International Journal of Psychology

(The median citation count of International Journal of Psychology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Educational gains of in‐person vs. distance learning in primary and secondary schools: A natural experiment during the COVID‐19 pandemic school closures in Switzerland164
Employee psychological well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany: A longitudinal study of demands, resources, and exhaustion98
Resilience of children in disasters: A multisystem perspective96
Being an accountant, cook, entertainer and teacher—all at the same time: Changes in employees' work and work‐related well‐being during the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic53
An outbreak of xenophobia: Perceived discrimination and anxiety in Chinese American college students before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic47
The conspiracy hoax? Testing key hypotheses about the correlates of generic beliefs in conspiracy theories during the COVID‐19 pandemic46
Public acceptance of Covid‐19 lockdown scenarios38
When loneliness dimensions drift apart: Emotional, social and physical loneliness during the COVID‐19 lockdown and its associations with age, personality, stress and well‐being37
Phone follow up to families of COVID‐19 patients who died at the hospital: families' grief reactions and clinical psychologists' roles35
Identification with all humanity—A test of the factorial structure and measurement invariance of the scale in five countries32
Posttraumatic symptoms, posttraumatic growth, and internal resources among the general population in Greece: A nation‐wide survey amid the first COVID‐19 lockdown29
The psychological effect of COVID‐19 quarantine on Greek young adults: Risk factors and the protective role of daily routine and altruism27
Students' basic needs and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A two‐country study of basic psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic learning motivation, positive emotion and the moderating role26
Are face masks a partisan issue during the COVID‐19 pandemic? Differentiating political ideology and political party affiliation26
Resource loss and mental health during COVID‐19: Psychosocial protective factors among U.S. older adults and those with chronic disease25
Putting the social back into physical distancing: The role of digital connections in a pandemic crisis23
How is loneliness related to anxiety and depression: A population‐based network analysis in the early lockdown period22
Appraisal and coping predict health and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An international approach22
The COVID‐19 lockdown and psychological distress among Italian parents: Influence of parental role, parent personality, and child difficulties21
Alexithymia, narcissism and social anxiety in relation to social media and internet addiction symptoms19
“It's a war! It's a battle! It's a fight!”: Do militaristic metaphors increase people's threat perceptions and support for COVID‐19 policies?19
Presence of meaning, search for meaning, religiousness, satisfaction with life and depressive symptoms among a diverse Israeli sample18
Individual values and well‐being: The moderating role of personality traits17
Theory of mind and loneliness: Effects of a conversation‐based training at school16
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and psychological distress during lockdown due to COVID‐1916
WillCOVID‐19‐related economic worries superimpose health worries, reducing nonpharmaceutical intervention acceptance in Germany? A prospective pre‐registered study16
Left‐behind children's social adjustment and relationship with parental coping with children's negative emotions during the COVID‐19 pandemic in China16
Well‐being in the time of COVID‐19: Do metaphors and mindsets matter?16
Cultural diversity, migration and education14
Essentialist beliefs affect children's outgroup empathy, attitudes and prosocial behaviours in a setting of intergroup conflict14
Chinese perceive upward social mobility: How future mobility is influenced, but not limited by past mobility14
Investigating COVID‐19 stress and coping: Substance use and behavioural disengagement14
Understanding the link between work engagement and affective organisational commitment: The moderating effect of role stress14
Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil Spill: Lessons learned about short‐term and long‐term effects13
Challenges faced by university students during the COVID‐19: An international study in five countries during the early phase of the pandemic13
Measurement invariance of the Phubbing Scale across 20 countries13
Becoming a mother during the COVID‐19 national lockdown in Italy: Issues linked to the wellbeing of pregnant women13
To belong or not to belong: Protecting minority engagement in the face of discrimination13
