Archives Europeennes de Sociologie

(The median citation count of Archives Europeennes de Sociologie is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-03-01 to 2024-03-01.)
Insurance, Big Data and Changing Conceptions of Fairness15
Religion in Vichy France: How Meso-Level Actors Contribute to Authoritarian Legitimation11
Homophobia and national collective narcissism in populist Poland11
Earned Citizenship8
Political Socialisation: Out of Purgatory?7
Back to the Future. Sociological Perspectives on Expectations, Aspirations and Imagined Futures7
Why durability matters? Towards a Comparative Economic Sociology of Market Organization6
Money Knowledge or Money Myths? Results of a population survey on money and the monetary order5
The politics of monastic life: opportunities for exit and voice in a voluntary total institution5
Neoliberalism, Economization and the Paradox of the New Welfare State5
Communalizing Colonial Policies and Postcolonial Ethnic Warfare: A Multimethod Analysis of the British Empire3
The Laws of Finance For a Sociology of Finance and Law Entanglement3
Law’s Elasticity An Inquiry into the Relation of Law and Power in Finance3
Information and Communication Technologies as Contentious Repertoire3
Marketizing Sovereign Prerogatives: How to Sell Citizenship3
The Trap of “Racial Capitalism”3
Mobile Professionals and Metropolitan Models: The German Roots of Vocational Education in Latin America3
Revisiting “Racial Capitalism”2
Class and relative wealth accumulation in five European countries: Sociological Lessons from the Household Financial and Consumption Survey (European Central Bank, 2014 Wave)2
Population density, cosmopolitanism, and undocumented immigrants in the United States2
Structure, Strategy and Self in Cultural Peripheries: Theorizing the Periphery in the Polish and Dutch Fashion Fields2
Russia’s Night Wolves, Migrating Memory and Europe’s Eastern Frontier2
The Ethical Substance of Salvation1
Legal Compliance: Founding Elements of a Conception Based on Cultural Theory1
Powerful Metrics - Steffen Mau, The Metric Society: On the Quantification of the Social (Cambridge, UK, Polity, 2019, 200 p.)1
Limiting Ourselves by Limiting Money - Giorgos Kallis, Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care (Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2019, 154 pp.)1
Indigenous Responses to Protestant Missionaries: Educational Competition and Economic Development in Ottoman Turkey1
The Hidden Power of Technologists - Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Automating Finance: Infrastructures, Engineers, and the Making of Electronic Markets (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 357 p.)1
Prices as social facts: A sociological approach to price setting1
Racial Capitalism Decoupled: A Rejoinder and Reformulation1
Is it easy to kill in war? Emotions and violence in the combat zones of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991-1995)1
The Trap of “Capitalism”, Racial or Otherwise1
The Ethics of Uncertainty - Louise Amoore, Cloud Ethics: Algorithms and the Attributes of Ourselves and Others (Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2020, 232 p.)1
The Preferential Option of the Poor: Liberation Theology, Pentecostalism, and the New Forms of Sacralization1
Mundane Prometheus. How the Renewal of the Everyday Public Sphere can Feed a 21st Century Anticapitalism - Erik Olin Wright, How to Be an Anticapitalist in the 21st Century (London, Verso, 2019, 176 p1
“Capital and Ideology” as a World-History of Social Inequality - Thomas Piketty, Capital and Ideology (Cambridge, Mass/London, The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, [2019] 2020, 1093 pages)0
Anonymous Solidarity in Social Movements0
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Why Sociological Theory Matters in the Age of Algorithms: Considerations on Ori Schwarz’s Sociological Theory for Digital Society - Ori Schwarz, Sociological Theory for Digital Society: The Codes Tha0
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What Kind of Financial Crisis? - Neil Fligstein, The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis (Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 2021, 315 p.)0
We Shall Never be Disenchanted - Hans Joas, The Power of the Sacred. An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment (New York, Oxford University Press, 2021, 402 p.)0
“Utopia shut up shop”: Hopeless Futures, Populism, and the American Dream0
Legal Documents as Means of Financial Abstraction: How Bankers’ Lawyers Constructed Swaps and Changed Finance0
Pricelessness, and the Price, of College in America - Caitlin Zaloom, Indebted: How Middle Class Families Make College Work at All Cost (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2019, 267 p.)0
Durkheim Within American Cultural Sociology and Beyond - Philip Smith, Durkheim and After: The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020 (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2020, 242 p.)0
