Yale Review

(The TQCC of Yale Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
The Promise of Threat0
If the Cure for AIDS,0
The Blessing of Kali0
Looking at Medieval Art0
Why I Write: Getting ready not to be0
On jeong , language, and ghosts0
Rat Among the Pines0
After the Apocalypse0
A dialogue on somatic practices0
Silence; Notes from a childhood without words0
The merits of imperfection0
Tove Jansson's Genius: The radical imagination that built the visionary world of the Moomins0
In the Atmosphere: The politics of Mati Diop's Atlantics0
Notes Upon Arrival: Diary of lost love0
At the Edge of Mind0
Wildness: The willingness to be defeated0
Temps: A life in between0
The cultural construction of identity0
Short Swoop, Long Line0
Here & There0
The Lord Rejoiced0
This Is What Survival Looks Like0
Director's Note0
Unethical reading and the limits of empathy0
Editor's Note0
Correspondence; Revisiting H. P. Lovecraft0
After Three Years0
Issue Information0
Passing through Danger: Finding words for this pandemic in Inupiaq0
An Account0
Looking Beneath the Sentence's Wing; 19890
Everything Bright Is Something Burned; Living at the end of the world0
Only Portions of the Map Still Legibly Survive0
Elevator Closed, Elevator Open0
Mushmouf's Maybe‐Crown0
Sirenland: The crisis in New York City0
From The Math Campers0
So Long0
Adolfo Kaminsky; A forger's art0
Do You Know Alex Oreille0
Yesterday I Saw a Dog at the Tideline0
The Reason Why0
The Heavy Air: Capitalism and affronts to common sense0
Pandemic Files: Dispatches from life in lockdown0
I Can't Sleep0
The Unthinkable: Writing about the death of children0
Impetus/Impetere : The hauntologies of slavery0
Alex Golshani: The George Floyd Protests in New York0
Cathy Park Hong: On the major weight of minor feelings0
Cannon Fodder: A doctor on the front lines0
Last Air0
Speech Acts: Eunice de Souza, a post‐Independence Indian poet, explores the glitches in poetic voicing0
As the Rain Comes Down Harder0
The Uses of Memory: When ecstasy becomes protest0
The Southern Hemisphere0
Wound is the Origin of Wonder0
On Sugarland: An excerpt and annotation0
After My Brother: Translating grief0
Get the Shovel: Mass graves and missing rites0
From Trading Riffs to Slay Monsters0
Boethius' Body0
Unbothered: On black nonchalance0
The Anti‐Extinction Engine: Actuaries of the apocalypse0
Blue Shift0
Soup Can; or, On Hospitality; American trespass0
Signal, noise, and presencing Blackness0
The Twenty‐First Century0
German Cities0
After Death0
The Queen of Bark and Darkness0
Ana and the Water0
Rilke Poem0