Developmental Psychology

(The TQCC of Developmental Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Sexual identity development milestones in three generations of sexual minority people: A national probability sample.85
The development of loneliness through adolescence and young adulthood: Its nature, correlates, and midlife outcomes.83
Family resilience and psychological distress in the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study.67
Social media use and friendship closeness in adolescents’ daily lives: An experience sampling study.62
Changes in family chaos and family relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a longitudinal study.56
Individuals’ math and science motivation and their subsequent STEM choices and achievement in high school and college: A longitudinal study of gender and college generation status differences.52
Effects of spatial training on mathematics performance: A meta-analysis.50
Development of parent-adolescent relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of stress and coping.48
Parenting adolescents in times of a pandemic: Changes in relationship quality, autonomy support, and parental control?46
Reciprocal effects of reading and mathematics? Beyond the cross-lagged panel model.44
Effects of a statewide pre-kindergarten program on children’s achievement and behavior through sixth grade.43
Understanding the parent-child coregulation patterns shaping child self-regulation.38
Parents’ distress and poor parenting during a COVID-19 lockdown: The buffering effects of partner support and cooperative coparenting.38
Familiar songs reduce infant distress.37
Connections during crisis: Adolescents’ social dynamics and mental health during COVID-19.36
COVID-19 disruption gets inside the family: A two-month multilevel study of family stress during the pandemic.36
Children’s evaluations of individually and structurally based inequalities: The role of status.35
Illuminating ethnic-racial socialization among undocumented Latinx parents and its implications for adolescent psychosocial functioning.34
Robot teachers for children? Young children trust robots depending on their perceived accuracy and agency.34
Pathological video game symptoms from adolescence to emerging adulthood: A 6-year longitudinal study of trajectories, predictors, and outcomes.34
Chinese mothers’ parental burnout and adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems: The mediating role of maternal hostility.33
Measurement models for studying child executive functioning: Questioning the status quo.33
More than just a game: Transforming social interaction and STEM play with Parkopolis.32
Introduction to the special issue: Parenting and family dynamics in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.31
Parent–adolescent relationship quality as a moderator of links between COVID-19 disruption and reported changes in mothers’ and young adults’ adjustment in five countries.30
A four-wave, cross-lagged model of problematic internet use and mental health among Chinese college students: Disaggregation of within-person and between-person effects.30
Taking the ups and downs at the rollercoaster of love: Associations between major life events in the domain of romantic relationships and the Big Five personality traits.30
Beyond language: Impacts of shared reading on parenting stress and early parent–child relational health.29
Rhythm and syntax processing in school-age children.29
Trajectories of pure and co-occurring internalizing and externalizing problems from early childhood to adolescence: Associations with early childhood individual and contextual antecedents.27
Civic development across the transition to adulthood in a national U.S. sample: Variations by race/ethnicity, parent education, and gender.27
Is a procedural learning deficit a causal risk factor for developmental language disorder or dyslexia? A meta-analytic review.26
“[I]t’s hard because it’s the cops that are killing us for stupid stuff”: Racial identity in the sociopolitical context of Black Lives Matter.26
Discrimination and ethnic identity: Establishing directionality among Latino/a youth.26
The role of emotional valence in learning novel abstract concepts.26
Supporting the old but neglecting the young? The two faces of ageism.25
Distance learning, parent–child interactions, and affective well-being of parents and children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A daily diary study.25
Subjective social status and health during high school and young adulthood.24
The experience of ostracism over the adult life span.23
Familism in action in an emerging immigrant community: An examination of indirect effects in early adolescence.23
Preschool executive function and adult outcomes: A developmental cascade model.23
Race-related stress, racial identity, and activism among young Black men: A person-centered approach.23
Implications of COVID-19 school closures for sibling dynamics among U.S. Latinx children: A prospective, daily diary study.22
Shocks to the system: The influence of COVID-19–related stressors on coparental and family functioning.22
Persistence and convergence: The end of kindergarten outcomes of pre-K graduates and their nonattending peers.22
Highly sensitive adolescent benefits in positive school transitions: Evidence for vantage sensitivity in Japanese high-schoolers.21
Development of youth advocacy and sociopolitical efficacy as dimensions of critical consciousness within gender-sexuality alliances.21
Rhythm as an independent determinant of developmental dyslexia.21
The bright and the dark side of peer relationships: Differential effects of relatedness satisfaction and frustration at school on affective well-being in children’s daily lives.20
