History of Political Economy

(The median citation count of History of Political Economy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Paternalism and the Public Household10
The Discovery of the Gini Coefficient9
Postwar Third-Way Perspectives8
Peregrinations of a Corporatist Economist7
Building a National Machine7
Neoclassical Supply and Demand, Experiments, and the Classical Theory of Price Formation7
The Dog That Did Not Bark6
The “Vanderbilt Boys” and the Modernization of Brazilian Economics6
From Depreciation to Exhaustible Resources6
A History of the Institutionalization of Feminist Economics through Its Tensions and Founders6
Between Pareto and Gini: The Origins of Personal Inequality Measurement in Italy, 1894–19396
Theory to the Rescue of Large-Scale Models: Edmond Malinvaud's View on the Search for Microfoundations6
Transatlantic Roads to Mont Pèlerin: “Old Chicago” and Freiburg in a World of Disintegrating Orders5
The Origins of the CES Production Function5
Sentiment and Prejudice4
Testing Measures: Decolonization and Economic Power in 1960s India4
The Game Is Afoot4
An “Ordo-Thinker” on the Left: Jan Tinbergen on the National and International Economic Order4
How Poverty Became a Violation of Human Rights: The Production of a New Political Subject, France and Belgium, 1964–884
Statistical Inference in Economics in the 1920s and 1930s3
Gustav Schmoller and the Institutional Context of Entrepreneurship3
Introduction: Measuring Matters3
Utility Matters3
The Temperature of the Brain3
Analytic Narratives in Political Economy3
Unlocking the Mystery of the Origins of John von Neumann’s Growth Model3
Women and Economics: New Historical Perspectives3
Sismondi’s Price Theory3
Six Decades of Economic Research at the Bank of England3
A Century of Economics and Engineering at Stanford3
Robert Solow’s Non-Walrasian Conception of Economics3
The Case against “Indirect” Statistical Inference2
Milton Friedman and the Road to Monetarism: A Review Essay2
John Stuart Mill2
Reports from China: Joan Robinson as Observer and Travel Writer, 1953–782
Milton Friedman and Exchange Rates: History and Controversies2
Money as a Store of Value2
Constructing Cost of Living Indexes2
Searching for a Tide Table for Business2
“There Is Nothing Wrong about Being Money Grubbing!” Milton Friedman’s Provocative “Capitalism and the Jews” in Context, 1972–882
Accounting for the Nation, Marginalizing the Empire: Taxable Capacity and Colonial Rule in the Early Twentieth Century2
Toward a “Prodigious Revival of French Economics”? Allais, Debreu, and the Dead Loss Controversy (1943–51)2
Social Democracy and the Problem of Equality: Economic Analysis and Political Argument in the United Kingdom2
Narrative in Economics: A New Turn on the Past2
A Historical Portrait of Female Economists' Coauthorship Networks2
Edmund Burke's Political Economy: A Historiographical Essay2
The Early Reception of the Phillips Curve in the United Kingdom: New Evidence from the Papers of the Council on Prices, Productivity, and Incomes2
Economics and Engineering2
Rescuing Henry George2
False Accounting as Formalizing Practices2
Vanity and Luck in Adam Smith's Economic Growth2
Shotgun Weddings in Control Engineering and Postwar Economics, 1940–722
The Political Economy of a Modern Missionary: E. W. Kemmerer in the Philippines1
The Place of Glasgow in The Wealth of Nations: Caught between Biography and Text, Philosophical and Commercial History1
Introduction: Roads to Economic Knowledge: The Epistemic Virtues of Travel across the History of Thought1
FramingThe Wealth of Nations1
The Theory of Transaction in Institutional Economics: A Historyby Massimiliano Vatiero1
Israel Kirzner's Use of Narratives to Illuminate the Limitations of Neoclassical Economics and the Austrian Alternative1
Towards an Economics of Natural Equals: A Documentary History of the Early Virginia School by David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart1
When Berle and Galbraith Revived Political Economy: A Study of Cross-Fertilization (1933–67)1
The Wider Context of Samuelson’s MIT Textbook—Depression-Era Discussions about the Value of Economics Education for American Engineers1
Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, and the Reconceptualization of Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Scotland1
Guy H. Orcutt’s Engineering Microsimulation to Reengineer Society1
Travelers' Tales: Their Values and Virtues1
