South Atlantic Quarterly

(The median citation count of South Atlantic Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Reclaiming the Radical Politics of Self-Care47
After Crip, Crip Afters39
The Ethics of Pace32
Spatial Debilities26
Time Harms24
The Sovereignty of Critique23
State Homophobia, Sexual Politics, and Queering the Boğaziçi Resistance15
Actually Existing Platformization15
Making Mental Health through Open in Emergency14
The Limits of Algorithmic Management13
Identity Politics, Criticism, and Self-Criticism13
Autistic Disruptions, Trans Temporalities12
Social Uprising, Racism, and Resistance in Cali’s National Strike11
Rider Platforms?9
“Platformization” beyond the Point of Production8
Solar Infrastructure as Media of Resistance, or, Indigenous Solarities against Settler Colonialism8
Against Unjust Laws7
Hustling the Platform6
Thrice Unseen, Forever on Borrowed Time6
Platform Urbanization and the Impact on Urban Transformation and Citizenship6
Citizens, Infiltrators, and Others5
The Technical Fix5
Beyond the Sun5
Three Currents of Platformization in China5
Impasse Time5
Notes for an Anti-racist Feminism in the Wake of the Migrant Caravans4
The Paradise Performs4
Making Use of Everything: Tangier and Its Southern, Peripheral Practices4
Documenting the Everyday Hidden Resistance of Ride-Hailing Platform Drivers to Algorithmic Management in Lagos, Nigeria4
Platform Battlefield4
Leapfrogging to Solar4
The Gilets Jaunes4
Lebanon’s October 2019 Uprising4
The Struggle for Academic Freedom in an Age of Post-truth3
Taking Political Time: Thinking Past the Emergency Timescapes of the New Climate Movements3
Dispossession, Un-freedom, Precarity3
Let there Be Light (Or, In Defense of Darkness)3
The Making of Freedom and Common Forms of Struggle of Runaways in Taiwan3
Turning toward the Sun2
Solarities or Solarculture2
Counting Citizens in Assam2
Judgment and Social Being2
Anticipating Blackness2
Cooperativism as Contestation to Crypto-colonialism in Puerto Rico2
Critical Theory in Times of Crisis2
Viral Solarity2
The Dialectic of Space2
Single? Great? Collective?2
Digital Workers, Urban Vectors, and New Economies2
Anthropocene Destitution2
Black Futures Not Yet Lost2
Anti-racist Feminism or Barbarism2
Customer Service Representatives2
Service Work, Sex Work, and the “Prostitute Imaginary”2
Stolen Life, Stolen Time2
The Fear We Feel Everyday: Affective Temporalities in Fridays for Future2
Mobilizing Truck Drivers in China2
Impossible Migrants2
The End of Ideology, the Ideology of the End2
The Climate of Roundabouts2
Essentially Dispossessed2
Teaching Lebanon’s Politics in Times of the Uprising2
University Embodied1
Politics of Recognition: The National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe, and Free Abortion in Argentina1
Generation Left after Corbynism1
New Aristocracy1
#AbolishCanada: Breaking Down the 2022 Freedom Convoy1
Introduction: What Moment for Climate Activism?1
Lebanon’s October 2019 Revolution1
Revolution without Revolution (On the Events in France)1
Airbnb Lands in Havana1
Neoliberal Platform Capitalism and Subjectivity1
Erotic Labor within and without Work1
Keeping Time1
The Militancy of (Black) Memory1
The Hour of Revolt1
From Finance to Bodies1
For the Culture1
Provocation as Strategy1
Solar Goop1
Reading Sex Work1
By Leaps or by Federation1
Abortion Reform in Colombia: From Total Prohibition to Decriminalization up to Week Twenty-Four1
Toxic Positivity?1
Dumping Humpty-Dumpty1
Preliminary Remarks toward a Formal Understanding of Revolution1
From Trance to Vertigo1
Introduction: No Echo Chambers, No Filter Bubbles: The Tactical Use of Social Media in Social Movements1
