Journal of Community Psychology

(The H4-Index of Journal of Community Psychology is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
“Hey, we also have something to say”: A qualitative study of Portuguese adolescents’ and young people's experiences under COVID‐19134
Stress of university students before and after campus closure in response to COVID‐1966
Green colonialism in the Nordic context: Exploring Southern Saami representations of wind energy development55
The dangers of social distancing: How COVID‐19 can reshape our social experience54
Study of resilience and loneliness in youth (18–25 years old) during the COVID‐19 pandemic lockdown measures53
Social support as a mediator of occupational stressors and mental health outcomes in first responders30
Happiness as fairness: The relationship between national life satisfaction and social justice in EU countries30
The COVID‐19/racial injustice syndemic and mental health among Black Americans: The roles of general and race‐related COVID worry, cultural mistrust, and perceived discrimination29
“It feels like home”: Transgender youth in the Midwest and conceptualizations of community climate29
Profiles of ethnic‐racial socialization from family, school, neighborhood, and the Internet: Relations to adolescent outcomes28
R = MC2 readiness building process: A practical approach to support implementation in local, state, and national settings27
Analyzing the factors affecting the attitude of public toward lockdown, institutional trust, and civic engagement activities26
Social suffering and the psychological impact of structural violence and economic oppression in an ongoing conflict setting: The Gaza Strip26
The role of homelessness community based organizations during COVID‐1925
Vaccination‐hesitancy and vaccination‐inequality as challenges in Pakistan's COVID‐19 response24
Association between the use of social networking sites and mental health of young generation in Bangladesh: A cross‐sectional study22
Social participation and posttraumatic growth: The serial mediation of hope, social support, and reappraisal20
Study on awareness of COVID‐19 and compliance with social distancing during COVID‐19 pandemic in Indonesia20
Misinformation and work‐related outcomes of healthcare community: Sequential mediation role of COVID‐19 threat and psychological distress20
COVID‐19‐related psychiatric impact on Italian adolescent population: A cross‐sectional cohort study20
The stigma system: How sociopolitical domination, scapegoating, and stigma shape public health20