Film Quarterly

(The median citation count of Film Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Both Authors and Authored16
“Netflix and Heal”16
Shooting 2011–2115
On the Necessity of Bad Trans Objects9
An Introduction9
From Binge-Watching to Binge-Scrolling4
Desire Lines3
Poetics of Refraction2
Review: Life-Destroying Diagrams, by Eugenie Brinkema2
Thinking about The Underground Railroad2
Women Auteurs, Western Promises2
From Spectatorship to “Survivorship” in Five Critical Propositions2
Trump’s Ironic Effect on Political Satire1
The Radio of Cinema1
Review: How Do We Look? Resisting Visual Biopolitics, by Fatimah Tobing Rony1
Pixels, Police, and Batons1
The Transformers1
Disability Cinema’s Next Wave1
The Streaming Souls of White Folk1
Are You Being Sirred? Work in Progress, Nanette, Douglas, and the New Butch Middlebrow1
Review: The Lure of the Image: Epistemic Fantasies of the Moving Camera, by Daniel Morgan1
Global Black Cinema’s Personalized Archive1
Everything Everywhere All at Once and the Intimate Public of Asian American Cinema1
The Train Is Always Leaving1
The Inclusions and Occlusions of Expanded Refugee Narratives1
Knife to the Heart1
Baby Mine1
TV Snapshots0
Review: Art Cinema and India’s Forgotten Futures: Film and History in the Postcolony, by Rochona Majumdar0
Tearing, Stitching, Quilting0
Cinematic TV0
The Other Replacement Theory0
The Radical Power of Gentle Cinema0
Review: Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression, by Tina Post0
Review: Mary Ellen Bute: Pioneer Animator, by Kit Smyth Basquin0
Review: Twentieth Century Fox, by Frederick Wasser0
Revisiting the Decade0
Review: The New Female Antihero: The Disruptive Women of Twenty-First-Century US Television, by Sarah Hagelin and Gillian Silverman0
Review: Atmospheres of Projection: Environmentality in Art and Screen Media, by Giuliana Bruno0
Review: Videographic Cinema: An Archaeology of Electronic Images and Imaginaries, by Jonathan Rozenkrantz0
Review: Bombay Hustle: Making Movies in a Colonial City, by Debashree Mukherjee and Dancing Women: Choreographing Corporeal Histories of Hindi Cinema, by Usha Iyer0
Review: Alluring Monsters: The Pontianak and Cinemas of Decolonization, by Rosalind Galt0
Review: The Channeled Image: Art and Media Politics after Television, by Erica Levin0
A Woman’s Korea0
The Busan International Film Festival0
Don’t Look Down0
Queer Cinema’s Practicing Muslims and Practicing Homosexuals0
Review: Media Hot and Cold, by Nicole Starosielski0
Pressure Drop0
Review: The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet, by Avery Dame-Griff0
Review: Caribes 2.0: New Media, Globalization, and the Afterlives of Disaster, by Jossianna Arroyo0
Cinematic Guerrillas0
Review: Ideal Beauty: The Life and Times of Greta Garbo, by Lois W. Banner0
Review: Making Worlds: Affect and Collectivity in Contemporary European Cinema, by Claudia Breger0
Helena Ignez, an Incendiary Monster of Brazilian Cinema0
Political Camerawork0
Travel Beyond Streaming0
Looking for Laura & Meaning in Laura Citarella’s Trenque Lauquen0
Ghosts of Cho0
Vision Portraits0
Cannes at Seventy-Five0
A Profound Edge0
Cinema’s Cosmic Shifts0
The Brand of Peele0
Review: Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art, by Nicole Erin Morse0
Transatlantic Crossings0
Review: Relaying Cinema in Midcentury Iran: Material Cultures in Transit, by Kaveh Askari0
Conscience and Controversy0
Review: Documentary’s Expanded Fields: New Media and the Twenty-First-Century Documentary, by Jihoon Kim0
This Is a True Story about a True Story0
Review: Cruisy, Sleepy, Melancholy: Sexual Disorientation in the Films of Tsai Ming-liang, by Nicholas de Villiers0
Telluride Film Festival0
Review: Branding Brazil: Transforming Citizenship on Screen, by Leslie L. Marsh0
An Urgent Legacy0
Stuttering Cinema, Stuttering Democracy, Stuttering Globalism0
Remembering Lesbians0
Sundance on Your Couch0
Review: The Cinema of Sara Gómez: Reframing Revolution, edited by Susan Lord and María Caridad Cumaná with Víctor Fowler Calzada0
On Virtuality and the Diasporic Imagination0
Review: How Documentaries Went Mainstream: A History, 1960–2022, by Nora Stone0
How Long, Not Long0