Communalizing Colonial Policies and Postcolonial Ethnic Warfare: A Multimethod Analysis of the British Empire – ERRATUM0
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Veblen, the Insider – at least in the First Half of his Life - Charles Camic, Veblen: The Making of an Economist Who Unmade Economics (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2020, 504 p.)0
Drowning, Rescuing, and the Law in Between - Julie E. Cohen Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism (New York Oxford University Press, 2019, Verso, 2018, 366 p.)0
The Housing Crisis in Superstar Cities: Labour Markets, Price Inflation, and Financialization0
French Colonial Sociology and the Struggle for Scientific Autonomy - George Steinmetz, The Colonial Origins Of Modern Social Thought (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2023, 576 p.).0
How Serious a Game Science Really Is? - Mario Biagioli Alexandra Lippman (eds), Gaming the Metrics. Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research (Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2020, 306 p.)0
The Modern Art Machine - Fernando Domínguez Rubio, Still Life: Ecologies of the Modern Imagination at the Art Museum (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2020, 424 p.)0
Saving Freedom From its History - Pierre Charbonnier, Affluence and Freedom: An Environmental History of Political Ideas (Cambridge, Polity, 2021, 327 p.)0
Britishness: “Endlessly Coming To An End” - Stuart Ward, Untied Kingdom: A Global History of the End of Britain, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 550 p.)0
Turning Wages into Capital Differentiation on the Market for Unsecured Loans in the United States, 1900-19450
The Making of the Modern State: Social Scientization and Education Legislation in the United Kingdom, 1800–19140
Living and Working at the Edges: Practices of Migrant Shopkeepers in the UK - Suzanne M. Hall, The Migrant’s Paradox. Street Livelihoods and Marginal Citizenship in Britain (Minneapolis, University o0
Aid Made Markets: Enclaves, Entrepreneurs and Opportunity in the East African Pharmaceutical Industry - Nitsan Chorev, Give and Take. Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East 0
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Punishment beyond the State - Gilles Favarel-Garrigues et Laurent Gayer, Fiers de punir. Le monde des justiciers hors-la-loi (Paris, Le Seuil, 2021, 352 p.)0
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Credit in Society and in Sociology: On “The Bank and Its Customers” (Bourdieu, Boltanski, Chamboredon, 1963)0
What Sociology can Learn from World-Ecology (Hint: A Lot) - Jason W. Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life. Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital (London, Verso, 2015, 336 p.); Raj Patel and Jason W.0
Online Dating and the Nakedness of Heterosexuality - Marie Bergström, Les Nouvelles lois de l’amour. Sexualité, couple, et rencontres au temps du numérique (Paris, Éditions de la Découverte, 2019, 2280
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French colonial sociology’s contribution to decolonizing sociology - George Steinmetz, The Colonial Origins Of Modern Social Thought (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2023, 576 p.)0
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Tribal Citizenship in The Emirates - Noora Lori, Offshore Citizens: Permanent Temporary Status in the Gulf (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 302 p.)0
Praising and Prodding George Steinmetz’s The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought - George Steinmetz, The Colonial Origins Of Modern Social Thought (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2023, 0
Rethinking the Political Community: Violence and the Colonial Making of the Modern Nation State - Mahmood Mamdani, Neither Settler nor Native: The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities (Cambrid0
Explaining Illiberal Democracy - Gábor Scheiring, The Retreat of Liberal Democracy: Authoritarian Capitalism and the Accumulative State in Hungary (Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 367 p.); Juraj Buzal0
Euphoria and Despair - Stefan Svallfors, The Inner World of Research. On Academic Labor (London, Anthem Press, 2020, 125 p.)0
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Public Opinion in the Making - Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre, Qu’est-ce que l’actualité politique ? Évènements et opinions au xxie siècle (Paris, Gallimard, 2022, 352 p.)0
Science and Politics: Reflections on Wendy Brown’s Nihilistic Times - Wendy Brown, Nihilistic Times: Thinking with Max Weber (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2023, 132 p.)0
Crime in the Blood? The Reinvention of Crime as Written in the DNA - Julien Larrègue, Héréditaire. L’éternel retour des théories biologiques du crime (Paris, Seuil, 2020, 272 p.)0