When Measurements Matter: Poverty, Wealth, and the Politics of Inequality in the United States1
How the Phillips Curve Shaped Full Employment Policy in the 1970s: The Debates on the Humphrey-Hawkins Act1
Introducing Journalism into the History of Economics1
The Early Mathematics of Welfare1
Afterword: Inequality, a Guide for the Reflexive1
From a Reformist Professor to a “Mouthpiece” for Capital: Tsunao Miyajima in an International Context1
British Travelers to the Mines of Rio de la Plata and Chile in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis of 1825–26: Political Economy and Questions of Observation1
Henry C. Carey's Monetary Thought and American Industrialization in the Greenback Debate1
Kenneth Boulding’s Visual Imagination1
Statistical Parables1
Who’s Who and What’s What at the LSE, Then and Now?1
Families and Women in Alfred Marshall's Analysis of Well-Being and Progress1
The Drifting Influence of Hall's Random-Walk Hypothesis on Consumption Modeling1
Hidden Figures: A New History of the Permanent Income Hypothesis1
Controlling for What? Movements, Measures, and Meanings in the US Gender Wage Gap Debate1
Behavioral Consistency in Economics and Sociology: Thomas Schelling and Social Interactionists on Commitment, 1956–691
Assessing the Economic Consequences of Disarmament1
The Engineering Tools That Shaped the Rational Expectations Revolution1
Voluminous, Repetitive, and Intractable1
John Stuart Mill on China’s Stationary State1
Say's Second Visit to Britain: A Career Turning Point1
Two “Two Ostrom” Problems1
Measuring Difference? The United Nations’ Shift from Progress to Poverty1
Order beyond Equilibrium: Ludwig Lachmann's Bridging of Seemingly Irreconcilable Traditions1
Influences and Convergences in the Dissemination of Cameralist Ideas in Portugal1
The Role of Narratives in Transferring Rational Choice Models into Political Science1
Tracing Barbara Bergmann's Occupational Crowding Hypothesis: A Recent History1
Public Happiness through Manufacturing and Innovation1
Exploring the History of Statistical Inference in Economics1
A History of Feminist and Gender Economicsby Giandomenica Becchio1
The Making of Index Numbers in the Early 1920s: A Closer Look at the Fisher-Mitchell Debate1
The Development of Financial Economics in France between the Mid-1970s and the Early 1980s1
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan and the Birth of Development Economics1
Redistributing Agency1
The Economists’ Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society by Binyamin Appelbaum1
Technocratic Economics1
Measuring the Middle: Technopolitics and the Making of Brazil’s New Middle Class1
Cameralism asSonderwegof German Mercantilism?1
A Smithian Reading of Chilean Free Banking0
Setting the Stage for Disciplinary Transformations: Riker, McKenzie, and the Case of the University of Rochester0
Poverty Theory in Action: How Romesh Chunder Dutt's European Travels Affected His Poverty Theory, 1868–930
Resisting Narrative Closure: The Comparative and Historical Imagination of Evsey Domar0
Writing about Economics0
Narratives and Empirical Strategies in Zvi Griliches's Early Research0
Wolf Ladejinsky: Field Trips for a Democratic Countryside0
Signs of Happiness0
Writing about Economics0
Wesley Clair Mitchell and the “Illiberal Reformers”0
Climbing the Obelisk: The Trajectories of Five Women Economists in Colombia, ca. 1950–700
A History of Economic Science in Japan: The Internationalization of Economics in the Twentieth Century by Aiko Ikeo0
Cameralism in Practice and Prussian Industrialization Policies0
Reading the Invisible Hand: An Epistemological Consideration0
Wassily Leontief's Research Program: Science, Beliefs, Institutions0
“Marco Polo Economics” and Narrative in the NBER Soviet Growth Study0
The Friedman-Lucas Transition in Macroeconomics: A Structuralist Approach by Peter Galbács0
Essays in Keynesian Persuasion by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo0
Society on the Edge: Social Science and Public Policy in the Postwar United States0
Untangling Concepts of Objectivity in Nineteenth-Century Social Reform: Harriet Martineau and Henry Mayhew Observe Urban Poverty0
Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought: Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy0
The Scientific Journal: Authorship and the Politics of Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century by Alex Csiszar0