Sentimental Solidarities0
Review: Hollywood Sports Movies and the American Dream, by Grant Wiedenfeld0
Identity Remakes in and out of Time0
Specters of Brexit in Recent British Horror0
Millennial Messiahs, Female Fixers, and Corporate Boards0
Review: A Theory of Assembly: From Museums to Memes, by Kyle Parry0
Editor’s Introduction0
Toward a Nonfiction Cinema of Audience Accountability0
Review: Everyday Movies: Portable Film Projectors and the Transformation of American Culture, by Haidee Watson0
Almodóvar Looks Back, translated by Carla Marcantonio0
Dead Ringers and the Horror of Childbirth on the Small Screen0
Review: Cinema Off Screen: Moviegoing in Socialist China, by Chenshu Zhou0
Between Sound and Image0
Sundance 20220
The Histories We Tell0
Review: The Counterfeit Coin: Videogames and Fantasies of Empowerment, by Christopher Goetz0
Empowerment by Design0
Review: Sirens of Modernity: World Cinema via Bombay, by Samhita Sunya0
Shakespeare, Casablanca, and Screen Responsibility0
Telluride and After0
Review: Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image, edited by Erika Balsom and Hila Peleg0
Low Country Lamentations0
On Listening, Talking, and Silence0
Inflection Points0
Film Festivals in Winter0
Review: Whitewashing the Movies: Asian Erasure and White Subjectivity in U.S. Film Culture, by David C. Oh0
Pascale Ferran0
Greta Gerwig’s Girlhood Trilogy0
Review: Women’s Voices in Digital Media: The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes, by Jennifer O’Meara0
Antipodal Connections0
Review: Struggles for Recognition: Melodrama and Visibility in Latin American Silent Film, by Juan Sebastián Ospina León0
The Wiles of Spring0
Colombia Enchanted in Memoria and Encanto0
An Introduction0
Review: Queering the Migrant in Contemporary European Cinema, edited by James S. Williams0
Ambivalent Masculinities in Contemporary Film and TV0
Pema Tseden (1969–2023)0
The Status of the Close-Up in the Age of the Selfie0
Review: The Japanese Cinema Book, edited by Hideaki Fujiki and Alastair Phillips; Routledge Handbook of Japanese Cinema, edited by Joanne Bernardi and Shota T. Ogawa; A Companion to J0
Review: Italian Neorealism: A Cultural History, by Charles L. Leavitt IV0
Review: A Decolonizing Ear: Documentary Film Disrupts the Archive, by Olivia Landry0
Cannes 20230
Review: Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long ’68, by Mauro Resmini0
Review: Cinema’s Original Sin: D. W. Griffith, American Racism, and the Rise of Film Culture, by Paul McEwan0
“Documentary Filmmaking Is an Absolute Delight”0
Be Wary of Anniversaries0
The Present and Future Dystopias of Nuevo orden and Medida provisória0
Review: Perplexing Plots: Popular Storytelling and the Poetics of Murder, by David Bordwell0
Listening to Metal0
Bellocchio’s Histories, Personal and Public0
The General Audience Talks Back0
Reclaiming Arab “Skin”0
A Night of Knowing Nothing0
Bodies that Persist0
Review: Feminista Frequencies: Community Building through Radio in the Yakima Valley, by Monica De La Torre0
Review: World Socialist Cinema: Alliances, Affinities, and Solidarities in the Global Cold War, by Masha Salazkina0
Review: Climatic Media: Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control, by Yuriko Furuhata0
Review: Digital Lethargy: Dispatches from an Age of Disconnection, by Tung-Hui Hu0
Streaming Hope, Streaming Despair, Still Streaming0
Review: Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics, by Jacob Gaboury0
Review: The White Indians of Mexican Cinema: Racial Masquerade throughout the Golden Age, by Mónica García Blizzard0
At the Edges of Sleep0
Shock Absorber0
Review: Refugees and Migrants in Contemporary Film, Art and Media, edited by Deniz Bayrakdar and Robert Burgoyne0
Arts of Healing0
Review: Digital Black Feminism, by Catherine Knight Steele0
Theater Reopenings and Vaccinated Viewings in Pandemic Year Two0
Review: Horrible White People: Gender, Genre, and Television’s Precarious Whiteness, by Taylor Nygaard and Jorie Lagerwey0
Proximities of Violence0
Review: Josephine Baker’s Cinematic Prism, by Terri Simone Francis0
Il Cinema Ritrovato 20220
Review: Ends of Cinema, edited by Richard Grusin and Jocelyn Szczepaniak-Gillece0