Do you feel happy when other members look happy? Moderating effect of community‐level social capital on interconnection of happiness13
Continued influence of misinformation in times of COVID‐1913
Self‐harming behaviours of asylum seekers and refugees in Europe: A systematic review13
The role of co‐regulation of stress in the relationship between perceived partner responsiveness and binge eating: A dyadic analysis12
Are high levels of religiosity inconsistent with a high valuation of science? Evidence from the United States, China and Iran12
Seeing the mind of robots: Harm augments mind perception but benevolent intentions reduce dehumanisation of artificial entities in visual vignettes12
Does parochial cooperation exist in childhood and adolescence? Ameta‐analysis11
The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire in Lebanon and the UK: A comparison of the psychometric properties in each country11
Psychological implications of the COVID‐19 pandemic around the world: Introduction to the special issue11
The Dark Triad trait of psychopathy and message framing predict risky decision‐making during the COVID‐19 pandemic11
When is search for meaning in life beneficial for well‐being? A cross‐national study11
Buffering negative effects of immigration on cognitive, social, and educational development: A multinational meta‐analysis of child and adolescent prevention programmes11
Momentary task‐values and expectations predict engagement in science among Finnish and Chilean secondary school students10
How are the youth? A brief‐longitudinal study on symptoms, alexithymia and expressive suppression among Italian adolescents during COVID‐19 pandemic10
Associations between acculturation, perceived discrimination and subjective well‐being among Syrian adolescents living in Turkey10
U.S. and Finnish high school science engagement during the COVID‐19 pandemic10
In this together: Psychological wellbeing of foreign workers in the United Arab Emirates during the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Trauma exposure and post‐traumatic stress symptoms among Syrian refugee youth in Jordan: Social support and gender as moderators9
Anxiety, resilience and local conditions: A cross‐cultural investigation in the time of Covid‐199
Online/offline self‐disclosure to offline friends and relational outcomes in a diary study: The moderating role of self‐esteem and relational closeness9
When are intergroup attitudes judged as free speech and when as prejudice? A social identity analysis of attitudes towards immigrants9
I can see myself helping: The effect of self‐awareness on prosocial behaviour9
Selecting and imagining rewarding activities during the COVID‐19 lockdown: Effects on mood and what moderates them8
Longitudinal relationships among interpersonal openness trait, hostile attribution bias, and displaced aggressive behaviour: Big Five treated as covariates8
A longitudinal examination of the relation between academic stress and anxiety symptoms among adolescents in India: The role of physiological hyperarousal and social acceptance8
The buffering role of paternal parenting stress in the relationship between maternal parenting stress and children's problematic behaviour8
Exploring the mediating role of integrative self‐knowledge in the relationship between mindfulness and well‐being in the context of a mindfulness‐based stress reduction program7
Mind your meat: Religious differences in the social perception of animals7
A dark lens or a dark world? Conceptualising Justice Capital7
Are effect sizes in self‐efficacy field changing over time? A meta–meta analysis7
Turning a blind eye: Meritocracy moderates the impacts of social status on corruption perception7
The association between in‐class cultural diversity with empathy and bullying in adolescence: A multilevel mediation analysis6
Examining homicides and suicides cross‐nationally: Economic factors, guns and video games6
Depression and social anxiety mediate the relationship between parenting styles and risk of eating disorders: A study among Arab adolescents6
Positive and negative behavioural intentions towards immigrants: A question of ethnic categorisation or worldview conflict?6
Feeling grateful to be optimistic: The influence of recalling special moments on feelings of gratitude and optimism during the COVID‐19 pandemic6
Conspiracy beliefs in Britain and North Macedonia: A comparative study6
Associations between migration experience and perceived mental health in optimal ageing: Evidence from the Sardinian Blue Zone6
Ethnocultural diversity of immigrants' personal social networks, bicultural identity integration and global identification6
Are mindful people more risk‐averse? Effects of trait and state mindfulness on risk preference in decision‐making6
Who's in power matters: System justification and system derogation in Hungary between 2002 and 20186
Associations of dispositional forgivingness with facets of well‐being among Colombian adults: A longitudinal outcome‐wide analysis6