Children show selectively increased language imitation after experiencing ostracism.20
Identifying the role of parent–child conflict and intimacy in Chinese adolescents’ psychological distress during school reopening in COVID-19 pandemic.19
Childhood gender nonconformity and the stability of self-reported sexual orientation from adolescence to young adulthood in a birth cohort.19
Show, give, and point gestures across infancy differentially predict language development.19
Analytical challenges of testing hypotheses of agreement and discrepancy: Comment on Campione-Barr, Lindell, and Giron (2020).19
Three-year-olds’ spatial language comprehension and links with mathematics and spatial performance.18
Bilingualism is associated with less racial bias in preschool children.18
The unity and diversity of executive functions: A network approach to life span development.18
Examining intergenerational transmission of psychopathology: Associations between parental and adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms across adolescence.18
Racial discrimination trajectories predicting psychological well-being: From emerging adulthood to adulthood.18
The trajectory of counterfactual simulation in development.18
Mothers’ and fathers’ quantitative and qualitative parenting in relation to children’s emotional adjustment: A between- and within-family investigation.17
Family risk and resilience in the context of cascading COVID-19 challenges: Commentary on the special issue.17
Parents’ causal talk: Links to children’s causal stance and emerging scientific literacy.17
Developmental differences in the malleability of implicit racial bias following exposure to counterstereotypical exemplars.17
What is text reading fluency and is it a predictor or an outcome of reading comprehension? A longitudinal investigation.17
Early exploration of one’s own body, exploration of objects, and motor, language, and cognitive development relate dynamically across the first two years of life.17
The policing paradox: Police stops predict youth’s school disengagement via elevated psychological distress.16
Physical punishment as a predictor of early cognitive development: Evidence from econometric approaches.16
Cascades in action: How the transition to walking shapes caregiver communication during everyday interactions.16
Mothers talk about infants’ actions: How verbs correspond to infants’ real-time behavior.16
A conceptual review of identity integration across adulthood.16
Adult processing of child emotional expressions: A meta-analysis of ERP studies.16
Age and ability differentiation in children: A review and empirical investigation.16
Kindergarteners’ symbolic number abilities predict nonsymbolic number abilities and math achievement in grade 1.15
Development of academic vocabulary across primary school age: Differential growth and influential factors for German monolinguals and language minority learners.15
Parasympathetic activity, emotion socialization, and internalizing and externalizing problems in children: Longitudinal associations between and within families.15
Choosing immediate over delayed gratification correlates with better school-related outcomes in a sample of children of color from low-income families.15
Prosocial skills causally mediate the relation between effective classroom management and academic competence: An application of direction dependence analysis.15
Dynamic associations among socioeconomic status (SES), parenting investments, and conscientiousness across time and generations.15
Iron deficiency in infancy and neurocognitive and educational outcomes in young adulthood.15
Adolescent Big Five personality and pubertal development: Pubertal hormone concentrations and self-reported pubertal status.15
Grateful and kind: The prosocial function of gratitude in young children’s relationships.15
The development of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood: Associations with earlier maternal and paternal parenting.15
Ingroup bias does not influence inequity aversion in children.15
Examining changes in African American mothers’ racial socialization patterns during adolescence: Racial discrimination as a predictor.15
Longitudinal change in daily stress across 20 years of adulthood: Results from the national study of daily experiences.14
Improvements in motor competence skills are associated with improvements in executive function and math problem-solving skills in early childhood.14
The development of metacognitive accuracy in working memory across childhood.14
Children’s outgroup giving in settings of intergroup conflict: The developmental role of ingroup symbol preference.14
Identity disruption and its association with mental health among veterans with reintegration difficulty.14
Changes in disclosure stress and depression symptoms in a sample of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth.14
Do complement clauses really support false-belief reasoning? A longitudinal study with English-speaking 2- to 3-year-olds.13
Examining three hypotheses for pre-kindergarten fade-out.13
The role of whānau (New Zealand Māori families) for Māori children’s early learning.13
The dynamics of interference control across childhood and adolescence: Distribution analyses in three conflict tasks and ten age groups.13
Giving priority to race or wealth in peer group contexts involving social inclusion.13
Implicit and explicit self-construals in Chinese-heritage and Italian nonimmigrant early adolescents: Associations with self-esteem and prosocial behavior.13
Developmental psychology and the scientific status of parental alienation.13
