
(The median citation count of Ornithology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
A roadmap to identifying and filling shortfalls in Neotropical ornithology38
Bird migration within the Neotropics37
Integrative taxonomy and geographic sampling underlie successful species delimitation36
Insectivorous birds in the Neotropics: Ecological radiations, specialization, and coexistence in species-rich communities35
Current methods and future directions in avian diet analysis33
Plumage patterns: Ecological functions, evolutionary origins, and advances in quantification29
An overview of speciation and species limits in birds24
The genomic revolution and species delimitation in birds (and other organisms): Why phenotypes should not be overlooked24
Migration distance is a fundamental axis of the slow-fast continuum of life history in boreal birds21
Bill size, bill shape, and body size constrain bird song evolution on a macroevolutionary scale19
Sixty-first Supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds19
Testing the simple and complex versions of Gloger’s rule in the Variable Antshrike (Thamnophilus caerulescens, Thamnophilidae)16
Sixty-second Supplement to the American Ornithological Society’sCheck-list of North American Birds16
Elevational niche-shift migration: Why the degree of elevational change matters for the ecology, evolution, and physiology of migratory birds15
Genomic and plumage variation across the controversial Baltimore and Bullock’s oriole hybrid zone15
The five million bird eggs in the world’s museum collections are an invaluable and underused resource15
Evaluating the impacts of metabarcoding primer selection on DNA characterization of diet in an aerial insectivore, the Purple Martin15
Haemosporidian parasites of Neotropical birds: Causes and consequences of infection14
Phylogeny based on ultra-conserved elements clarifies the evolution of rails and allies (Ralloidea) and is the basis for a revised classification14
Conservative plumage masks extraordinary phylogenetic diversity in the Grallaria rufula (Rufous Antpitta) complex of the humid Andes13
Genomic and plumage variation in Vermivora hybrids12
Evolution of the preformative molt in Cardinalidae correlates with transitions from forest to open habitats12
The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) genoscape: implications for monitoring, management, and subspecies boundaries12
Sixty-fourth Supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds11
Temperature and vegetation complexity structure mixed-species flocks along a gradient of elevation in the tropical Andes11
The costs of ignoring species detectability on functional diversity estimation10
The Pacific as the world’s greatest theater of bird migration: Extreme flights spark questions about physiological capabilities, behavior, and the evolution of migratory pathways10
Ultraconserved elements resolve the phylogeny and corroborate patterns of molecular rate variation in herons (Aves: Ardeidae)10
DNA metabarcoding reveals broad woodpecker diets in fire-maintained forests9
Genomic and geographic diversification of a “great-speciator” (Rhipidura rufifrons)9
Comparative phylogeographic analysis suggests a shared history among eastern North American boreal forest birds9
Systematics and conservation of an endemic radiation of Accipiter hawks in the Caribbean islands9
Species limits in birds: Australian perspectives on interrelated challenges of allopatry, introgression of mitochondrial DNA, recent speciation, and selection9
Multiple lines of evidence indicate ongoing allopatric and parapatric diversification in an Afromontane sunbird (Cinnyris reichenowi)8
Rapid recovery by fat- and muscle-depleted Blackpoll Warblers following trans-oceanic migration is driven by time-minimization8
Vertical sexual habitat segregation in a wintering migratory songbird8
DNA metabarcoding reveals broadly overlapping diets in three sympatric North American hummingbirds8
Latitude does not influence cavity entrance orientation of South American avian excavators8
Heat shock protein gene expression varies among tissues and populations in free-living birds8
Season, anthocyanin supplementation, and flight training have mixed effects on the antioxidant system of migratory European Starlings8
Genetic data and niche differences suggest that disjunct populations of Diglossa brunneiventris are not sister lineages8
Army-ant following in Neotropical birds: A review and prospectus8
Dry season intensity has equivocal effects on the nutritional condition of understory birds in a Neotropical forest8
Extensive hybridization between two Andean warbler species with shallow divergence in mtDNA8
Ecological and evolutionary significance of molt in lowland Neotropical landbirds8
