Journal of Biblical Literature

(The median citation count of Journal of Biblical Literature is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
<em>Imitatio Dei</em> and the Formation of the Subject in Ancient Judaism4
I Am Burnt but Beautiful: Translating Song 1:5a2
Who Gave You a Decree? Anonymity as a Narrative Technique in Ezra 5:3, 9 in Light of Persian-Period Decrees and Administrative Sources1
Exotica and the Ethiopian of Acts 8:26–40: Toward a Different Fabula1
R. H. Charles and Modern Biblical Studies1
Writing as a Source of Ritual Authority: The High Priest's Body as a Priestly Text in the Tabernacle-Building Story1
Forming God: Divine Anthropomorphism in Luke-Acts1
Judgment, Justice, and Destruction: <em>Defixiones</em> and 1 Corinthians1
The Relationship between 3 Maccabees and the Vetus Latina of Esther1
Reading the Blood Plague (Exodus 7:14–25): The Hermeneutics of a Composite Text1
Multiracial Biblical Studies1
The Hermeneutics of Chutzpah: A Disquisition on the Value/s of “Critical Investigation of the Bible”1
Equal to Angels: The Early Reception History of the Lukan ἰσάγγελοι (Luke 20:36)1
Does Ancient Hebrew Poetry Have Meter?1
Ethnic Fission and Fusion in Biblical Genealogies1
What Does It Mean to See Paul “within Judaism”?1
No Respecter of Persons1
The Literary-Historical Memory of Sargon of Akkad in Assyria as the Background for Nimrod in Genesis 10:8–121
Psalms of Communal Lament as a Relic of Transgenerational Trauma1
Sex Scandal and the Politics of David's Throne1
Isaiah 55–66 and the Psalms: Shared Viewpoints, Literary Similarities, and Neighboring Authors1
Humor in the Midst of Tragedy: The Comic Vision of 1 Samuel 4–60
Rethinking John and “the Synagogue” in Light of Expulsion from Public Assemblies in Antiquity0
Travel and Anxiety in Early Jewish Literature0
Where Are All the Women?0
Making Sense of the Incense Altar: Location in Sacred Space and Text0
How You Learned Christ: Petrine Christological Transformation of Pauline Vocabulary0
Daniel and the Diadochi0
Renouncing Completeness: The Rich Ruler and the Possibilities of Biblical Scholarship without White Masculine Self-Sufficiency0
Additions of Conjunctive Vav (“and”) in 1QIsaa: Evidence for the Role of Language Processing Strategies0
Thomas in Alexandria: Arguments for Locating the Gospel and Book of Thomas in Alexandria0
The “Community Setting” of the Ascension of Isaiah: A New Analysis0
The Meaning of “Magdalene”: A Review of Literary Evidence0
Holy Impairment: The Body as the Nexus of Apocalyptic Ekphrasis in Acts 2:1–130
What Is Not, but Might Be: Disnarration as Narrative Device in the Hebrew Bible0
Not Seeing, Unseeing, and Blind: Disentangling Disability from Adjacent Topoi in the Hebrew Bible0
A Child Is Being Eaten: Maternal Cannibalism and the Hebrew Bible in the Company of Fairy Tales0
The Neo-Documentarian Manifesto: A Critical Reading0
Designing the Golden Calf: Pens and Presumption in the Production of a “Divine” Image0
Kingship and Covenant: Reconsidering the Oath of David and Jonathan0
Reading Slavery in the Epistle of Jude0
Enthroned and Coming to Reign: Jesus’s Eschatological Use of Psalm 110:1 in Mark 14:620
The Syntactic Flexibility of 1 Corinthians 14:33b0
Mountains in Micah and Coherence: A “SynDiaTopic” Suggestion0
Judges 2:11–19: A Palimpsest of Political History0
Isaiah 39 and the Motif of Human Trust in First Isaiah0
Back Matter0
The Rot of the Bones: A New Analysis of קנאה (“Envy/Jealousy”) in the Hebrew Bible0
The Punishment of Thirty-Nine Lashes (2 Corinthians 11:24) and the Place of Paul in Judaism0
Social Inclusion and the Ethics of Citation: Introduction0
Pornographic Desire in the Pauline Corpus0
Centurions in the Jesus Movement? Rethinking Luke 7:1–10 in Light of the Gaianus Inscription at Kefar ‘Othnay0
Returning the King and the Women to the Beginning of the Song of Songs0
The Possibilities of a Gospel Codex: GA 2064 (Dublin, CBL W 139), Digital Editing, and Reading in a Manuscript Culture0
Asking for Trouble: Two Reading Traditions of פללים (Exodus 21:22) in Antiquity0
Irresolution as Historical Practice and the Case of the Unnamed Woman in Timnah0
Back Matter0
Demonic Faith and Demonic Wisdom in James: A Response to Kenneth M. Wilson0
Poor Circulation: Embodied Economics in Haggai, Malachi, and Zechariah 1–80
The Souring of the Ways: Anti-Jewish Readings of Psalm 69 and the Wine Offerings to Jesus0
Back Matter0
The Danger of Singular Saviors: Vulnerability, Political Power, and Jesus’s Disturbance in the Temple (Mark 11:15–19)0
The Strange Significance of the Name Carpocrates in Early Christian Polemic0
Remembering God’s Beloved Son: Jeremiah 38:20 LXX and Mark 1:110
Alleged Female Language about the Deity in the Hebrew Bible0
The Sin of the Angels in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 60
Tracing Bathsheba’s Metamorphosis through the Lens of Trauma and Recovery0
Our Cloud of Witnesses: A Writing of Hebrews 11:1–12:2 in Memory of the Asian and Asian American Women Killed 16 March 20210