Revolution andRevellion1
Ideology Critique 2.01
The Refugee Festival1
The Strike in Colombia1
Is the Homo in Homocapitalism the Caste in Caste Capitalism and the Racial in Racial Capitalism?1
#AşağıBakmayacağız (“We Will Not Look Down”)1
Extinct Critique1
Brazil’s Deferred 19681
Introduction: Abortion Rights Strategies in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico1
International Law and (the Critique of) Political Economy1
Archaeologies of the Body: Imagining Abortion Care with Feminist Acompañantes in Mexico1
Cold Sun • Hot Planet1
A Race Against the Clock? On the Paradoxes of Acting “Now” in the Climate Struggle1
Fighting against Patriarchy with Tweets and Hashtags: Social Media Activism of the Women's Movement and Reactionary Counterpublics1
Decolonizing Legal Subjects in Climate Chaos1
From Point Zero to the Future1
Boundless Mystification1
“May Day, 2020”1
Tragedy and Juridical Forms0
A Conversation between Wendy Brown and Amy Kapczynski0
Constructing a Communal Form of Life: Destituent Praxis in the Peripheries of Mexico City0
Notes on Contributors0
The Crip Tarot Card0
Untitled (Notes on Fascism This Time)0
Transnational Temporalities: Capitalism, Crisis, Social Movements0
Anything Can Happen0
To Have and to Hoard: Xandra Ibarra's Object Lessons0
What Time Is It When You’re Black?0
Infrastructure and Dignity: Notes on the Becoming of the Chilean Revolt0
Urban Life at the Extensions0
The October Revolt in Chile: From “Now That We Have Found Each Other We Won't Let Go” to “Not with My Money!,” or Generalized Fear of the Other0
Notes on Contributors0
Organizing at the Digital Water Cooler: Social Media, Platform Organizing, and the Fight against Surveillance Capitalism0
Everybody’s a Critic0
On Anti-colonial Time: Encountering Archival Traces in a Haunted Present0
Multitude and Memory in the Chilean Social Uprising0
The Anarchy of Power0
The Book of Revolt and the House of Rejection: On Neoliberalism and the Constitutional Process in Chile, 2019–20220
Destituent Potentiality and the Critique of Realization0
Notes on Contributors0
The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals0
Introduction: Three Registers of Destitution0
“Mediterranization,” or the “Sexual Question” in the North of the City0
“A Dance without a Song”: Revolt and Community in Furio Jesi's Late Work0
Radical Play0
Let’s Get Free0
Caste Capitalism and Queer Theory: Beyond Identity Politics in India0
U jeets'el le ki'ki’ kuxtal: A Hemispheric Meditation on Abolition and Autonomy0
Reproducing Racial Capitalism: Sexual Slavery and Islam at the Edges of Queer of Color Critique0
Flailing at Feminized Labor: SOFFAs, 1990s Trans Care Networks, Stone Butch Blues, and the Devaluation of Social Reproduction0
Active Passive0
Notes on Contributors0
Homonormativity's Racial Capitalism: On the Differential Allocation of Grievability0
Histories of the Channel of Sicily: Architecture, Colonization, and Migrations across the Mediterranean Shores (1932–43)0
Doing Laundry with the TERF0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Sisterhood Is X: On Feminist Solidarity Then and Now0
The Socialist Project on Social Media Platforms: Anticapitalist Organization in Platform Capitalism0
Geographies of Un/-settlement: Unsettling Europe from the Black Mediterranean0
Cars, Debt, and Carcerality0
Meditations on Last Philosophy0
Notes on Contributors0
Feminism Is for Beginners: Learning from Straight Men Doing Queer Feminism0
What Has Happened to the Left Revolutionary Project?0
The Art of Liberation0
Notes on Contributors0
Roundtable: Queer/Trans of Color Transits and the Imaginaries of Racial Capitalism0