Performance of a points-based scoring system for assessing species limits in birds8
Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape8
Extinct crane-like birds (Eogruidae and Ergilornithidae) from the Cenozoic of Central Asia are indeed ostrich precursors7
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in songs of a Neotropical suboscine bird: The Drab-breasted Bamboo Tyrant (Hemitriccus diops, Rhynchocyclidae)7
Genetic and morphological differentiation among populations of the Rivoli’s Hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens) species complex (Aves: Trochilidae)7
Reduced diurnal activity and increased stopover duration by molting Swainson’s Thrushes7
A habitat-based approach to determining the effects of drought on aridland bird communities7
An early Oligocene stem Galbulae (jacamars and puffbirds) from southern France, and the position of the Paleogene family Sylphornithidae6
Contact calls of island Brown-throated Parakeets exhibit both character and variance shifts compared to calls of their mainland relatives6
When to depart from a stopover site? Time since arrival matters more than current weather conditions6
Application of a global age-coding system (“WRP”), based on molts and plumages, for use in demographic and other studies of birds6
Haemosporidian prevalence and community composition vary little across a chickadee hybrid zone6
Variation in incubation length and hatching asynchrony in Eastern Kingbirds: Weather eclipses female effects6
Divergence in plumage, voice, and morphology indicates speciation in Rufous-capped Warblers (Basileuterus rufifrons)5
Updating splits, lumps, and shuffles: Reconciling GenBank names with standardized avian taxonomies5
High-intensity flight feather molt and comparative molt ecology of warblers of eastern North America5
Landscape cover type, not social dominance, is associated with the winter movement patterns of Snowy Owls in temperate areas5
The shape of avian eggs: Assessment of a novel metric for quantifying eggshell conicality5
Genome-wide data reveal paraphyly in the sand plover complex (Charadrius mongolus/leschenaultii)5
Neither sex appears to benefit from divorce within migratory Northern Flickers consistent with accidental loss and bet-hedging5
Female and male song exhibit both parallel and divergent patterns of cultural evolution: A long-term study of song structure and diversity in tropical wrens5
Exceptional variation in the appearance of Common Murre eggs reveals their potential as identity signals5
Addendum to the Sixty-first Supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds5
Experimental evidence that social information affects habitat selection in Marbled Murrelets5
Nest cavity reuse by the cooperatively breeding Acorn Woodpecker5
Breeding performance of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) does not decline among older age classes5
Mixed-species flocking is associated with low arthropod detectability and increased foraging efficiency by Yungas forest birds in Argentina5
A new genus and species of tanager (Passeriformes, Thraupidae) from the lower Yungas of western Bolivia and southern Peru5
Put some muscle behind it: Understanding movement capacity of tropical birds5
Physiological condition reflects polymorphism at the toll-like receptors in a colonial waterbird4
Underestimated Neotropical diversity: Integrative taxonomy reveals two unrelated look-alike species in a suboscine bird (Pachyramphus albogriseus)4
Endogenous biomarkers reveal diet partitioning among three sympatric species of swallows4
Early nest initiation and vegetation density enhance nest survival in Wild Turkeys4
Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) can identify individual females by their fee-bee songs4
Cryptic speciation in the Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)4
Morphology, vocalizations, and mitochondrial DNA suggest that the Graceful Prinia is two species4
Nestling Savannah Sparrows and Tree Swallows differ in their sensitivity to weather4
Avian taxonomy in turmoil: The 7-point rule is poorly reproducible and may overlook substantial cryptic diversity4
Mass gain and stopover dynamics among migrating songbirds are linked to seasonal, environmental, and life-history effects4
Egg spottiness reflects female condition, physiological stress, and ornament expression in a common rallid species4
Low levels of hybridization between domestic and wild Mallards wintering in the lower Mississippi Flyway4
Faster growth and larger size at crèche onset are associated with higher offspring survival in Adélie Penguins4
The Big Boom Theory: The Common Nighthawk wing-boom display delineates exclusive nesting territories4
Plasma metabolite indices are robust to extrinsic variation and useful indicators of foraging habitat quality in Lesser Scaup4
