribution and 45-year trends8
Facial asymmetry and chewing sides in twins7
Efficacy of chitosan-based chewing gum on reducing salivary S. mutans counts and salivary pH: a randomised clinical trial7
Impact of resveratrol in the reduction of the harmful effect of diabetes on peri-implant bone repair: bone-related gene expression, counter-torque and micro-CT analysis in rats7
Radiographic evaluation of the mandible to predict age and sex in subadults7
Risk factors for root resorption of second molars with impacted third molars: a meta-analysis of CBCT studies7
Orofacial Esthetic Scale and Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire: development and psychometric properties of the Finnish version7
Genetic polymorphisms in interleukin-6 and interleukin-1-beta were associated with dental caries and gingivitis6
Prevalence of sagittal molar and canine relationships, asymmetries and midline shift in relation to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a Finnish adult population6
PRDX6 alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and ferroptosis in periodontitis6
Evaluation of patients’ perception of gingival recession, its impact on oral health-related quality of life, and acceptance of treatment plan6
Neck associated factors related to migraine in adolescents with painful temporomandibular disorders6
Analysis of enamel structure and mineral density after different bleaching protocols using micro-computed tomography6
Clinical and diagnostic significance of blood leukocyte ratios in young patients with stage III grade C periodontitis6
Association between signs of hyperalgesia and reported frequent pain in jaw-face and head6
Consumption of acidic drinks, knowledge and concern about dental erosive wear in Norwegian high school students6
External root resorption in root-filled and vital teeth after extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatments: a split-mouth retrospective study6
Dental health care workers’ attitude towards patients with substance use disorders in medically assisted rehabilitation (MAR)6
Incidence of alveolar osteitis after mandibular third molar surgery. Can inflammatory cytokines be identified locally?6
Relation between anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis antibody titers and HLA-DRB1 neutral alleles in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis6
Low-grade inflammation as a potential mediator between depressive symptoms and temporomandibular pain: an 11-year follow-up study on Finnish adults5
Primary tooth autotransplantation: update and retrospective clinical study5
Salivary fluoride concentration and retention after rinsing with 0.05 and 0.2% sodium fluoride (NaF) compared with a new high F rinse containing 0.32% NaF5
Effects of an individualised training course in endodontics on the knowledge and insights of dentists in Public Dental Service in Norway5
Salutogenic factors for oral health among older people: an integrative review connecting the theoretical frameworks of Antonovsky and Lalonde5
Effect of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence of maxillofacial fractures in a Finnish Tertiary Trauma Centre5
Nonrestorative treatment of initial caries lesion in primary teeth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis5
Efficacy of sonic and ultrasonic activation during endodontic treatment: a Meta-analysis ofin vitrostudies5
Translation and validation of the English-language instrument Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionair into Swedish5
Prevalence of bacteraemia following dental extraction – efficacy of the prophylactic use of amoxicillin and clindamycin5
U-shaped association between maternal age at delivery and dental caries in offspring5
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral positivity and their burden in saliva of asymptomatic carriers – a systematic review and meta-analysis5
Endodontic follow-up practices, sources of knowledge, and self-assessed treatment outcome among general dental practitioners in Sweden and Norway5
Effect of smoking on periodontal health and validation of self-reported smoking status with serum cotinine levels5
The risk for infraposition of dental implants and ankylosed teeth in the anterior maxilla related to craniofacial growth, a systematic review5
Reporting suspicion of child maltreatment - a 5 yr follow-up of public dental health care workers in Norway4
Survival of root filled teeth in general dentistry in a Swedish county: a 6-year follow-up study4
Patient-reported outcomes in patients with severe maxillary bone atrophy restored with zygomatic implant-supported complete dental prostheses: a systematic review4
Evaluation of the effectiveness of tube drain on postoperative discomfort in mandibular third molar surgery: prospective randomized split-mouth study4
Is dental panoramic tomography appropriate for all young adults because of third molars?4
Exogenous LL-37 but not homogenates of desquamated oral epithelial cells shows activity against Streptococcus mutans4
Oral health behaviours in 12-year-olds. Association with caries and characteristics of the children?4
Challenging encounters in clinical dentistry: a qualitative study investigating online reviews of patient satisfaction with Norwegian dentists4
Health status in patients hospitalised for severe odontogenic infections4
Single nucleotide polymorphism rs4284505 in microRNA17 and risk of dental fluorosis4
Comparing oral health-related quality of life, oral function and orofacial aesthetics among a group of adolescents with and without malocclusions4
Adverse effects of orthodontic forces on dental pulp. Appearance and character. A systematic review4
Antibiotic utilization in emergency dental care in Stockholm 2016: a cross sectional study4
Is the third molar erupting at a younger age than before?4
Dental erosive wear in primary teeth among five-year-olds – Bergen, Norway4
Systematic assessment of salivary inflammatory markers and dental caries in children: an exploratory study4
Patients’ multifaceted views of dental fear in a diagnostic interview4
Trabecular bone patterns as a fracture risk predictor: a systematic review4
Simple dentate area fractures of the mandible – can we prevent postoperative infections?4
Association of oral behaviours’ frequency with psychological profile, somatosensory amplification, presence of pain and self-reported pain intensity4
Periapical status and technical quality in root canal filled teeth in a cross sectional study in Jönköping, Sweden4
Influence of dental education on adoption and integration of technological aids in the delivery of endodontic care by dental practitioners: a survey4