The Age of Fragmentation: A History of Contemporary Economic Thought by Alessandro Roncaglia0
A History of Brazilian Economic Thought: From Colonial Times through the Early 21st Century ed. by Ricardo Bielschowsky, Mauro Boianovsky, and Mauricio C. Coutinho0
Albert O. Hirschman, Europe, and the Postwar Economic Order, 1946–520
Art and Craft Economics at Chicago0
Debates in Macroeconomics from the Great Depression to the Long Recession: Cycles, Crises, and Policy Responses0
Communist Planning versus Rationality: Mathematical Economics and the Central Plan in Eastern Europe and China ed. by János Mátyás Kovács0
Hobbes and the Political Economy of Population0
Risk, Choice, and Uncertainty: Three Centuries of Economic Decision-Making by George Szpiro0
Pictorial Statistics0
Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie's Enthralling Journeys and His Critique of Ricardianism: From Inductive Political Economy to the Emergence of British Historical Economics0
The Soul of Classical Political Economy: James M. Buchanan from the Archives0
Modern Japanese Economic Thought: An Intellectual History to 1950 by Kiichiro Yagi0
Albert Ando: A Bibliography of His Writings0
Engineering the “Statistical Control of Business”0
Georg Friedrich Knapp Was Not a “Chartalist”0
Flawed Players in a Complex Game: Popular Audiovisual Explanations of Economics in the United States0
Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School: Building a New Approach to Policy and the Social Sciences0
Albert O. Hirschman: An Intellectual Biography0
From Fatherly Government to an Economic State0
Harry White and the American Creed: How a Federal Bureaucrat Created the Modern Global Economy (and Failed to Get the Credit)0
MIT and the Origins of the Modern Theory of Asset Pricing0
Cameralism in the Habsburg Monarchy and Hungary0
Bielefeld Game Theory and Indiana Institutional Analysis: Elinor Ostrom and Theories of Common-Pool Resources0
The Rise of Dutch Neo-Calvinist Political Economy, 1830–19050
Unproductive Labor in Political Economy: The History of an Idea by Cosimo Perrotta0
New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress ed. by Yafeng Shan0
The Challenge in 2000–2009 to Phillips-Curve-Based Accounts of UK Economic Policy: Comment on Cristiano0
Tinbergen in Turkey: Exporting Institutions0
Does an Empirical Economic Relation Have a Life?0
Balbach and Brunner: A Missing Stop on the Road from Warburton to Friedman-Meiselman and St. Louis0
Germán Bernácer’s Analysis of the Great Depression0
The Cultural Decline of the Chilean Model: The Aftermath of the 2019 Social Uprising0
The First Publication of Dugald Stewart’s Lectures on Political Economy0
Capitalism, Cameralism, and the Discovery of the Future, 1300s–2000s0
Defense of an Open Economy Model for Post–Civil War Spain0
Martha S. Braun: A Neglected Austrian School Economist and Her Theoretical Contribution to Economics0
Nineteenth-Century French Liberal Economists and Women's Work: The Dark Side of Industrialization0
Realities of Formalization0
The Orderly Economists: Transatlantic Reformulations of Twentieth-Century Political Economy0
Where Did John von Neumann's Mathematical Economics Come From?0
Vilfredo Pareto: An Intellectual Biography: Volume 1, From Science to Liberty (1848–1891) by Fiorenzo Mornati0
Writing about Economics0
Economists as Storytellers: Scenario Drafting at the International Monetary Fund0
The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes by Zachary D. Carter0
Happiness and Projects between London and Vienna0
Free Market: The History of an Idea by Jacob Soll0
Writing about Economics0
Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers by Cheryl Misak0
Me and Paul0
Hayek: A Life, 1899–1950 by Bruce Caldwell and Hansjoerg Klausinger0
Rethinking Thomas Paine and the Origins of the Basic Income Proposal0
A History of Italian Economic Thought by Riccardo Faucci0
Creating Space: Capitalism, Mining, and the Evolution of Central European Economic Thought0
The Marketizers: Public Choice and the Origins of the Neoliberal Order by Jacob Jensen0
Keynes on Uncertainty and Tragic Happiness: Complexity and Expectations0
The Winding Road to the Welfare State: Economic Insecurity and Social Welfare Policy in Britain by George R. Boyer0
Social Science under Watch0
Cournot on the Communication of Markets: The Principle of Compensation of Demands and the Effects of International Trade on Social Income0