Same as it Ever Was - Carolyn Chen, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Work Pray Code (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2022, 272 pages)0
A Breath of Fresh Air for the Study of Social Inequality - Mike Savage, The Return of Inequality – Social Change and the Weight of the Past (Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 2021, 448 p.)0
An Argentine Version of the American Dream - Matías Dewey, Making It at Any Cost. Aspirations and Politics in a Counterfeit Clothing Marketplace (Austin University of Texas Press, 2020, 276 p.)0
Micro-Segregation and the Jewish Ghetto: A Comparison of Ethnic Communities in Germany0
The Rancierian Revolutionary? Bhagat Singh and the Politics of the Dead in Modern India - Chris Moffat, India’s Revolutionary Inheritance: Politics and the Promise of Bhagat Singh (Cambridge, Cambridg0
Toward a Historical Sociology of Canonization: Comparing the Development of Sociological Theory in the English-, German-, and French-Language Contexts since the 1950s0
The First and Greatest Divergence in the History of the World - Walter Scheidel, Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity (Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2019,0
Political Work and Work of Claiming Rights - Kaveri Haritas, In Search of Home. Citizenship, Law and the Politics of the Poor (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 194 p.) - Emilia Schij0
Trust But Verify - Vincent Buskens, Rense Corten and Chris Snijders, Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation. Theory, Experiments, and Field Studies (Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2020, 450 p0
Money Knowledge or Money Myths? Results of a population survey on money and the monetary order – ERRATUM0
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Consuming Beauty and Producing Status on the Elite Scene - Ashley Mears, Very important people: Status and beauty in the global party circuit (New York, Princeton University Press, 2020, xv + 303 p.)0
Executive Pay: Board Reciprocity Counts0
Why durability matters? Towards a comparative economic sociology of market organization – ERRATUM0
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The moral life of econometric equations: Factoring class inequality into school quality valuations in Chile0
Can the Subaltern be Listened To? An Anthropology of Platform Commonsense in Spite of the Law - Juan M. del Nido, Taxis vs. Uber: Courts, Markets, and Technology in Buenos Aires (Stadford University 0
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Plural and Unequal: How Digital Payments are Reshaping Money - Lana Swartz, New money. How payment became social media (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2020, 259 p.) - Sibel Kusimba, Reimagining M0
Monetary Enlightenment - Aaron Sahr, Die Monetäre Maschine. Eine Kritik der finanziellen Vernunft (Munich, C.H. Beck, 2022, 447 p.)0
State Sovereignty as a Machine of Domination Against Society - Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval, Dominer. Enquête sur la souveraineté de l’État en Occident (Paris, La Découverte, 2020, 736 p.)0
Mobility and Stagnation in Neoliberal India - Patrick Inglis, Narrow Fairways: Getting by and Falling Behind in the New India (New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, 312 p.)0
The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets and Power - Jacob S. Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Paul Pierson, and Kathleen Thelen, eds, The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets, a0
Religious Dissociation and Liberal Separation: Inside a Christian Brotherhood and a Masonic Lodge0
The Ties that Bind and Fray - Sarah Quinn, Review of American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2019, 312 p.)0
Adam Smith and Sociology0
Doomed to Fail: Unmasking Failure as a Powerful Engine of Accumulation in Contemporary Capitalism - Appadurai Arjun and Neta Alexander, Failure (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2020, 145 p.)0
Fragile Bonds of Recognition: Exploring the Social Underpinnings of Sentiments of Exclusion in Post-1989 East Germany0
Wars, Rulers, Rationality0
Putting Morals into Economics: From Value Neutrality to the Moral Economy and the Economization of Morality0
The New (Uniform) World of Asylum- and Citizenship-Policy - Christian Joppke, Neoliberal Nationalism, Immigration and the Rise of the Populist Right (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 342 p0
The Long Shadow of Inequality - Mike Savage, The Return of Inequality. Social Chance and the Weight of the Past (Cambridge, Harvard University Press , 2021, 422 p.)0
Decolonization Struggles at the United Nations: The Question of Algeria, 1955-19610
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Urban Biodiversity and Socioecological Imaginaries: Cities as Laboratories for a Multispecies Future - Matthew Gandy, Natura Urbana. Ecological Constellations in Urban Space (Cambridge, Massachusetts0
