Acta Psychologica

(The H4-Index of Acta Psychologica is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Specification curve analysis shows that social media use is linked to poor mental health, especially among girls38
Dark triads, tetrads, tents, and cores: Why navigate (research) the jungle of dark personality models without a compass (criterion)?31
The relationships between social support and loneliness: A meta-analysis and review26
Laughing at funerals and frowning at weddings: Top-down influences of context-driven social judgments on emotional mimicry24
The psychological and behavioural correlates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Ireland and the UK24
Gamification for behavior change: A scientometric review21
Prosocial effects of coordination – What, how and why?21
COVID-19 information overload: Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relationship between frequency of internet searching and fear of COVID-1919
The effects of observing and producing gestures on Japanese word learning19
The intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences of interpersonal synchrony19
Investigating individual differences in emotion recognition ability using the ERAM test18
Loneliness unlocked: Associations with smartphone use and personality18
Social media use in female adolescents: Associations with anxiety, loneliness, and sleep disturbances18
Do you listen to music while studying? A portrait of how people use music to optimize their cognitive performance17
The effect of aging on facial attractiveness: An empirical and computational investigation17
Signals through music and dance: Perceived social bonds and formidability on collective movement17
Factors affecting social TV acceptance among Generation Z in Jordan17
Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches17
Implicit attentional biases in a changing environment17
Is the n-back task a measure of unstructured working memory capacity? Towards understanding its connection to other working memory tasks17