Journal of Industrial Relations

(The median citation count of Journal of Industrial Relations is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Workplace gender equality in the post-pandemic era: Where to next?29
Work–life balance and gig work: ‘Where are we now’ and ‘where to next’ with the work–life balance agenda?28
Agents of transition or defenders of the status quo? Trade union strategies in green transitions19
‘We’re in the coal business’: Maintaining fossil fuel hegemony in the face of climate change16
Digital unionism as a renewal strategy? Social media use by trade union confederations14
COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Implications for workers and unions13
Climate change and industrial relations: Reflections on an emerging field12
‘Zones of contention’ in industrial relations: Framing pluralism as praxis11
Collective regulation and the future of work in the digital economy: Insights from comparative employment relations11
Slowing the treadmill for a good life for All? German trade union narratives and social-ecological transformation11
Too hot to handle? An analysis of chefs’ job quality in Australian restaurants10
Employer-led flexibility, working time uncertainty, and trade union responses: The case of academics, teachers and school secretaries in Ireland10
Safeguarding women at work? Lessons from Aotearoa New Zealand on effectively implementing domestic violence policies10
Gender equality and paid parental leave in Australia: A decade of giant leaps or baby steps?10
Agonising over industrial relations: Bringing agonism and dissensus to the pluralist frames of reference10
Peer-to-peer online voice as emergent collective action9
Wage-setting and gender pay equality in Australia: Advances, retreats and future prospects9
The role of the state in influencing work conditions in China's internet industry: Policy, evidence, and implications for industrial relations9
Regulating for gender-equitable decent work in social and community services: Bringing the state back in8
Equal pay for work of equal value, wage-setting and the gender pay gap8
Modern slavery in global value chains: A global factory and governance perspective8
Reframing the narrative: Renewing power resources and capabilities in union campaigns for public education8
Union framing of gender equality and the elusive potential of equality bargaining in a difficult climate8
The state as regulator? The ‘dual-track’ system of employment in the Chinese public sector and barriers to equal pay for equal work8
Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 20208
The importance of competition and consumer law in regulating gig work and beyond7
Female outsiders in South Korea’s dual labour market: Challenges of equal pay for work of equal value7
Using unitarist, pluralist, and radical frames to map the cross-section distribution of employment relations across workplaces: A four-country empirical investigation of patterns and determinants7
Outsourcing the enforcement of modern slavery: Overcoming the limitations of a market-based disclosure model6
Australian industrial relations in 2020: COVID-19, crisis and opportunity6
Pluralisms? Social philosophy, social science and public policy in employment relations and human resource management6
Modern slavery and the employment relationship: Exploring the continuum of exploitation6
Bricolage in labor organizing practices: Spanish and Italian migrant activists in Berlin6
Experiences of precariousness and exploitation of Romanian transnational live-in care workers in Austria6
COVID-normal workplaces: Should working from home be a ‘collective flexibility’?6
Barriers to ‘equal pay for work of equal value’ for women in Japan: Assessing the potential for change6
The revival and refashioning of gender pay equity in New Zealand6
Platform adaptation to regulation: The case of domestic cleaning in Europe5
Redressing gendered undervaluation in New Zealand aged care: Institutions, activism and coalitions5
Decent gig work in Sub Sahara Africa?5
‘Frames of reference’ in Victorian England: What Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South reveals about perceptions of the employment relationship5
Nonstandard Employment and Indigenous Earnings Inequality in Canada5
Industrial legislation in Australia, 20204
Bargaining for gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand: Flexible work arrangements in collective agreements, 2007–20194
A strike in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: The 2020 health workers’ dispute in Hong Kong4
Unions and collective bargaining in Australia in 20204
Old frames and new lenses: Frames of reference revisited4
Through the back-door: How Australia and Canada use working holiday programs to fulfill demands for migrant work via cultural exchange4
The Australian labour market in 20204
Did trade unions reinforce the neoliberal transformation? The Dutch case3
Will Business and Human Rights regulation help Rajasthan's bonded labourers who mine sandstone?3
Collaborating for policy impact: Academic-practitioner collaboration in industrial relations research3
The Australian industrial system in the era of COVID-193
‘Not my task’: Role perceptions in a green transition among shop stewards in the Norwegian petroleum industry3
Employer and employer association matters in Australia in 20203
From equal pay to overcoming undervaluation: The Australian National Pay Equity Coalition 1988–20113
Revisiting voluntarism: Private voluntary regulation by Employer Forums in the United Kingdom3
Towards a relational environmental labour studies3
Job quality and automation: Do more automatable occupations have less job satisfaction and health?3
Negotiating a new Swedish model: Employment transition agreements and the struggle over redundancies3
The gendered consequences of skill-discounting for migrants3
Working towards a green job?: Autoworkers, climate change and the role of collective identity in union renewal2
Making sense of downstream labour risk in global value chains: The case of the Australian cotton industry2
The Australian labour market in 20212
Analysing the employment impact of Sunday wage premiums reductions: Implications for minimum wage research2
Temporary talent: Wage penalties among highly educated temporary workers in Canada2
Regulatory pluralism and the resolution of collective labour disputes in Southeast Asia2
Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 20212
Framing work and welfare: Insights from the growing relevance of company welfare in Italy2
Major court and tribunal decisions in Australia in 20202
Wake-up call for a dysfunctional system: Employer perspectives on industrial relations in 20202
Bargaining for work–family benefits in the UK2
Unions and collective bargaining in Australia in 20212
Cross-spousal influences on mature-aged Australians’ transitions in and out of employment 2001–20172
Foreign ownership and centralized collective bargaining: Direct and indirect influences2
Regulating for gender equality in the Australian Public Service: Extending Dickens’ tripod of regulation1
Tragic performances? How unions stage their online identity1
Unbundling workplace conflict: Exploring the relationship between grievances and non-strike industrial actions and the moderating effect of voice mechanisms1
Employment stability and decent work: Trends, characteristics and determinants in a liberal market economy1
Changing gender role attitudes and the changing gender gap in labour force participation1
Edouard Morena, Dunja Krause and Dimitris Stevis (eds), Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World1
After Rana Plaza: Governing Exploitative Workplace Labour Regimes in Bangladeshi Garment Export Factories1
Pregnant and jobless: A contextualizing analysis of pregnancy dismissal in Israeli labour court rulings1
Talking about non-union collective agreements: A union perspective1
“Without union power, there is no way of pursuing your policy goals”: when do labor unions use political mobilization as a revitalization strategy?1
Is multidimensional precarious employment higher for women?1
Collective bargaining in the Australian public service: From New Public Management to public value1
Women specialist managers in Australia – Where are we now? Where to next?1
The union difference: Experiences of five-star hotel workers in Cambodia during COVID-191
Industrial legislation in Australia in 20211
How do trade unions manage themselves? A study of Australian unions’ administrative practices1