Mechanical Engineering

(The median citation count of Mechanical Engineering is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Automating the Risk Out of Farming5
Aspects of Gas Turbine Thermal Efficiency4
Cleaning With UV Light3
Robots with Tails3
A Century of ASME Steam Tables2
New Horizons for Geothermal Energy2
Manufacturing and the Great Resignation2
The Hypersonic Missile Gap2
Pathway to STEM1
Clean Fuel from Nuclear Power1
Public Health is a Job for Engineers1
Bright Fortunes1
Fly the Climate-Friendly Skies1
Innovation in the Time of COVID-191
Adding Energy Storage to the Combined Cycle1
The Robot Will See You Now1
The Effect of Heat Transfer on Turbine Performance1
10 Innovative Institutes1
Taking the Measure of Electric Vehicles1
Education from a Distance1
Interruptible Power1
The Decarboniztion of Gas Turbine Power1
Service with a Robot Smile1
The Case for Waste to Energy1
Training the Future Engineering Workforce1
Electrical Grid Resilience1
Hot Pursuit0
Between Worlds0
Engineers in Action0
Get to Know Fluid Power Systems0
Brawn with Brains0
What the Home of the Future is Missing Today0
Heading Into the Clouds0
10 Smart Startups0
The Thirst Quenchers0
Climate of Optimism0
Rocket-Hammer Man0
Shoring Up the Front Lines0
Spare Parts0
Texas Can Go Big to Reach Net Zero0
Retracing the Footprints0
Re–Engineering Education0
Making the Split Decision0
Motion Study0
Manufacturing and National Security0
Watts in Store0
ASME’S Unique Approach to Climate Change0
Refueling the Engine0
Generating Offshore Wind Careers0
Is the Future Hazy?0
Making a Difference0
Atomic Scale0
The Ever-Expanding Toolbox0
Filtering Out Microbes0
Bringing the Goods0
The Solar Explosion0
Built for Speed0
Finding a Way Forward0
Collaborations that Forge the Future0
Printing for Protection0
Gaining Altitude0
Partners in Design0
Reaching New Heights0
War Dogs0
Future Ready0
Body Double0
Hybrid Electric Propulsion0
The Infinitely Expandable Resource0
The State of American Manufacturing 20200
How Engineers Are Thriving Today0
Where Are Today’s Engineering Jobs?0
Designing Around Hydrogen Embrittlement0
Is There an Alternative to China?0
Building with Digital Tools0
Where Are All the Solar Panels?0
Interruptible Power0
Upright Against the Waves0
Charting a New Course0
Guarding the Gate0
Digital-Skilled Jobs of Tomorrow0
Supply Chain Kinks0
Reaching New Heights0
Adding Up to Zero0
Ripple Effect0
Silicon Continent0
Made in New York0
Ready for Anything?0
Future Ready0
Closing the Loop0
Building the Business Case for Industry 4.00
Solution from the Stars0
Begun, the Drone Wars Have0
Piped Gas Fuels GT Power Plant Growth0
What Color Is Your Hydrogen?0
Catalyzing a Solution0
Hits and Errors0
Enduring Edge0
A Golden Eye in the Sky0
Underground and Out of Sight0
Carbon Cycle0
Queen of the Skies0
Cost into Benefit0
Bringing Weight to the Weightless0
One Small Bite for Man, One Giant Feast for Mankind0