Does gender-bending help or hinder friending? The roles of gender and gender similarity in friendship dissolution.13
Working memory development from early childhood to adolescence using two nationally representative samples.12
The development of academic and nonacademic race stereotypes in African American adolescents.12
Age differences in emotion regulation during ongoing affective life: A naturalistic experience sampling study.12
The longitudinal association between externalizing and internalizing problems: An exploration of the dual failure model.12
Parenting, temperament, and attachment security as antecedents of political orientation: Longitudinal evidence from early childhood to age 26.12
Gender stereotypes are racialized: A cross-cultural investigation of gender stereotypes about intellectual talents.12
Developmental changes in natural scene viewing in infancy.12
Children’s early difficulty and agreeableness in adolescence: Testing a developmental model of interplay of parent and child effects.11
Personal narrative as a “breeding ground” for higher-order thinking talk in early parent–child interactions.11
Mexican-origin family members’ unique and shared family perspectives of familism values and their links with parent-youth relationship quality.11
Individual differences in the development of children’s arithmetic fluency from grades 2 to 3.11
The associations of maternal warmth and hostility with prosocial and antisocial outcomes in justice-involved adolescents.11
Detection of sensorimotor contingencies in infants before the age of 1 year: A comprehensive review.11
Children’s trust in and learning from voice assistants.11
Transactional effects between parental sensitivity and child social adjustment: Specifying trait–state aspects of parenting.11
Mind the orthography: Revisiting the contribution of prereading phonological awareness to reading acquisition.11
Latinx adolescents’ ethnic-racial discrimination and expected future barriers over time.11
Identity development in early adulthood.11
Executive functions and young children’s lie-telling and lie maintenance.11
Tuning in to kids: A randomized controlled trial of an emotion coaching parenting program for Chinese parents in Hong Kong.10
“Just as good”: Learning gender stereotypes from attempts to counteract them.10
Distributive justice in society and among peers: 8- to 14-year-olds’ views on economic stratification inform their decisions about access to opportunities.10
Children’s developing work habits from middle childhood to early adolescence: Cascading effects for academic outcomes in adolescence and adulthood.10
Triadic interaction and gestural communication: Hierarchical and child-centered interactions of rural and urban Gujarati (Indian) caregivers and 9-month-old infants.10
Age differences in decision making under known risk: The role of working memory and impulsivity.10
Contextualizing the role of intrusive parenting in toddler behavior problems and emotion regulation: Is more always worse?10
Effect of daily school and care disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic on child behavior problems.10
Adolescent development of interethnic attitudes following a social intervention to increase intergroup contact: The moderating role of affective forecasting.10
Consistency of gender identity and preferences across time: An exploration among cisgender and transgender children.10
Exploring daily mediating pathways of religious identity in the associations between maternal religious socialization and Muslim American adolescents’ civic engagement.10
Explaining cross-cultural variation in mirror self-recognition: New insights into the ontogeny of objective self-awareness.10
12- to 14-month-olds expect unconstrained agents to act efficiently: Event-related potential (ERP) evidence from the head-touch paradigm.10
Early adolescents’ stereotypes about teens in Hong Kong and Chongqing: Reciprocal pathways with problem behavior.10
Factors associated with behavioral adjustment among school-age children of gay and heterosexual single fathers through surrogacy.10
Parents’ responses to their children’s performance: A process examination in the United States and China.10
Trajectories in sense of identity and relationship with life satisfaction during adolescence and young adulthood.10
Joint attention partially mediates the longitudinal relation between attuned caregiving and executive functions for low-income children.10
Socioeconomic origin, future expectations, and educational achievement: A longitudinal three-generation study of the persistence of family advantage.10
Approach-avoidance conflict and shyness: A developmental investigation.10
The curvilinear effect of mothers’ parenting stress and attunement on children’s internalizing symptoms: A six wave study of mother–youth dyads across the transition to adolescence.10
Patterns of early adult work and postsecondary participation among individuals with high-incidence disabilities: A longitudinal person-centered analysis.9
It takes two: Infants’ moderate negative reactivity and maternal sensitivity predict self-regulation in the preschool years.9
Randomized trial of promoting first relationships for new mothers who received community mental health services in pregnancy.9
Understanding how and why effortful control moderates children’s vulnerability to interparental conflict.9
Executive functions and science achievement during the five-to-seven-year shift.9
With a little help from my empathic friends: The role of peers in the development of empathy in adolescence.9
Examining a developmental pathway from early behavioral inhibition to emotion regulation and social anxiety: The moderating role of parenting.9