Systemic Contradictions - Armando Lara-Millán, Redistributing the Poor: Jails, Hospitals, and the Crisis of Law and Fiscal Austerity (New York, Oxford University Press, 2021, 240 pages)0
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“Between Fixity and Motion:” Emplacing Tech in New York City - Sharon Zukin, The Innovation Complex: Cities, Tech, and the New Economy (Oxford, OUP, 2020, 296 p.)0
Exploring the “Meso-Level”: Genealogy of Civic Commitments and Beyond - G.A. Fine, The Hinge. Civil Society, Group Cultures, and the Power of Local Commitments (Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2020
Nationalism and Genes in the Middle East - Ian McGonigle, Genomic Citizenship. The Molecularization of Identity in the Contemporary Middle East (Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2021, 220 p.) - Elise Bu0
Apps in Black and White - Ruha Benjamin, Race after Technology (Cambridge UK, Polity Press, 2019, 178 p.)0
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Technology, Culture, and Social Control in the Newsroom Revisited - Angèle Christin, Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020, 20
Sociology’s History Problem - Wolfgang Knöbl, Die Soziologie vor der Geschichte (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2022, 316 p.)0
Population density, cosmopolitanism, and undocumented immigrants in the United States – CORRIGENDUM0
Cultural Images of Labor Conflict and Coordination: Literature and the Evolution of Industrial Relations Systems0
Crisis? Whose Crisis? - Jeffrey C. Alexander, What Makes a Social Crisis? The Societalization of Social Problems (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2019, 173 p.)0
How to Write the History of Sociology Properly: Monika Krause’s Model Cases - Monika Krause, Model Cases: On Canonical Research Objects and Sites (Chicago/London, University of Chicago Press,0
Painful Extraction - Thea Riofrancos, Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador (Durham, Duke University Press, 2020, 264 p.)0
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Toward a Moral Universalism - Hans Joas, Im Bannkreis der Freiheit. Religionstheorie nach Hegel und Nietzsche (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2020, 668p.)0
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Reading Sex, Sexuality, and Sexiness in Contemporary Capitalist Societies - Dana Kaplan and Eva Illouz, What is sexual capital? (Cambridge, Polity, 2022, 144 p.)0
The Populist Foundations of Democracy: A Conceptual History of “the People” [Folket] in the Constitutional Struggles in Denmark, 1830–19200
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Leveraging uncertainty, market-power, and fiscal opacity: The growth of financial security states0
The “American Middle Class” After 2008: Financial, Fictitious, Foreclosed - Noelle Stout, Dispossessed. How Predatory Bureaucracy Foreclosed on the American Middle Class (Oakland, University of Califo0
The city of (stolen) cars - Gabriel Feltran (ed.), Stolen cars: a journey through urban conflict in São Paulo (Oxford, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2022, 272 p.)0
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Bridging the gaping hole: central bank economists’ role in the rise of macro-finance post-crisis0
Historical Ethnography, From Margin to Center - Lucas Bessire, Running Out: In Search of Water on the High Plains (Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2021, 264 p.)0
“Identity Work” and Clandestinity0
How Families Reproduce the Inequalities of Capitalism - Céline Bessière and Sibylle Gollac, Le Genre du capital: Comment la famille reproduit les inégalités (Paris, La Découverte, 2020, 326 p.)0
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Citizenship and mobility of the poor: Sweden during the 19th century0
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Do Androids Dream of Basic Income? - Anton Jäger and Daniel Zamora Vargas, Welfare for Markets: A Global History of Basic Income (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2023, 264 p.)0
Intellectuals Melancholia - Jenny Andersson, The Future of the World. Futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post-Cold War Imagination (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 267 p.)0
Dynamics of Policy and Politics: Politics of Unemployment in Sweden during the Interwar Period0
Primary Dealer Systems in the European Union0
End of an Era: Transforming Language and Society in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, c. 1870-19500
The Unforgiving Society - Sarah Esther Lageson, Digital Punishment: Privacy, Stigma, and the Harms of Data-Driven Criminal Justice (New York, Oxford University Press, 2020, 256 p.)0
Gentrification books in search of a gentrification theory: racialization and aesthetics in the making of contemporary spatial inequalities - Erualdo González Romero, Michelle E. Zuñiga, Ashley C. Her0