Haemosporidian parasite diversity and prevalence in the songbird genusJuncoacross Central and North America3
Phylogenomic analyses reveal non-monophyly of the antbird generaHerpsilochmusandSakesphorus(Thamnophilidae), with description of a new genus forHerpsilochmus sellowi3
Interannual consistency of migration phenology is season- and breeding region-specific in North American Golden Eagles3
Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) use color patterning, but not the colors themselves, as a cue to eject interspecific parasitic eggs3
Filoplume morphology covaries with their companion primary suggesting that they are feather-specific sensors3
Taming the temperature: Sagebrush songbirds modulate microclimate via nest-site selection3
Sixty-third supplement to the American Ornithological Society’sCheck-list of North American Birds3
Context-specific behavior serves as a mechanism of interspecific cohesion in mixed-species flocks3
Extensions and limitations of MacArthur (1958): A review of ecological and evolutionary approaches to competition and diet in the New World wood warblers (Parulidae)3
Winds aloft over three water bodies influence spring stopover distributions of migrating birds along the Gulf of Mexico coast3
Pacific Barrow’s Goldeneye refine migratory phenology in response to overwintering temperatures and annual snowmelt3
Resource allocation underlies parental decision-making during incubation in the Manx Shearwater3
Phylogenomic analysis confirms the relationships among toucans, toucan-barbets, and New World barbets but reveals paraphyly ofSelenideratoucanets and evidence for mitonuclear discordance3
Lineage diversity in a widely distributed New World passerine bird, the House Wren3
Body size is associated with yearling breeding and extra-pair mating in the Island Scrub-Jay3
A neuroendocrine perspective on the origin and evolution of cooperative breeding3
Life-history implications of migratory Lesser Sandhill Cranes replacing adjacent blocks of primaries synchronously2
Studying individual-level interactions can transform our understanding of avian mixed-species flocks2
Extraordinary sperm to egg ratios in seabirds2
Hatching failure is greater in altricial bird species with cavity nests and large clutches2
Experimentally reduced feather microbial loads improve reproductive performance in captive Zebra Finches2
High within-clutch repeatability of eggshell phenotype in Barn Swallows despite less maculated last-laid eggs2
Sexual dichromatism may not be a good index of sexual or natural selection in the blue cardinalids (Aves: Passeriformes)2
Cultural conformity and persistence in Dickcissel song are higher in locations in which males show high site fidelity2
Pro-inflammatory immune response is linked to wintering habitat in a migratory shorebird2
Ecological release and insular shifts in avian morphological traits in the Caribbean2
Evidence of differing staging strategies between adult and juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers highlights the importance of small staging sites in Atlantic Canada2
Genomic variation in the Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens) suggests divergence in a disjunct Atlantic Coastal Plain population (S. v. waynei)2
Vulnerable Neotropical migratory songbird demonstrates flexibility in space use in response to rainfall change2
Estimating egg mass–body mass relationships in birds2
Modeling phenological reaction norms over an elevational gradient reveals contrasting strategies of Dusky Flycatchers and Mountain Chickadees in response to early-season temperatures2
Threshold models improve estimates of molt parameters in datasets with small sample sizes2
A desert songbird with no confamilials in the Western Hemisphere (Verdin,Auriparus flaviceps) investigates divergent conspecific songs2
Does habitat partitioning by sympatric plovers affect nest survival?2
Asymmetric song recognition does not influence gene flow in an emergent songbird hybrid zone2
Corrigendum to: Phylogeny based on ultra-conserved elements clarifies the evolution of rails and allies (Ralloidea) and is the basis for a revised classification2
The evolution of enclosed nesting in passerines is shaped by competition, energetic costs, and predation threat2
Beaver activity and red squirrel presence predict bird assemblages in boreal Canada2
Extensive variation in feather ornaments of Whiskered Auklets in the Aleutian Islands reflects age, sex, condition, and geography1
Genomic and acoustic differences separate Lilian’s Meadowlark (Sturnella magna lilianae) from Eastern (S. magna) and Western (S. neglecta) meadowlarks1
Neighbors matter: Vocal variation in Gentoo Penguins depends on the species composition of their colony1