Validation of Oxford Cognitive Screen: Executive Function (OCS‐EF), a tablet‐based executive function assessment tool amongst adolescent females in rural South Africa5
Marital interactions and experiences of women living in polygamy: An exploratory study5
Changing associations between socioeconomic status and self‐reported discrimination from the 1990s to the 2010s in the United States5
Psychological patterns of poverty in Russia: Relationships among socioeconomic conditions, motivation, self‐regulation and well‐being5
Cultural differences in visual perceptual learning5
The role of psychologists in requests to hasten death: A literature and legislation review and an agenda for future research5
Complex mediating effects of rumination facets between personality traits and depressive symptoms5
Authoritarianism and perceived threat from the novel coronavirus5
Effective external reminders impair the practice effect of time‐based prospective memory5
Assessing parents' self‐efficacy beliefs before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Greece4
Relationship between paternal adult attachment and adolescent anxiety: The chain‐mediating effect of paternal psychological flexibility and father–adolescent attachment4
When the physical coldness in the viewer's environment leads to identification with a suffering protagonist4
The role of social context in risky decision‐making: Presence of friend and low resistance to peer influence increase risky decision‐making4
Investigating the effects of a virtual reality‐based stress management programme on inpatients with mental disorders: A pilot randomised controlled trial4
Parental beliefs about positive affect and parental depressive symptoms predicting parents' positive emotion socialisation in India4
Rural Chinese youth during the transition into adulthood: Family dynamics and psychological adjustment4
Effects of biological determinist and interactionist causal explanations on undergraduate students' stigma of children with attention deficits hyperactivity disorders: An experimental investigation4
Group cohesiveness in children free‐play activity: A social network analysis4
Unpacking negative attitudes towards Moroccans: The interactive effect of ethnicity and gender on perceived morality4
Antecedents of positive and negative intergroup contact: Evidence from a diary study4
Self‐dehumanisation in severe alcohol use disorder: Links with self‐stigma and environmental satisfaction3
Subjective socioeconomic status and agreement that health is determined by distal and proximal factors3
Attention and memory biases for aggressive information in college students with fragile high self‐esteem3
Perceived diversity norms, cultural identity styles and bicultural identity consolidation in two bicultural groups in Australia3
The sanctity of life: The role of purity in attitudes towards abortion and euthanasia3
The link between involuntary non‐regular employment and poor mental health: A cross‐sectional study of Japanese workers3
Clinical symptoms of anxiety disorders as predictors of political attitudes: A prospective cohort study3
Adolescents' family obligation and activities in rural and urban Vietnam: Implications for social change3
Similar or dissimilar? Influence of similarity between distraction tasks and target tasks on unconscious thought3
Political identities of Chinese international students: Patterns and change in transnational space3
Positive and negative social contacts with immigrants from different groups: Investigating the role of group appraisal and opportunity for contact using network analysis3
Comparing symptoms and emotion recognition in African American and White samples with schizophrenia3
The importance of family in acculturation process of adolescents of Moroccan origin in Spain3
Sibling relationships and civic engagement: A longitudinal study of Chinese young adults3
International psychological research addressing the early phase of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A rapid scoping review and implications for global psychology3
The honey‐trap of workplace friendship: Developing and testing a three‐way interaction model to understand when and why workplace friendship triggers employee withdrawal behaviour3
Emotional memory processing in post‐traumatic stress disorder affected Colombian youth3
Feasibility, acceptability and future adaptation of the Chinese translated Behavioural activation (C‐BA) treatment for depression: A pilot study3
Personality and demographic characteristics of parents who occasionally use psychoactive substances3
New Ecological Paradigm and third culture kids: Multicultural identity configurations, global mindset and values as predictors of environmental worldviews3
Cultural and environmental aspects influence lateral preferences3
Seismic preparedness of families with children: Measures and dynamics3
Braille literacy as a human right: A challenge to the “inefficiency” argument against braille instruction3
