Journal of Finance

(The TQCC of Journal of Finance is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Tracking Retail Investor Activity336
Firm‐Level Climate Change Exposure295
Common Risk Factors in Cryptocurrency258
Attention‐Induced Trading and Returns: Evidence from Robinhood Users193
Banking on Deposits: Maturity Transformation without Interest Rate Risk181
The Pollution Premium177
Predictably Unequal? The Effects of Machine Learning on Credit Markets176
Foreign Safe Asset Demand and the Dollar Exchange Rate149
The Limits of Limited Liability: Evidence from Industrial Pollution140
Weathering Cash Flow Shocks137
The Wisdom of the Robinhood Crowd132
Global Pricing of Carbon‐Transition Risk126
Is There a Replication Crisis in Finance?123
Factor Momentum and the Momentum Factor109
Partisan Professionals: Evidence from Credit Rating Analysts108
Subjective Cash Flow and Discount Rate Expectations106
Anomalies and the Expected Market Return106
Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance: The Incentive to Be Engaged103
Fire‐Sale Spillovers and Systemic Risk99
Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing93
Presidential Address: Sustainable Finance and ESG Issues—ValueversusValues91
Prospect Theory and Stock Market Anomalies85
Bank Market Power and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from a Structural Estimation84
Rising Intangible Capital, Shrinking Debt Capacity, and the U.S. Corporate Savings Glut83
Leverage Dynamics without Commitment79
Predictable Financial Crises77
The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors75
Talent in Distressed Firms: Investigating the Labor Costs of Financial Distress71
Do Firms Respond to Gender Pay Gap Transparency?71
Time Variation of the Equity Term Structure69
Presidential Address: Corporate Finance and Reality68
Fire‐Sale Spillovers in Debt Markets68
Going the Extra Mile: Distant Lending and Credit Cycles67
Do Intermediaries Matter for Aggregate Asset Prices?67
The Loan Covenant Channel: How Bank Health Transmits to the Real Economy66
Do Equity Markets Care about Income Inequality? Evidence from Pay Ratio Disclosure66
Information Consumption and Asset Pricing65
Belief Disagreement and Portfolio Choice63
Monetary Policy and Asset Valuation62
What Explains Differences in Finance Research Productivity during the Pandemic?61
The Fragility of Market Risk Insurance60
Liquidity Supply in the Corporate Bond Market59
Volatility Expectations and Returns56
The Misallocation of Finance55
Valuing Private Equity Investments Strip by Strip55
Leverage Regulation and Market Structure: A Structural Model of the U.K. Mortgage Market53
Who Wears the Pants? Gender Identity Norms and Intrahousehold Financial Decision‐Making52
A Theory of Zombie Lending51
Do Household Wealth Shocks Affect Productivity? Evidence from Innovative Workers During the Great Recession50
Bayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran Two Quadrillion Models49
Currency Mispricing and Dealer Balance Sheets48
Don't Take Their Word for It: The Misclassification of Bond Mutual Funds47
How Debit Cards Enable the Poor to Save More46
Testing Disagreement Models45
Specialization in Bank Lending: Evidence from Exporting Firms45
Commodity Financialization and Information Transmission44
Reusing Natural Experiments44
Decentralization through Tokenization44
The Limits of Model‐Based Regulation44
Barbarians at the Store? Private Equity, Products, and Consumers42
The Anatomy of the Transmission of Macroprudential Policies41
Monetary Policy and Reaching for Income40
Did FinTech Lenders Facilitate PPP Fraud?40
Can the Market Multiply and Divide? Non‐Proportional Thinking in Financial Markets38
The Limits of p‐Hacking: Some Thought Experiments38
Real Estate Shocks and Financial Advisor Misconduct38
Skill, Scale, and Value Creation in the Mutual Fund Industry37
Are CEOs Different?37
Equilibrium Asset Pricing with Leverage and Default36
Female Representation in the Academic Finance Profession36
Out‐of‐Town Home Buyers and City Welfare34
Cultural Biases in Equity Analysis34
Trading Costs and Informational Efficiency34
The Virtue of Complexity in Return Prediction34
Reinvestment Risk and the Equity Term Structure33
Common Ownership Does Not Have Anticompetitive Effects in the Airline Industry33
Borrowing to Save? The Impact of Automatic Enrollment on Debt33
Asset Managers: Institutional Performance and Factor Exposures32
The Private Production of Safe Assets32
Sentiment Trading and Hedge Fund Returns32
Inequality Aversion, Populism, and the Backlash against Globalization32
Structuring Mortgages for Macroeconomic Stability32
Volatility, Valuation Ratios, and Bubbles: An Empirical Measure of Market Sentiment32
How Do Financial Constraints Affect Product Pricing? Evidence from Weather and Life Insurance Premiums31
A New Test of Risk Factor Relevance31
Non‐Deal Roadshows, Informed Trading, and Analyst Conflicts of Interest31
Modeling Corporate Bond Returns30
CEO Political Leanings and Store‐Level Economic Activity during the COVID‐19 Crisis: Effects on Shareholder Value and Public Health30
Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission: The Cash Flow Effect30
Retail Trading in Options and the Rise of the Big Three Wholesalers29
The Perception of Dependence, Investment Decisions, and Stock Prices29
Duration‐Driven Returns28
Forced Entrepreneurs28
Model Comparison with Transaction Costs28
Financial Fragility with SAM?27
(Re‐)Imag(in)ing Price Trends26
Pockets of Predictability25
Who Owns What? A Factor Model for Direct Stockholding24
Asset Pricing and Sports Betting24
Long‐Run Risk: Is It There?24
Employee Costs of Corporate Bankruptcy24
Economic Stimulus at the Expense of Routine‐Task Jobs24
Is There a Risk Premium in the Stock Lending Market? Evidence from Equity Options24
Pricing Currency Risks24
Negative Home Equity and Household Labor Supply23
Clients' Connections: Measuring the Role of Private Information in Decentralized Markets23
Increasing Enrollment in Income‐Driven Student Loan Repayment Plans: Evidence from the Navient Field Experiment23
The Gender Gap in Housing Returns23
Quantifying Reduced‐Form Evidence on Collateral Constraints23
Stock Market Spillovers via the Global Production Network: Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy23