Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

(The H4-Index of Journal of Psycholinguistic Research is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Measuring Students’ Use of Zoom Application in Language Course Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)145
Unpacking Chinese EFL Students’ Academic Engagement and Psychological Well-Being: The Roles of Language Teachers’ Affective Scaffolding52
Exploring EFL Learners’ Metaphorical Conceptions of Language Learning: A Multimodal Analysis33
How Do Arab Tweeters Perceive the COVID-19 Pandemic?27
Structural Relationship Between L2 Learning Motivation and Resilience and Their Impact on Motivated Behavior and L2 Proficiency22
Overview of Computer Measures of the Referential Process18
Overview of the Referential Process: The Operation of Language Within and Between People17
The Comparative Effects of Teacher Versus Peer-Scaffolding on EFL Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension: A Socio-Cultural Perspective17
Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Goal Orientation, Willingness to Communicate, Self-efficacy, and Learning Strategy Use as Predictors of Second Language Achievement: A Structural Equation Model16
Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Processing of Negations: A Neural Reuse Hypothesis15
Where do Language Mindsets Come from? An Ecological Perspective on EFL Students’ Mindsets About L2 Writing15
Effects of Language Skills and Strategy Use on Vocabulary Learning Through Lexical Translation and Inferencing14
Context and Literality in Idiom Processing: Evidence from Self-Paced Reading14
Effects of Phonetic Training on the Discrimination of Second Language Sounds by Learners with Naturalistic Access to the Second Language13