Periodontal status in long-term orthodontic retention patients up to 10 years after treatment – a cross-sectional study4
The reliability and validity of the Romanian rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry (RREALD-30)4
Internet-based treatment for adolescents with symptomatic temporomandibular joint disc displacement with reduction. A randomized controlled clinical trial4
Temperature and time variations during apical resection4
A randomized clinical trial of hyaluronic acid gel pulpotomy in primary molars with 1 year follow-up3
Strategic implementation of dental infection control in resource-poor jurisdictions during COVID-19 pandemic: a perspective from South Africa3
Radiographic peri-implant bone loss after a function time up to 15 years3
Association of PON1, TNF-α and TGF-β gene polymorphisms with prognosis in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma3
The association between myofascial orofacial pain with and without referral and widespread pain3
Autonomic responses to tooth clenching and handgrip test3
Long-term patient satisfaction and the sense of coherence – a longitudinal study 10–15 years after orthognathic surgery3
Mercury, silver and selenium in serum before and after removal of amalgam restorations: results from a prospective cohort study in Norway3
A comparison of self-esteem and social appearance anxiety levels of individuals with different types of malocclusions3
Associations between Bolton ratio and overjet deviations in a Finnish adult population3
Influences of behaviour and attitude on education related inequality in tooth loss: findings from Norway and Sweden over 5 years of follow- up3
Implantoplasty- provoking or reducing inflammation? – a systematic scoping review3
Current status of split-mouth controlled clinical trials comparing cyanoacrylate vs. conventional suture after lower third molar surgeries: a systematic literature review3
Nomogram prediction of vulnerable periodontal condition before orthodontic treatment in the anterior teeth of Chinese patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion3
Saliva proteomic profile of early childhood caries and caries-free children3
Alveolar bone measurements in magnetic resonance imaging compared with cone beam computed tomography: a pilot, ex-vivo study3
miR-200a-3p represses osteogenesis of human periodontal ligament stem cells by targeting ZEB2 and activating the NF-κB pathway3
Efficacy of modified coronally advanced flap in the treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recessions: a systematic review and meta-analysis3
Effect of tapered-end and round-end bristles on the abrasive dentine wear applying increasing brushing forces3
Analysis of clinical characteristics and management of ectopic third molars in the mandibular jaw: a systematic review of clinical cases3
TMJ degenerative joint disease: relationships between CBCT findings, clinical symptoms, and signs3
Effectiveness of conservative therapeutic modalities for temporomandibular disorders-related pain: a systematic review3
Early childhood caries risk assessment in 1-year-olds evaluated at 6-years of age3
Research priorities for oral healthcare: agenda setting from the practitioners’ perspective3
A grounded theory study on Swedish 10 to 16-year-olds’ perceptions of pain in conjunction with orthodontically indicated tooth extraction2
Lichenoid lesions of the upper labial mucosa: a systematic review and a report of a new case with extensive follow-up2
Nanoencapsulated fluoride as a remineralization option for dental erosion: anin vitrostudy2
Periodontal care attendance in Denmark in 2012–2016 – a nationwide register-based study2
Oral health by obesity classification in young obese women – a cross-sectional study2
Effect of a formalin-based fixation method on bone mineral content in human ex-vivo specimens2
The prevalence and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in head and neck cancer patients2
Finnish dentists’ experiences with foreign-background patients—a qualitative study2
Psychological distress and coping orientations in young adults: their associations with temporomandibular disorder symptoms2
Association of dental caries with use of internet and social media among 12 and 15-year-olds2
Dimensional structure of the OHIP-14 and associations with self-report oral health-related variables in home-dwelling Norwegians aged 70+2
Common resilience factors among healthy individuals exposed to chronic adversity: a systematic review2
Determinants and barriers for visiting a dental clinic among (frail) older individuals2
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha polymorphism -308 G/a and its protein in subjects with gingivitis2
Proposing a model for auditing data quality of long-term periodontal outcome studies2
Malocclusion and oral health-related quality of life among young Danish adults. Is there a difference between subjects who received orthodontic treatment during adolescence and subjects without treatm2
Effects of long noncoding RNA H19 on cementoblast differentiation, mineralisation, and proliferation2
Effects of fixed retainers on gingival recession – a 10-year retrospective study2
Establishment of a Danish endodontic practice-based research network: baseline data2
Dental age in children with impacted maxillary canines2
Sports-based distribution of facial fractures – findings from a four-season country2
Dental and dentoalveolar dimensions in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta2
Cost-effectiveness of partial versus stepwise caries removal of deep caries lesions - a decision-analytic approach2
The association between oral hygiene and head and neck cancer: a meta-analysis2
Caries experience by socio-behavioural characteristics in HIV-1-infected and uninfected Ugandan mothers – a multilevel analysis2
Risk of bleeding with dental implant surgery in patients on anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis2
Self-perceived oral health-related salutogenic factors in orally healthy older Swedes. A qualitative interview study2
Is it possible to extract lower third molars with infiltration anaesthesia techniques using articaine? A double-blind randomized clinical trial2
Dental clinicians recognizing signs of dental anxiety: a grounded theory study2
Targeting a therapeutically relevant concentration of alendronate for in vitro studies on osteoblasts2
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the sleep-related breathing disorder scale of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire into Danish language2
Survival of primary molars with pulpotomy interventions: public oral health practice-based study in Helsinki2
Investigating the role of chlorogenic acids and coffee type in coffee-induced teeth discoloration2