Monthly Weather Review

(The H4-Index of Monthly Weather Review is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Simulated Tropical Precipitation Assessed across Three Major Phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP)84
Two Corrections for Turbulent Kinetic Energy Generated by Wind Farms in the WRF Model43
Heavy Precipitation over Italy from the Mediterranean Storm “Vaia” in October 2018: Assessing the Role of an Atmospheric River43
A Review of Innovation-Based Methods to Jointly Estimate Model and Observation Error Covariance Matrices in Ensemble Data Assimilation42
Convection Initiation and Growth at the Coast of South China. Part II: Effects of the Terrain, Coastline, and Cold Pools40
Convection Initiation and Growth at the Coast of South China. Part I: Effect of the Marine Boundary Layer Jet39
Extensive High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Analysis of Tropical Cyclones: Comparisons with SFMR Flights and Best Track37
Extremely Early Summer Monsoon Onset in the South China Sea in 2019 Following an El Niño Event36
Tornadoes in Northern Eurasia: From the Middle Age to the Information Era33
Deep Learning on Three-Dimensional Multiscale Data for Next-Hour Tornado Prediction33
Assimilation of GOES-16 Radiances and Retrievals into the Warn-on-Forecast System32
Forecasting Severe Weather with Random Forests29
On the Localized Extreme Rainfall over the Great Bay Area in South China with Complex Topography and Strong UHI Effects25
The Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Michael (2018): Storm Structure and the Relationship to Environmental and Air–Sea Interactions25
Using Artificial Neural Networks for Generating Probabilistic Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts over California23
Dual Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations23
Multimodel Ensemble Forecasts of Precipitation Based on an Object-Based Diagnostic Evaluation22
Machine Learning Methods for Postprocessing Ensemble Forecasts of Wind Gusts: A Systematic Comparison20
What is the Intrinsic Predictability of Tornadic Supercell Thunderstorms?20
Precipitation Processes and Vortex Alignment during the Intensification of a Weak Tropical Cyclone in Moderate Vertical Shear20