Revisiting Cantillon's Admirable Theory of Distribution and Value: A Misinterpretation Corrected0
The Anthem Companion to David Ricardo ed. by J. E. King0
Adam Smith's America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism0
Women's Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought0
Henry Hazlitt Unbound: Pamphlets, Markets, and Economic Education after World War II0
Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith, Malthus and Their Followers by Paul Oslington0
The Chile Project: The Story of the Chicago Boys and the Downfall of Neoliberalism by Sebastian Edwards0
Pluralistic Economics and Its History ed. by Ajit Sinha and Alex M. Thomas0
The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought ed. by Kirsten Madden and Robert W. Dimand0
The Marquis de Mirabeau and Cantillon's Essai sur la nature du commerce en général0
German Ordoliberalism and Value Freedom: The Case of Walter Eucken0
The Frame for the Not-Yet Existent: How American, European, and Soviet Scholars Jointly Shaped Modern Mathematical Economics0
The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War by Louis Menand0
Hotelling and Wilson on Statistical Inference: Local Attitudes and Universal Dreams0
Irving Fisher by Robert W. Dimand0
Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations: The Discovery of Capitalism and Its Limits0
A “Wonderful Program of Economic Pedagogy” in France0
All Production Is Reproduction0
Freedom and Capitalism in Early Modern Europe: Mercantilism and the Making of the Modern Economic Mind0
Divine Providence in Early Modern Economic Thought0
The Physiocratic Analysis of Money: A Reappraisal0
Smith Scholarship in History of Political Economy0
History Repeats0
The Queen of the Social Sciences: The Reproduction of a [White] “Man's Field0
Tax Erosion in Seventeenth-Century Naples: Tommaso Campanella on Causes and Remedies0
Emigration with a Pulled Handbrake: Friedrich A. Lutz's Internal Methodenstreit0
Making It Count: Statistics and Statecraft in the Early People's Republic of China0
Janet Yellen, Pioneer and Policymaker0
Teaching the History of Economic Thought: Integrating Historical Perspectives into Modern Economics ed. by Daniela Tavasci and Luigi Ventimiglia0
Politicizing the Environment0
Veblen: The Making of an Economist Who Unmade Economics by Charles Camic0
Donald Edward Moggridge (1943–2021)0
A. C. Pigou and The “Marshallian” Thought Style: A Study in the Philosophy and Mathematics Underlying Cambridge Economics by Karen Knight0
In the Heyday of Cameralism0
A Unifying Enlightenment: Institutions of Political Economy in Eighteenth-Century Spain (1700–1808)0
Adam Smith and Yan Fu: Western Economics in Chinese Perspective by Cheng-chung Lai0
Eugenics and the Interwar Approach to Inventors and Invention0
Harriet Martineau's Empiricism0
From Social to Mathematical Science: Transforming Economics at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1956–850
Visualization or Mathematization? The London School of Economics and “Diagrammatic Economics” in the 1930s0
Marking Time: Marshall's Search for Narrative Explanatory Coherence0
The “Tragedy of Cambridge Economics” and Other Stories0
Economy and Society: A New Translation by Max Weber, edited and translated by Keith Tribe0
The History of Economics: A Course for Students and Teachers by Roger E. Backhouse and Keith Tribe0
Two Types of Travelers in the History of the Transmission of Western Economic Knowledge in Late Qing and Early Republican China0
The Routledge Guidebook to Smith's Wealth of Nations0
David Hume and Adam Smith: A Japanese Perspective0
Thinking Like an Economist: How Efficiency Replaced Equality in U.S. Public Policy by Elizabeth Popp Berman0
Applying Pure Mathematics: IMPA and the Entanglements of Mathematical Economics in Brazil0
Reading Practices in Political Economy: The Case of Adam Smith0
Narrative Inference with and without Statistics0
Economics as a “Story Engine”: John D. McDonald and Business as Game and Gamble0
“Writing History as a Way of Life”: The Life and Work of Margaret Marie Garritsen de Vries0
Local Entanglements in the History of Mathematical Economics0
Welfare Economics: An Interpretive History by Roger A. McCain0
On John Bates Clark's “Naive Productivity Ethics”: A Note0
Political Economy and International Order in Interwar Europe0
The Rise of Law and Economics: An Intellectual History by George L. Priest0
The Power of Non-violence: The Enduring Legacy of Richard Gregg by John Wooding0