Culturally shared and unique meanings and expressions of maternal control across four cultures.9
Musical instrument engagement in adolescence predicts verbal ability 4 years later: A twin and adoption study.9
Autonomy- and connectedness-oriented behaviors of toddlers and mothers at different historical times in urban China.9
Does Taekwondo improve children’s self-regulation? If so, how? A randomized field experiment.9
Cracking the code of place value: The relationship between place and value takes years to master.9
Keep the cat in the bag: Children understand that telling a friend’s secret can harm the friendship.9
The role of negative emotionality in the development of child executive function and language abilities from toddlerhood to first grade: An adoption study.9
Forms of peer victimization in adolescence: Covariation with symptoms of depression.9
Motivational profiles across domains and academic choices within Eccles et al.’s situated expectancy–value theoretical framework.8
Reciprocal relation between executive function and receptive vocabulary in Chinese preschoolers: Evidence from a two-year longitudinal study.8
Pathways linking childhood trauma to rural, unmarried, African American father involvement through oxytocin receptor gene methylation.8
Giving a larger amount or a larger proportion: Stimulus format impacts children’s social evaluations.8
Distinctions between moral and conventional judgments from early to middle childhood: A meta-analysis of social domain theory research.8
Developmental changes in infants’ and children’s attention to faces and salient regions vary across and within video stimuli.8
Children’s dove temperament as a differential susceptibility factor in child rearing contexts.8
Maternal emotional distress and infant sleep: A longitudinal study from pregnancy through 18 months.8
A meta-analysis of child–parent attachment in early childhood and prosociality.8
Developmental change in the nature of attention allocation in a dual task.8
Positive impacts of a strengths-based family program on Latino kindergarteners’ narrative language abilities.8
Development of updating in working memory in 4–7-year-old children.8
Social wariness, preference for solitude, and peer difficulties in middle childhood: A longitudinal family-informed study.8
Happily (n)ever after? Codevelopment of romantic partners in continuing and dissolving unions.8
Who knows what? Preschoolers appreciate the link between ownership and knowledge.8
The development of infants’ responses to mispronunciations: A meta-analysis.8
Census tract ambient ozone predicts trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescents.8
Development in context: What we need to know to assess children’s attachment relationships.8
Childhood abuse and neglect and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology through midlife.8
Recitation and listening to nursery rhymes in the familiarization with a literacy language in kindergarteners: Not kids’ stuff.8
Executive function mediates the association between cumulative risk and learning in Ghanaian schoolchildren.8
The cost and benefit of fear induction parenting on children’s health during the COVID-19 outbreak.7
Towards a detailed understanding of preschool children’s memory-related functioning and emotion regulation: The role of parents’ observed reminiscence style, memory valence, and parental gender.7
Does kindergarten instruction matter for sustaining the prekindergarten (PreK) boost? Evidence from individual- and classroom-level survey and observational data.7
Canadian children’s concepts of national groups: A comparison with children from the United States.7
Beyond early years versus adolescence: The interactive effect of adversity in both periods on life-course development.7
The swerve: How childhood bilingualism changed from liability to benefit.7
Sleepless: The developmental significance of sleep quality and quantity among adolescents.7
The contribution of serial order short-term memory and long-term learning to reading acquisition: A longitudinal study.7
Family meals buffer the daily emotional risk associated with family conflict.7
Developmental profiles of reading fluency and reading comprehension from grades 1 to 9 and their early identification.7
The long-term benefits of adolescent school engagement for adult educational and employment outcomes.7
Delinquency abstainers in adolescence and educational and labor market outcomes in midlife: A population-based 25-year longitudinal study.7
Early child care experiences and attachment representations at age 18 years: Evidence from the NICHD study of Early Child Care and Youth Development.7
Beyond perceptual narrowing: Monolingual and bilingual infants discriminate Hindi contrasts when learning words in the second year of life.7
A prospective examination of neighborhood social and cultural cohesion and parenting processes on ethnic-racial identity among U.S. Mexican adolescents.7
Intersensory matching of faces and voices in infancy predicts language outcomes in young children.7
Explaining the relation between early mind-mindedness and children’s mentalizing abilities: The development of an observational preschool assessment.7
Applying stress and coping models to ethnic/racial identity, discrimination, and adjustment among diverse adolescents.7
Shared education as a contact-based intervention to improve intergroup relations among adolescents in postconflict Northern Ireland.7
Reading real words versus pseudowords: A meta-analysis of research in developmental dyslexia.7
A network approach to understanding parenting: Linking coparenting, parenting styles, and parental involvement in rearing adolescents in different age groups.7