Visual predators and diurnal nest predation provide support for the Skutch Hypothesis and explain evolved incubation behaviors in a montane tropical bird community1
100 Years Ago in the American Ornithologists’ Union1
Lesser Woodcreepers excavate nest cavities in trees1
Experimental warming of embryos accelerates metabolism of postnatal songbirds, influences growth, but has no effects on parental feeding and brooding rates1
Reproductive roles as likely drivers of sexual dimorphism in New Zealand’s endangered mountain parrot, the Kea1
Extended molt phenology models improve inferences about molt duration and timing1
No evidence that endohelminth parasites cause selection against hybrid orioles across the Baltimore–Bullock’s Oriole hybrid zone1
Community-sourced sightings of atypical birds can be used to understand the evolution of plumage color and pattern1
Sociality and morphology differentiate niches of 13 sympatric Amazonian woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae)1
Distinctive mitogenomic lineages within populations of White-tailed Eagles1
Professional ethics survey identifies strengths and areas for improvement in the American Ornithological Society1
Plumage coloration differs between offspring raised in natural cavities and nestboxes1
The biotic and abiotic drivers of timing of breeding and the consequences of breeding early in a changing world1
Banding data show hummingbirds have high rates of hybridization1
Ultraconserved elements support the elevation of a new avian family, Eurocephalidae, the white-crowned shrikes1
Telomere length links with physiological phenotype and breeding patterns in a long-lived seabird1
Diversification and dispersal in the Americas revealed by new phylogenies of the wrens and allies (Passeriformes: Certhioidea)1
Thank You to the Reviewers of the 2021 Ornithology, Volume 1381
Unmasking hidden genetic, vocal, and size variation in the Masked Flowerpiercer along the Andes supports two species separated by Northern Peruvian Low1
DNA metabarcoding reveals rangewide variation in aquatic diet of a riparian avian insectivore, the Prothonotary Warbler1
Singing on the nest is a widespread behavior in incubating Northern Mockingbirds and increases probability of nest predation1
Considerations for fitting occupancy models to data from eBird and similar volunteer-collected data1
Wildfires and mass effects of dispersal disrupt the local uniformity of type I songs of Hermit Warblers in California1
Female and male plumage brightness is positively correlated among populations of the dichromatic Variable Seedeater1
Elevational differences in migration phenology of Lazuli Buntings do not support selection-based hypotheses for protandry1
The high-energy aerial insectivore lifestyle of swallows does not produce clear thermogenic side effects1
Punctuated evolution of bill morphology in the largest family of songbirds (Thraupidae)1
Winter range shifts and their associations with species traits are heterogeneous in eastern North American birds1
Sulfur isotopic discrimination factors differ among avian tissues and diets: Insights from a case study in Gentoo Penguins1
Manipulating parental condition affects brood sex ratio, immunocompetence, and early chick mortality in two gull species differing in sexual size dimorphism1
No apparent trade-off between the quality of nest-grown feathers and time spent in the nest in an aerial insectivore, the Tree Swallow1
Long-term, not short-term, temperatures predict timing of egg laying in European Starling1
Birds that breed exclusively on islands have smaller clutches1
Sex, body size, and winter weather explain migration strategies in a partial migrant population of American Kestrels1
Painting the Bunting: Carotenoids and structural elements combine to produce the feather coloration of the male Painted Bunting1
Causes and consequences of nest-site fidelity in a tropical lekking bird: Win-stay-lose-shift tactics are unrelated to subsequent success, but site-faithful females nest earlier1
Habitat connectivity, gene flow, and population genetic structure in a Neotropical understory insectivore, the Rufous-and-white Wren1
Gradual transitions in genetics and songs between coastal and inland populations of Setophaga townsendi1
The adaptive significance of off-lek sociality in birds: A synthetic review, with evidence for the reproductive benefits hypothesis in Long-wattled Umbrellabirds1
Barn Swallows in East Asia show strong tolerance against nest mites1
Long-term winter food supplementation shows no significant impact on reproductive performance in Mountain Chickadees in the Sierra Nevada Mountains1
Anthelmintic drugs modulate the acute phase immune response but not the microbiota in wild Song Sparrows1
Satellite tracking of American Woodcock reveals a gradient of migration strategies1