Software-Practice & Experience

(The H4-Index of Software-Practice & Experience is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Quantum computing: A taxonomy, systematic review and future directions135
Joint computation offloading and resource provisioning for edge‐cloud computing environment: A machine learning‐based approach58
Senti‐eSystem: A sentiment‐based eSystem‐using hybridized fuzzy and deep neural network for measuring customer satisfaction58
NovidChain: Blockchain‐based privacy‐preserving platform for COVID‐19 test/vaccine certificates54
FPFTS: A joint fuzzy particle swarm optimization mobility‐aware approach to fog task scheduling algorithm for Internet of Things devices47
An approach to forecast impact of Covid‐19 using supervised machine learning model45
Integrated model‐driven engineering of blockchain applications for business processes and asset management36
Software effort estimation accuracy prediction of machine learning techniques: A systematic performance evaluation34
IoT‐fog‐cloud based architecture for smart systems: Prototypes of autism and COVID‐19 monitoring systems34
A graph‐based convolutional neural network stock price prediction with leading indicators31
Spatiotemporal‐based sentiment analysis on tweets for risk assessment of event using deep learning approach28
Microservice transition and its granularity problem: A systematic mapping study27
PARCIV: Recognizing physical activities having complex interclass variations using semantic data of smartphone26
Software reuse analytics using integrated random forest and gradient boosting machine learning algorithm25
Function delivery network: Extending serverless computing for heterogeneous platforms25
An empirical comparison of commercial and open‐source web vulnerability scanners23
Advanced data integration in banking, financial, and insurance software in the age of COVID‐1922
EFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing22
Impact of etcd deployment on Kubernetes, Istio, and application performance22
Design and evaluation of a scalable Internet of Things backend for smart ports21
An autonomous IoT service placement methodology in fog computing21