Realist Cinema as World Cinema0
Redemption Song0
From Diversity Hire to Diverse Critic0
Review: Adrian Brunel and British Cinema of the 1920s: The Artist versus the Money Bags, by Josephine Botting0
Michelle Porte0
Aerobics on Tape0
Review: Kill the Documentary: A Letter to Filmmakers, Students, and Scholars, by Jill Godmilow0
Edith Kramer0
Review: Chinese Film: Realism and Convention from the Silent Era to the Digital Age, by Jason McGrath0
Review: The Generic Closet: Black Gayness and the Black-Cast Sitcom, by Alfred L. Martin Jr.0
Review: Operational Images: From the Visual to the Invisual, by Jussi Parikka0
A24 and the Asian American Prestige Film0
Julia Child in Three Acts0
Things You Can Tell by Looking0
Phantasms of Dissent0
Viola’s Body0
Review: Crisis Vision: Race and the Cultural Production of Surveillance, by Torin Monahan0
New Territories0
“A Hand to Your Darkness”0
Review: Cinemas Dark and Slow in Digital India, by Lalitha Gopalan0
The One with All the Netflix0
Black Obliteration around the Corner0
Listening in Crip Time0
The Effect of the Real0
Review: Horror Film and Otherness, by Adam Lowenstein0
Yolande Zauberman0
Review: Women in the Irish Film Industry: Stories and Storytellers, edited by Susan Liddy0
Review: Specworld: Folds, Faults, and Fractures in Embedded Creator Industries, by John Thornton Caldwell0
The Films of Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen0
Review: Girl Head: Feminism and Film Materiality, by Genevieve Yue0
The Black Film Ambassador0
The Revolution Has Always Been Queer0
The Ennui of the Scroll0
Review: Post-Horror: Art, Genre and Cultural Elevation, by David Church0
Review: Molecular Capture: The Animation of Biology, by Adam Nocek0
The Natural Order of Things0
Seeing Things0
Wallmapu in Contemporary Chilean Cinema0
Twenty Queers of Madame Satã0
Review: Mean . . . Moody . . . and Magnificent!: Jane Russell and the Marketing of a Hollywood Legend, by Christina Rice0
Hollywood’s Embassies0
He Insists! From Apprentice Editor to Elder Statesman of the Black Documentary Tradition0
Beyond Memory0
The Video Revolution, according to the Museum of Modern Art0
Ruby at the Helm0
Narrative Plenitude in The Ultimatum: Queer Love0
Huesera, Clara Sola, and Medusa0
The Veiled Avengers of Pakistan’s Streaming New Wave0
Review: Sovereign Intimacy: Private Media and the Traces of Colonial Violence, by Laliv Melamed0
Review: Picturing Indians: Native Americans in Film, 1941–1960, by Liza Black0
Stepping Up, and Out0
Taylor Sheridan Is Sorry but His Characters Are Not0
An Introduction0
What If No One Is There to Care? Dementia’s Narrative Demands0
Remembering Walter Bernstein0
Uncomfortable Television0
Review: Prison Media: Incarceration and the Infrastructures of Work and Technology, by Anne Kaun and Fredrik Stiernstedt0
Review: Television’s Spatial Capital: Location, Relocation, Dislocation, by Myles McNutt0
Getting Real0
Film and the Right to Privacy0
Review: Diminished Faculties: A Political Phenomenology of Impairment, by Jonathan Sterne0
Review: Vulgar Beauty: Acting Chinese in the Global Sensorium, by Mila Zuo0
Review: Cinema of Exploration: Essays on an Adventurous Film Practice, edited by James Leo Cahill and Luca Caminati0
Felt Pleasures0
The Radical Unreal0
The Human Voice0
Changing Times0
Queer African Cinemas0
Animating History at a Cellular Level0
Tragedy Plus Time0
When Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder0
Strange Way of Life0
Geoblocking Fall 20200
Backdating the Crip Technoscience Manifesto0
Review: Tracking Loach: Politics, Practices, Production, by David Archibald0
Review: Pleading the Blood: Bill Gunn’s “Ganja & Hess,” by Christopher Sieving0
Wintering Over0
Review: American Blockbuster: Movies, Technology, and Wonder, by Charles R. Acland0
Review: The Stuff of Spectatorship: Material Cultures of Film and Television, by Caetlin Benson-Allott0
Telluride Turns Fifty in Style, New York Hits Sixty-One0
Review: Animated Film and Disability: Cripping Spectatorship, by Slava Greenberg0
Review: Latino TV: A History, by Mary Beltrán0
Wake Work0
Death by the Numbers0
Can’t No Grave Hold My Body Down0
Carceral Feminism on Repeat0
Digging Up the Future0