Behavior Genetics

(The H4-Index of Behavior Genetics is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Estimation of Parental Effects Using Polygenic Scores34
Direct and Indirect Effects of Maternal, Paternal, and Offspring Genotypes: Trio-GCTA28
Best Practices for Binary and Ordinal Data Analyses21
Genetic Risk for Smoking: Disentangling Interplay Between Genes and Socioeconomic Status17
Genetic Correlates of Psychological Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in Young Adult Twins in Great Britain16
Incorporating Polygenic Risk Scores in the ACE Twin Model to Estimate A–C Covariance15
The Genes We Inherit and Those We Don’t: Maternal Genetic Nurture and Child BMI Trajectories15
Genetic Influences on the Covariance and Genetic Correlations in a Bivariate Twin Model: An Application to Well-Being15
Effects of Chronic Caffeine Administration on Behavioral and Molecular Adaptations to Sensory Contact Model Induced Stress in Adolescent Male Mice14
Quantile-Specific Heritability of Intakes of Alcohol but not Other Macronutrients14
Modeling Interaction and Dispersion Effects in the Analysis of Gene-by-Environment Interaction14
A Comparison of the ASEBA Adult Self Report (ASR) and the Brief Problem Monitor (BPM/18-59)14
Using Multimodel Inference/Model Averaging to Model Causes of Covariation Between Variables in Twins13
Continuity of Genetic Risk for Aggressive Behavior Across the Life-Course13