Children’s attentional biases to emotions as sources of variability in their vulnerability to interparental conflict.7
Bilingual language broker profiles and academic competence in Mexican-origin adolescents.7
Young children rely on gossip when jointly reasoning about whom to believe.7
Young children value recipients who display gratitude.7
Third-party punishment promotes fairness in children.7
Do child–father and child–mother preschool insecure attachment types predict the development of externalizing behaviors in boys and girls during middle childhood?7
Young children infer psychological ownership from stewardship.7
When do mothers’ executive functions contribute to their representations of their child’s mind? A contextual view on parental reflective functioning and mind-mindedness.7
“It’s my own business!”: Parental control over personal issues in the context of everyday adolescent–parent conflicts and internalizing disorders among urban Chinese adolescents.7
Genetic and environmental contributions to co-occurring ADHD and emotional problems in school-aged children.7
Training young children in strategic deception promotes epistemic vigilance.7
A longitudinal study of families formed through third-party assisted reproduction: Mother–child relationships and child adjustment from infancy to adulthood.6
Conformity decreases throughout middle childhood among ni-Vanuatu children: An intracultural comparison.6
Observing others’ joint attention increases 9-month-old infants’ object encoding.6
Longitudinal and daily associations between adolescent self-control and digital technology use.6
Skill–experience transactions across development: Bidirectional relations between child core language and the child’s home learning environment.6
Young children do not perceive distributional fairness as a moral norm.6
Temporal stability and effect dynamics between executive functions, perceived chronic stress, and hair cortisol concentrations.6
“It bites!”: The transmission of negative information about snakes and spiders through a naturalistic picture book interaction.6
The trajectory of marital satisfaction among Chinese newlyweds: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and stress predictors.6
The role of school friendship stability, instability, and network size in early adolescents’ social adjustment.6
Promoting honesty through overheard conversations.6
How does inhibitory control predict emotion regulation in preschool? The role of individual children’s interactions with teachers and peers.6
Social comparison effects on academic self-concepts—Which peers matter most?6
The effect of the NoTrap! Antibullying program on ethnic victimization: When the peer educators’ immigrant status matters.6
Mexican-origin youth’s ethnic-racial identity development: The role of siblings.6
Spatial skills, but not spatial anxiety, mediate the gender difference in number line estimation.6
Family context in association with the development of child sensory processing sensitivity.6
Physical fitness and age-related differences in cognition and cortical thickness in young adulthood.6
A longitudinal investigation of the happy victimizer tendency in childhood: A matter of control or care?6
Effects of rhythmic turn-taking coordination on five-year-old children’s prosocial behaviors.6
Mechanisms of parent–child transmission of tobacco and alcohol use with polygenic risk scores: Evidence for a genetic nurture effect.6
Developmental differences in bystander behavior toward intergroup and intragroup exclusion.6
Interparental conflict as a curvilinear risk factor of youth emotional and cortisol reactivity.6
Same-race friendship preference across the middle school years: The role of school racial/ethnic context.6
What’s in a distraction? The effect of parental cell phone use on parents’ and children’s question-asking.6
Adolescents sample more information prior to decisions than adults when effort costs increase.6
Children intend to teach conventional but not moral norms selectively to ingroup members.6
Why do children and adults think other people punish?5
Effects of incidental reminders on prospective memory in children.5
Parsing alcohol-dependent mothers’ insensitivity to child distress: Longitudinal links with children’s affective and anxiety problems.5
Early grammatical marking development in Mandarin-speaking toddlers.5
Longitudinal relations between skin tone and self-esteem in African American girls.5
Momentary links between adolescents’ social media use and social experiences and motivations: Individual differences by peer susceptibility.5
Adolescents view social exclusion based on social class as more wrong than do children.5
How weird is the development of children’s gratitude in the United States? Cross-cultural comparisons.5
The stability of early developing attentional bias for faces and fear from 8 to 30 and 60 months in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.5
A pupillometry study of multisensory social and linguistic processing in autism and typical development.5
Family contextual influences on bicultural competence development among U.S. Mexican-origin youths.5
The longitudinal influence of parenting and parents’ traces on narrative identity in young adulthood.5
Stereotype threat effects on Italian girls’ mathematics performance: A failure to replicate.5
Preschoolers’ number knowledge relates to spontaneous focusing on number for small, but not large, sets.5
An in-laboratory stressor reveals unique genetic variation in child cortisol output.5
Striking a new path to study the adaptation processes of immigrant adolescents: Changes in language use and family interactions.5