Nottingham French Studies

(The median citation count of Nottingham French Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
A Neopicaresque Journey into Queer and Sex-Positivity: Wendy Delorme's Quatrième génération2
France's Autism Controversy and the Historical Role of Psychoanalysis in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autistic Children2
Leroi-Gourhan's Le Geste et la parole: The Evolution of Technology1
La Critique et le dépassement de la « méthode expérimentale » dans Thérèse Raquin1
The Evacuation of Children inside Wartime France1
La Bretagne à l'Académie française1
Are the Bretons French? The Case of François Jaffrennou/Taldir ab Hernin1
Annie Ernaux’s ‘Photojournal’ in Écrire la vie: Photo-Diaristic Archives as a Model of Life Writing1
Nostalgia, Melancholy, Trauma: Backlash Postfeminism in Contemporary French Screen Romance1
Man Spekeþ, bere brayeþ’: The Zoopoetics of Bear Roaring and Silence in the Middle Ages0
‘Terres vaines et vagues’: Ecocriticism and Breton Wastelands in Visual and Literary Representation0
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Le Journal avec et après Barthes: de l’écriture désœuvrée à l’écriture exposée0
Sabine Macher et le chantier du poème0
Demythologizing de Gaulle: History as Myth and Myth as Hermeneutic in France after Vichy and Algerian Independence0
Entretien avec Paol Keineg0
Notes on Contributors0
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Marivaux empiriste: la fiction comme expérience de pensée0
Encounters between Life and Language: Codes, Books, Machines and Cybernetics0
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Performing the Paradox in the Theatre of Tristan Tzara0
Performing Identities, Displacing Homelands: Transnational Poetics in the Theatre of Paol Keineg0
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Fighting ‘On the Side of Little Girls’: Feminist Children's Book Publishing in France after 19680
Notes on Contributors0
The Poet and the Philanthropists: William Chapman's Aspirational Bid for the Nobel Prize0
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« Exposer les tabous au grand jour » – théâtre politique (?) de Céline Delbecq0
Foreword: Hope Labour, Precarious Research, and the Future of French Studies0
Le Défi des diaristes maghrébins: situations, contraintes et horizons de l’écriture journalière au Maghreb0
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An Oral History of the BUMIDOM0
Visual Cultures of the Banlieues: Precarious Peripheries or Creative Centres?0
Vanessa Springora, Gabriel Matzneff and the Problem of Consent0
Vampiric Masculinity. Rachilde's Le grand saigneur (1922) and the Writing of Gender Violence in Post-War France0
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Notes on Contributors0
Decidedly For and Against the Future: Dada and Other Arts for Life0
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Le Roman graphique face aux tragédies contemporaines: le cas de Lamia Ziadé et de Zeina Abirached0
Children as a Tool of Occupation in the French Zone of Occupation of Germany, from 1945 to 19490
Le Journal romain 1985–1986 de Renaud Camus et la fétichisation du Journal0
‘Dans le tissage de la vie’: The Poetic Notebook as an Ecological Form of Exploration0
Le Mariage heureux du féminisme et du néolibéralisme: pistes pour analyser une union récente0
Mémoire de fille (dé)rangée: relire Ernaux à la lumière de Beauvoir0
Les Écrivaines qui font recettes: discours critique par le livre pratique0
La Foi expérimentale: Lourdes d'Émile Zola0
Notes on Contributors0
Convenient and Conditional Humanitarianism: Evacuating French and French Jewish Children to Switzerland during the Second World War0
La Preuve par l'image: l'usage de la photographie dans La Moustache d'Emmanuel Carrère0
Children of Revolutionaries under Stress: The Case of the Bordeaux Girondins0
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Émile Zola and the Literary Language of Climate Change0
Zola and the Science of Painting0
Voltaire, Derrida et les ruses de la raison0
Réinventer le toucher dans La Démangeaison de Laurence Nobécourt0
Women’s Fiction in Postfeminist France: Léonora Miano, Camille Laurens, and Chick-Lit or Romances urbaines0
Évolution du phénomène de traduction dans le domaine littéraire de langue bretonne0