The Translator’s Tell: Translation Technique, Verbal Syntax, and the Myth of Old Greek Daniel’s Alternate Semitic <em>Vorlage</em>0
Holy Land Sanctity for Every Greco-Roman City: Rethinking the Lukan Apostolic Decree (Acts 15:19–21)0
The Field Belonging to Boaz: Creating Kinship through Land, Labor, Food, and Feeding0
Is the Gospel of Mark Distinctly Pauline? A Critical Evaluation0
Front Matter0
The Drama of Spiritual Rehabilitation in Lamentations 10
The Jewish Pig Prohibition from Leviticus to the Maccabees0
Saul’s Israel, the “Hebrews,” and Identity Politics in 1 Samuel 13–140
Text-Correcting Qere, Scribal Errors, and Textual Variants in Medieval Hebrew Bible Manuscripts0
Incarceration on Trial: The Imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Acts 160
Introduction to the Presidential Address0
Unbelievable: An Interpretation of Acts 12 That Takes Rhoda’s Cassandra Curse Seriously0
There Is a Tide in the Affairs of Women: The Biology of Menstruation in Levitical (and Israelite) Thought0
Introduction to the Presidential Address0
Competing Construals of Human Relations with “Animal” Others in the Primeval History (Genesis 1–11)0
The Faithful Son: Rereading Hebrews 1:3b0
The Craftsman: Paul’s Law of Christ and the Stoic Law of Nature0
Re-remembering Hagar: Reading the Σάρξ in Galatians with Hortense Spillers0
Front Matter0
Behold, the Global Translated Bible(s)! Research and Pedagogical Implications0
“In the Days of His Flesh, He Offered Up Prayers”: Reimagining the Sacrifice(s) of Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews0
Wrestle On, Jacob: Antebellum Spirituals and the Defiant Faith of the Hebrew Bible0
Noah’s Drunkenness and the Curse of Canaan: A New Approach0
Mourning for Tammuz: Prophecy and Projection in Ezekiel 8:140
Enoch the Explorer: 1 Enoch 17–36 in Its Hellenistic Context0
Front Matter0
Ethics in Paul and Paul in Ethics0
The Bible in the Aramaic Bowls: Between Memorization, Orality, and Writtenness0
The Tabernacle Manual: Exodus 25:1–31:18 in Light of the Cuneiform Procedural Genre0
Let the Nations Sing Hallelujah: The Influence of the Egyptian Hallel on the Citation of Psalm 117 OG in Mark 12:10–110
The Allotment of Canaan in Joshua and Numbers0
Demons Seeking Identity? The Psychic Life of New Testament Exorcisms0
The Materiality of Scribal Practice in Isaiah 8:1–2: Papyrus, Pens, and Authority in Inscribing Prophecy0
Enochic Biography and the Manuscript History of 1 Enoch: The Codex Panopolitanus Book of the Watchers0
The Little Messiah: Jesus as τῇ ἡλικίᾳ μικρός in Luke 19:30
Resurrecting Amulets and Ostraca within New Testament Textual Criticism0
Hezekiah the Censor and Ancient Theories of Canon Formation0
Why Is There Poetry in the Book of Job?0
Toilets and Toilet Humor in the Story of Eglon’s Murder by Ehud (Judges 3:15–26)0
4QpaleoExodm and the Gerizim Composition0
A House of Her Own: The Tactical Deployment of Strategy in Esther0
Babatha’s Final Days: New Light from Papyrus Starcky0
Prophetic Validation and the Nonregnal Dates in the Superscriptions to Jeremiah and Amos0
Introduction to the Presidential Address0
Annual Index0
Secrecy as Pauline Influence on the Gospel of Mark0
Introduction to the Presidential Address0
Compilation or Redaction in the Pentateuch: Reassessing Numbers 250
Still Invisible after All These Years? Female God-Language in the Hebrew Bible: A Response to David J. A. Clines0
Biblical Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context: A New Interpretation of Jeremiah 30–330
Epaphroditus and Archippus, Paul’s Fellow Soldiers: Reexamining Paul’s Rhetorical Use of συστρατιώτης0
Reconsidering the Composition of Ezra-Nehemiah in Light of 2 Maccabees 1:10–2:180
The Omens at Jesus’s Death (Mark 15:33–39) and the Divine Abandonment of the Temple before Its Destruction in 70 CE0
The Greek in Daniel 3: Code-Switching, Not Loanwords0
The Golden Rule and Ancient Jewish Biblical Exegesis: The Pluriformity of a Tradition0
Hannah’s Agency in Catalyzing Change in an Exclusive Hierarchy0
Love, Marriage, and a Delayed Harvest: Isaiah 61 as the Reversal of the Song of the Vineyard (5:1–7)0
John of Patmos and the Appeal of an Exotic Apocalypse0
The Setting of the Assassination of King Joash of Judah: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Identifying the House of Millo0
Where (and When) Did the Authors of Joshua 10:1–39, 11:1–15 Live?0
Paul’s Use of Συναπάγω in Romans 12:160
The Ending of Luke Revisited0
Civilized Christ-Followers among Barbaric Cretans and Superstitious Judeans: Negotiating Ethnic Hierarchies in Titus 1:10–140
Matthean Conflations and Luke’s Utilization Procedure under the Farrer Hypothesis: In Defense of F. Gerald Downing0
John 21:15–19 as a Prophetic Succession: A Reading in Light of 2 Kings 2:1–180
Front Matter0
Back Matter0
Darkness or Blackness? A Semantic Study of חשך (Joel 3:4)0
The Rupture of an Association: Social Conflict and Its Management in the Thessalonian Christ Assembly0
The Root of Ephraim among Amalek in the Song of Deborah0