Refugees' and non‐refugee migrants' regret about migration and confidence in integration: The role of forcedness and perils before and during migration3
Psychometric comparison of Chinese and English versions of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire with bilingual Hong Kong Chinese students3
Mood‐congruent biases in facial emotion perception and their gender dependence3
Five‐factor model trait profiles of narcissistic grandiosity and narcissistic vulnerability in Iranian university students3
Characteristics of attentional bias in meditators: An ERP study3
Exploring the intergroup consequences of majority members' perceptions that minority members want majority members to adopt the minority culture3
Validation of the Arabic version of the Assessing Emotions Scale measuring emotional intelligence in a Lebanese sample3
Post‐traumatic stress symptoms and post‐traumatic growth in children and adolescents 12 months and 24 months after the earthquake and tsunamis in Chile in 2010: A longitudinal study3
Approach‐avoidance responses and categorical perception of ambiguous facial expressions3
Difficult name, cold man: Chinese names, gender stereotypicality and trustworthiness3
Political violence and posttraumatic stress symptoms among Palestinians: The mediating roles of sense of belongingness and loneliness2
The mediating role of trait mindfulness and dissociative experiences in the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and problematic internet use in Italian adolescents2
“My goal is to do the best that I can in this class”: Relevance of potential‐based achievement goals for intrinsic motivation and course performance2
Eye movement impairments in children with malnutrition2
As long as you are self‐compassionate, you will never walk alone. The interplay between self‐compassion and rejection sensitivity in predicting loneliness2
Socioeconomic and psychological correlates of postpartum depression at 6 months in Dhaka, Bangladesh2
Trait impulsivity and callous‐unemotional traits as predictors of inhibitory control and risky choices among high‐risk adolescents2
Exposure to combat experiences: PTSD, somatization and aggression amongst combat and non‐combat veterans2
ICD‐11 prolonged grief disorder: Prevalence, predictors, and co‐occurrence in a large representative sample2
Is personality stable in adolescence? Disentangling time‐invariant and time‐varying factors of personality in a trait–state–occasion model2
My partner looks, swims, and quacks like a duck: The need for cognitive closure in the interpersonal perception of romantic engagement in close relationships2
The influence of ambient aroma on middle school students' academic emotions2
Does a pandemic context attenuate people's negative perception and meta‐perception of solitude?2
Personal freedom, family compositions and well‐being2
The role of child‐keyworker attachment in burnout among Saudi residential staff2
Mindfulness training selectively reduces altruistic behaviour in low‐cost situations2
Evaluating depression anxiety and stress assessment before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic using generalisability theory2
The personal growth resources of the adult population following the first months of the war in Ukraine2
Physical activity and disordered eating behaviours: Are Caribbean adolescents at risk?2
Environmental psychology in the Philippines: Growth, challenges and prospects2
Evaluating the filial behaviour scale across three cultural groups using exploratory structural equation modelling2
Social support in bereavement: Developing and validating a new scale2
Facial structure and perception of sexual orientation: Research with face models based on photographs of real people2
Procedural fairness predicts cooperative behaviour for high‐self‐esteem individuals but not for low‐self‐esteem individuals2
Direct retrieval bias for general and specific memories for negatively valenced cues in major depression2
Is cleanliness next to abstinence? The effect of cleanliness priming on attitudes towards harm reduction strategies for people with substance use disorders1
An exploration of the impact of contextual information on the emotion recognition ability of autistic adults1
Emotional competences and subjective well‐being: The mediating role of relationship satisfaction in young Spanish adults1
Individual differences and the relationship between education and religiosity in longitudinal versus cross‐sectional studies1
The role of perceived discrimination in linking religious practices and well‐being: A study among Muslim Afghan refugees in the Netherlands1
Who helped yesterday will help tomorrow: Trait and state components in prosocial goal realisation1
The five connections: A human rights framework for psychologists1
Barriers to mother‐adolescent communication about sex, maternal monitoring and sexual behaviour among adolescents in Mexico1
