Space Science Reviews

(The H4-Index of Space Science Reviews is 44. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Mars 2020 Mission Overview246
The SuperCam Instrument Suite on the NASA Mars 2020 Rover: Body Unit and Combined System Tests159
Coronal Heating by MHD Waves137
The SuperCam Instrument Suite on the Mars 2020 Rover: Science Objectives and Mast-Unit Description132
Optical-Ultraviolet Tidal Disruption Events101
Radio Properties of Tidal Disruption Events100
Relative Atomic Solar System Abundances, Mass Fractions, and Atomic Masses of the Elements and Their Isotopes, Composition of the Solar Photosphere, and Compositions of the Major Chondritic Meteorite 98
Perseverance’s Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) Investigation95
The Non-carbonaceous–Carbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy94
Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar and Stellar Flares: A Review of Underpinning Physical Mechanisms and Their Predicted Observational Signatures92
Star Clusters Near and Far86
Kink Oscillations of Coronal Loops83
The Ingenuity Helicopter on the Perseverance Rover83
Decoding the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Field Configurations of Coronal Mass Ejections82
BepiColombo - Mission Overview and Science Goals81
The Mars 2020 Engineering Cameras and Microphone on the Perseverance Rover: A Next-Generation Imaging System for Mars Exploration78
The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imaging Investigation75
The MarSCoDe Instrument Suite on the Mars Rover of China’s Tianwen-1 Mission74
Investigating Mercury’s Environment with the Two-Spacecraft BepiColombo Mission73
China’s Mars Exploration Mission and Science Investigation68
Atmospheric Dynamics of Hot Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs66
The Sampling and Caching Subsystem (SCS) for the Scientific Exploration of Jezero Crater by the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover66
The Physics of Star Cluster Formation and Evolution65
Lunar Seismology: A Data and Instrumentation Review64
Slow-Mode Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops63
Photogeologic Map of the Perseverance Rover Field Site in Jezero Crater Constructed by the Mars 2020 Science Team61
Towards Precision Measurements of Accreting Black Holes Using X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy60
PIXL: Planetary Instrument for X-Ray Lithochemistry59
The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer, MEDA. A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Mission57
Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE)56
X-Ray Properties of TDEs55
Magnetohydrodynamic Fast Sausage Waves in the Solar Corona54
Rossby Waves in Astrophysics51
Parker Solar Probe: Four Years of Discoveries at Solar Cycle Minimum51
A Review of Possible Planetary Atmospheres in the TRAPPIST-1 System49
The BepiColombo Planetary Magnetometer MPO-MAG: What Can We Learn from the Hermean Magnetic Field?47
Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment—RIMFAX47
SIMBIO-SYS: Scientific Cameras and Spectrometer for the BepiColombo Mission47
Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury’s Surface and Composition47
The ELFIN Mission46
Overview of the Chang’e-4 Mission: Opening the Frontier of Scientific Exploration of the Lunar Far Side45
Physical Processes in Star Formation44
Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Open Coronal Structures44
SuperCam Calibration Targets: Design and Development44
Ice-Ocean Exchange Processes in the Jovian and Saturnian Satellites44