La Littérature de voyage à l'heure du numérique: Olivier Hodasava et Mathias Énard0
Pulling It Out of a Hat: Picabia, Lanson and Man Ray's Cover for Littérature0
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La Réception critique de l'écriture engagée de Jean Genet: les exemples de «Violence et brutalité» et d'Un captif amoureux0
La Séparation tragique: les lieux et l’espace dans Médée, Bérénice et Ariane0
François Jacob: Bricolage and the Possible0
De L'œil du savant au regard impudique dans La Curée0
The Deadly Paternity of a Deserter from the Great War0
Myths of Authenticity and Cultural Performance: Breton Identity in the Poetry Anthology, 1830–20000
Obéir pour se libérer: stratégies d’héroïsation dans le film Indigènes de Rachid Bouchareb0
‘Il nous présenta de la liqueur’: An Alimentary Reading of Drinking, Manipulation and Education in Le Rideau levé, ou L’Éducation de Laure (1786)0
Guillaume des Autelz et Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle: l’exemple du Sonnet pour Estreine, un poème inédit0
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On the Margins or in the Mainstream? The History of Childhood in France0
Croient or Croivent: French Language Commentary on Twitter0
‘Sans offenser l'ordre’: Voice, Order, and Gender in Les Caquets de l'accouchée (1622)0
Hiding in Plain Sight: Intersectional Violence and Postfeminism in Chanson douce (2016) by Leïla Slimani0
‘Une image bien choisie qui fait bouillir les sangs’: Frédéric Lordon and the 2008 Financial Crisis0
Jean-Luc Nancy and the Hospital: Imagining Clinical Environments of Strangeness and Multiplicity0
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What Lies Concealed in the Roots of Cybernetics: The Renewal of Early Greek Thinking of Being as Physis in Martin Heidegger and Edgar Morin0
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Notes on Contributors0
Open Your Ears, Paris Dada! Where Is Your Music Coming From?0
Le Malheur de Sophie et des autres: violences contre les petites filles dans l’œuvre romanesque de la comtesse de Ségur0
Humanisme, biopolitique et civilité: les cas d'Albert Camus et Malika Mokeddem0
Notes on Contributors0
Maurice Blanchot: ‘Theorist’ of the Diary?0
City Escapes: Around the World in Eight Free DaysRemembering Nick Hewitt0
Attention Seeking: Tristan Tzara's Art Critical Prose Poetry0
English Fiction in France: A Cross-Channel Dialogue at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century0
Kamel Daoud's Meursault, contre-enquête (2013) and Camus's L’Étranger (1942): from Postcolonial Remake to De-Narration0
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Jacques Réda's ‘Le Noir et l'or de Dresde’: Ethics and Aesthetics in War's Wake0
Introduction: Diaries and the Question of Literature0
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Inspiration, Creation and Memory in Linda Lê’s Autres jeux avec le feu0
A Breton Bande Dessinée? Graphic Mosaics of Brittany0
Catulle Mendès: écrivain du monstre, écrivain monstrueux0
The ‘Tectonic Sensibility’ in Architecture: From the Pre-Human to the Post-Human0
Notes on contributors0
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Du constat de l'imbrication à la construction du réel: paysage fer de François Bon0
Notes on Contributors0
Living as we Dream: Automatism and Automation from Surrealism to Stiegler0
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Artaud et l’expérience des langues: les glossolalies comme performance thérapeutique0
La Télé-commande0
Medical Humanism or Scientia Sexualis? Building a Sexological Concept in Fécondité0
Notes on Contributors0
Introduction: Early-Career Voices in French Studies – The Articles0
Winged Things: Insects and Birds as Flying Messengers in Céline Arnauld's Poetry0
Sex Workers, Thinkers and Activists in France Today: A ‘Real’ Feminist Vanguard0
‘Working Girl’: Sex Work and Intersubjectivity in Georges Bataille's Madame Edwarda0
Notes on Contributors0
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Introduction: New Dialogues with Breton Literature and Culture0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
‘Les objets plus ou moins déformés’: Émile Zola’s Screen Theory of Representation and the Rougon-Macquart Cycle0
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