The beneficial role of family enmeshment among South Korean immigrants in the United States1
Individual values predict desiring more economic inequality: The moderator role of social mobility1
The effect of competitive and cooperative contexts on comparative optimism1
Work–family conflict, wellbeing and strain: Sex differences and children at home1
Perceived academic challenges of Jewish and Arab undergraduates during the first wave of COVID‐191
Personality predictors of 6‐month readmission in adult psychiatric inpatients1
Exploring White individuals' perceptions of Black atheists' trustworthiness, racial identity, and feelings of warmth1
Polluted air evokes nostalgic reverie: A preliminary investigation in China1
The effects of virtual nature exposure on pro‐environmental behaviour1
Comparing Chinese youth with American youth on adjustment: An illustration of measurement issues in cross‐cultural research1
Meaning gained versus meaning lost: The effects of meaning salience on anxiety and depression during the coronavirus pandemic1
Emotional, cognitive, and social functioning in children and early adolescents living in post‐armed conflict: Testing mediating mechanisms1
Eyes on you: Ensuring empathic accuracy or signalling empathy?1
Approach‐avoidance behavioural patterns towards an affective voice1
Yes, I will do it! Factors promoting the intention to volunteer after COVID‐19 pandemic in Italy1
“Whatever you do, just don't let him notice you're a woman!” General beliefs on women's gender ideology as a function of topic in mixed‐gender negotiations1
An exploratory investigation of the reliability and validity of the Independent‐Interdependent Problem‐Solving Style Scale1
Subjective power and emotions in everyday interpersonal interactions: Counterparts' constrictive posture as moderator1
Associations between early family environment and ideal number of children1
Thinking of future as an older individual increases perceived risks for age‐related diseases but not for COVID‐191
Women, girls, and climate change: Human rights, vulnerabilities, and opportunities1
Indigenous Māori responses to COVID‐19: He waka eke noa?1
Personality traits and perception of parenting: The comparative twin study from Germany and Serbia1
Stereotype accommodation concerning older people1
Obsessive beliefs prospectively predict adherence to safety behaviours related to COVID‐19 through obsessive–compulsive symptoms and COVID‐19 distress: A serial multip1
Assessing quality of care and observance of human rights in residential mental health facilities in Greece through the WHO QualityRights tool kit1
Development and preliminary testing of a virtual reality measurement for assessing intake assessment skills1
Migrant domestic workers' character strengths and the role of work‐related factors: A strengths‐based perspective1
Investigating the effectiveness of two therapeutic modalities in enhancing self‐esteem among female adolescents1
Adolescent mental health in Japan and Russia: The role of body image, bullying victimisation and school environment1
I'm just joking! Perceptions of sexist humour and sexist beliefs in a Latin American context1
Refugees in Brazil: An investigation of Syrian refugees' psychological experiences1
Assessing conspiracist beliefs across societies: Validation of the Serbian adaptation of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale (GCBS)1
A distanced perspective reduces negative affective responses through rational view in recalling and writing angry experience1
Predicting earthquake preparedness intention among Croatian residents: Application of the theory of planned behaviour1
Why narcissists are more likely to be aggressive? The role of hostile attribution bias1
The role of BIS/BAS in effective coping with psychological contract breach1
Cultural values, parenting, and child adjustment in China1
Contact quality and positive attitudes towards immigrants: The moderation of generalised trust1
Anticipatory stress during an election: A daily diary study1
Cultural values, parenting and child adjustment in Colombia1
Interpretations of ambiguous situations in combat veterans with and without post‐traumatic stress disorder1
Woman's work: The moderating effects of gender role orientations between the relationships of work–family conflict with voluntary turnover and being valued by one's spouse1
Self‐compassion promoted educational flow through increased future orientation in left‐behind children groups1
The prevalence of depression among iran‐iraq war veterans, combatants and former prisoners of war: A systematic review and meta‐analysis0
The social‐cognitive clinician: On the implications of social cognitive theory for psychotherapy and assessment0
Saying thanks and meaning it: Expressing gratitude for social gain0
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Objective measurement of Spanish emotion vocabulary0
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