Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

(The H4-Index of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Optimal Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Non-pharmaceutical Interventions122
Sequential Data Assimilation of the Stochastic SEIR Epidemic Model for Regional COVID-19 Dynamics56
Comparison of Drug Inhibitory Effects ($$\hbox {IC}_{50}$$) in Monolayer and Spheroid Cultures45
Mathematical Model of Tumour Spheroid Experiments with Real-Time Cell Cycle Imaging40
Competitive Exclusion in a General Multi-species Chemostat Model with Stochastic Perturbations31
Bespoke Turing Systems30
Global Dynamics of a Reaction–Diffusion Model of Zika Virus Transmission with Seasonality25
Trending on Social Media: Integrating Social Media into Infectious Disease Dynamics22
Propagation of Epidemics Along Lines with Fast Diffusion22
Controlling Multiple COVID-19 Epidemic Waves: An Insight from a Multi-scale Model Linking the Behaviour Change Dynamics to the Disease Transmission Dynamics22
Modeling CAR T-Cell Therapy with Patient Preconditioning21
Vaccination and Quarantine Effect on COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics Incorporating Chinese-Spring-Festival Travel Rush: Modeling and Simulations21
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in Mathematics and Biology Education21
Modeling and Dynamics Analysis of Zika Transmission with Limited Medical Resources21
A Mathematical Dissection of the Adaptation of Cell Populations to Fluctuating Oxygen Levels20
A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Perspective on the Importance of Parameter Identifiability19
A Non-local Cross-Diffusion Model of Population Dynamics I: Emergent Spatial and Spatiotemporal Patterns17