Movements and Countermovements in Contemporary Brazil: Repression, Confrontation, and the Fight for Land0
Lifting the Veil0
Outtakes of ’680
The Revolt's Illegitimate Body0
Notes on Contributors0
The Internet Shutdown and Revolutionary Politics: Defining the Infrastructural Power of the Internet0
Crisis as Method: Politics, Temporality, and Agency0
“Sex Work Is Star Shaped”0
The Crisis of the Present Moment and the Crisis of Contemporary Theory0
The End of the Road0
Beyond Distinctions: A Treatise on Abolition and Accomplice Work0
Notes on Contributors0
Feminism and the Impasse of Whiteness; or, Who's Afraid of Rachel Doležal?0
An Affirmation That Is Entirely Other0
The Ubiquity of Asia: Cai Guo-Qiang's Fireworks and Spectral Marxism0
Foucault’s Anti-Oedipus0
How Does Critique Become Effective?0
Future Interrupted: The Subjunctive Nationalism of M. N. Roy0
Notes on Contributors0
Beyond Neoliberal Realism0
Tricks of the Light0
Right-Wing Leninism in Brazil: Reflections on O Movimento Brasil Livre0
Lest We Forget Black Patriarchy; or, Why I'm Over Calling Out White Women0
Notes on Contributors0
Police Whistleblowers, the Lamplighter Project, and Twitter: Exposing Misconduct and Corruption in American Law Enforcement0
This Could Be Housing; or, What Is a Demand Anyway?0
Notes on Contributors0
Mapuche Anticolonial Politics and Chile's Social Uprising0
Revolution and Counterrevolution in India0
Notes on Contributors0
The Durée of Emancipation and the Crisis of Freedom in Antebellum Black Writing0
Foucault’s Solitude0
The State of Exception Goes Viral0
Anticolonialism in the Present Tense: On Europe's Incessant Southern Intrusions0
The Destituent Urge Is Also a Destructive Urge: Agamben, Aristotle, and Benjamin on the Potentiality for Destitution0
The Absolute Gift: Martyrdom as Destituent Power0
Notes on Contributors0
The Abstract Grid of Distribution0
New Fascisms and the Crises of Empire: Lessons from the Americas0
Zounds! Raoul Vaneigem’s Negative Tradition0
Genres of Enslavement0
Momentum vs. Labour’s Bureaucracy0
Transnational Queer Materialism0
Brazil as a Laboratory for Fascist Uprising0
Connecting the Levers of Platform Control0
Revolt/Performance: The Performative Pause0
Surface Critique0
Narrative Power in an Era of Crisis and Convergence0
Crisis in Motion0
“You Need Money to Live in Prison”0
Writing in the Interstices of the Revolt and the Plebiscite0
Migrant Struggles in South Korea and Elsewhere0
Gender Is Carceral: On Racialized Gender Criminalization and Abolitionist Cis-Trans Coalitions0
White Carceral Geographies0
Criticism as Proposition0
A Violence Other than Violence0
Self-Destituent Power in Iroquois Diplomacy: Interpreting the 2020 Talks on the Tyendinaga Tracks0
Is a Communist Governmentality Possible?0
Six Types of Waiting in Berlin, 20170
The Revolutionary and Anti-Capitalist Politics of the Late Foucault0
Introduction: Abolition Politics0
Unhatching the Egg in Lebanon’s 2019 Protests0
Constituting New Modes of Thought and Life0
Black Somatics0
Board Games as Social Media: Toward an Enchanted Inquiry of Digital Capitalism0
Free Sex0
An Approach to the Argumentation in the “Front Line’s” Discourse in Colombia0
What the State of Nature Hath Joined Together: Bolsonarismo as Horizon and Machine0
Some Structural Elements for Understanding the Social Uprising in Colombia0
Everybody's Maybes: Reproducing Feminism's Bad Objects0
From Prison to Researcher0
If You Can Unmake It Here0
Notes on Contributors0
Echo Chambers, or “The Will of the People”: The Case of Alimony Contesters and Antifeminist Countermovement in Turkey0
Constructing European “Souths” through Crises0