Journal of Experimental Psychology-General

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental Psychology-General is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Fake news, fast and slow: Deliberation reduces belief in false (but not true) news headlines.232
Logistic or linear? Estimating causal effects of experimental treatments on binary outcomes using regression analysis.182
Does my professor think my ability can change? Students’ perceptions of their STEM professors’ mindset beliefs predict their psychological vulnerability, engagement, and performance in class.105
A toolbox approach to improving the measurement of attention control.86
Is there a G factor for metacognition? Correlations in retrospective metacognitive sensitivity across tasks.58
The correlations in experience principle: How culture shapes concepts of time and number.53
Diffusion modeling and intelligence: Drift rates show both domain-general and domain-specific relations with intelligence.44
Children’s exposure to spatial language promotes their spatial thinking.42
Intelligence and creativity share a common cognitive and neural basis.42
Rethinking the link between cognitive sophistication and politically motivated reasoning.41
Memory suppression and its deficiency in psychological disorders: A focused meta-analysis.40
A systematic investigation of conceptual color associations.38
Measuring habit formation through goal-directed response switching.37
Modulations of saliency signals at two hierarchical levels of priority computation revealed by spatial statistical distractor learning.35
Temporal dynamics of real-world emotion are more strongly linked to prediction error than outcome.35
Adults delay conversations about race because they underestimate children’s processing of race.34
Passive exposure attenuates distraction during visual search.33
Promoting farsighted decisions via episodic future thinking: A meta-analysis.32
Age differences in risk attitude are shaped by option complexity.30
Engaging proactive control: Influences of diverse language experiences using insights from machine learning.30
Feel the bass: Music presented to tactile and auditory modalities increases aesthetic appreciation and body movement.29
Of pandemics, politics, and personality: The role of conscientiousness and political ideology in the sharing of fake news.29
Distortions of visual time induced by motor adaptation.28
It’s all relative: Reward-induced cognitive control modulation depends on context.28
Algorithmic discrimination causes less moral outrage than human discrimination.27
The validated circular shape space: Quantifying the visual similarity of shape.26
Caring is costly: People avoid the cognitive work of compassion.26
Individual differences in creative cognition.26
Object-based attention prioritizes working memory contents at a theta rhythm.25
It’s surprisingly nice to hear you: Misunderstanding the impact of communication media can lead to suboptimal choices of how to connect with others.25
The social transmission of overconfidence.25
The role of decision confidence in advice-taking and trust formation.24
Victims, perpetrators, or both? The vicious cycle of disrespect and cynical beliefs about human nature.24
It’s new, but is it good? How generalization and uncertainty guide the exploration of novel options.24
Semantic influences on episodic memory distortions.24
The automaticity of semantic processing revisited: Auditory distraction by a categorical deviation.24
Tight cultures and vengeful gods: How culture shapes religious belief.23
Action biases perceptual decisions toward expected outcomes.22
Tailored perception: Individuals’ speech and music perception strategies fit their perceptual abilities.22
Honesty biases trustworthiness impressions.22
Beyond inhibitory control training: Inactions and actions influence smartphone app use through changes in explicit liking.21
Hierarchical beat perception develops throughout childhood and adolescence and is enhanced in those with musical training.21
Anticipation of future cooperation eliminates minimal ingroup bias in children and adults.21
Hello, stranger? Pleasant conversations are preceded by concerns about starting one.20
An adaptive perspective on visual working memory distortions.20
Zoom disrupts the rhythm of conversation.20
Anxious and obsessive-compulsive traits are independently associated with valuation of noninstrumental information.19
The backfire effect after correcting misinformation is strongly associated with reliability.19
Truth is in the mind, but beauty is in the eye: Fluency effects are moderated by a match between fluency source and judgment dimension.19
Youngism: The content, causes, and consequences of prejudices toward younger adults.19
Literacy can enhance syntactic prediction in spoken language processing.18
Interoceptive cardiac signals selectively enhance fear memories.18
An integrated theory of deciding and acting.18
Linking metacognition and mindreading: Evidence from autism and dual-task investigations.18
Advancing research on unconscious priming: When can scientists claim an indirect task advantage?18
The architecture of working memory: Features from multiple remembered objects produce parallel, coactive guidance of attention in visual search.17
Why do people seek information? The role of personality traits and situation perception.17
Brain training habits are not associated with generalized benefits to cognition: An online study of over 1000 “brain trainers”.17
Utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people? Harming animals and humans for the greater good.17
Evaluation of an action’s effectiveness by the motor system in a dynamic environment.17
Better than my past self: Temporal comparison raises children’s pride without triggering superiority goals.17
Making rights from wrongs: The crucial role of beliefs and justifications for the expression of aversive personality.16
Structure-seeking as a psychological antecedent of beliefs about morality.16
Integration of memory content in adults and children: Developmental differences in task conditions and functional consequences.16
Apathy is associated with reduced precision of prior beliefs about action outcomes.16
Individual differences in lapses of attention: A latent variable analysis.16
Reappraising stress arousal improves affective, neuroendocrine, and academic performance outcomes in community college classrooms.16
Lying to appear honest.16
Mindfulness interventions improve momentary and trait measures of attentional control: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial.16
Gamified inoculation interventions do not improve discrimination between true and fake news: Reanalyzing existing research with receiver operating characteristic analysis.15
Objects that direct visuospatial attention produce the search advantage for facing dyads.15
Overestimating the valuations and preferences of others.15
A chronometric model of the relationship between frontal midline theta functional connectivity and human intelligence.15
Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication.15
Effort(less) exam preparation: Math anxiety predicts the avoidance of effortful study strategies.15
How effectively can implicit evaluations be updated? Using evaluative statements after aversive repeated evaluative pairings.15
Intuition rather than deliberation determines selfish and prosocial choices.15
Autistic adults anticipate and integrate meaning based on the speaker’s voice: Evidence from eye-tracking and event-related potentials.15
The moralization of effort.15
Representative design in psychological assessment: A case study using the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART).15
Helplessness experience and intentional (un-)binding: Control deprivation disrupts the implicit sense of agency.15
Cognitive control across adolescence: Dynamic adjustments and mind-wandering.15
Nice and easy: Mismatch negativity responses reveal a significant correlation between aesthetic appreciation and perceptual learning.15
The effects of repetition on belief in naturalistic settings.15
With a little help from my friends: Selective social potentiation of emotion regulation.14
What you read versus what you know: Neural correlates of accessing context information and background knowledge in constructing a mental representation during reading.14
Evaluative conditioning of artificial grammars: Evidence that subjectively-unconscious structures bias affective evaluations of novel stimuli.14
When and why “staying out of it” backfires in moral and political disagreements.14
Wine experts’ recognition of wine odors is not verbally mediated.14
Outlier exclusion procedures must be blind to the researcher’s hypothesis.14
Waiting in intertemporal choice tasks affects discounting and subjective time perception.14
Are individual differences in attention control related to working memory capacity? A latent variable mega-analysis.14
A little good goes an unexpectedly long way: Underestimating the positive impact of kindness on recipients.14
Numerosity and cumulative surface area are perceived holistically as integral dimensions.14
Attention increases environmental risk perception.14
Happiness is from the soul: The nature and origins of our happiness concept.14
Error-induced adaptability: Behavioral and neural dynamics of response-stimulus interval modulations on posterror slowing.14
The role of working memory capacity in spatial learning depends on spatial information integration difficulty in the environment.14
Right place, right time: Spatiotemporal predictions guide attention in dynamic visual search.13
The bittersweet taste of sacrifice: Consequences for ambivalence and mixed reactions.13
Domain-general ability underlies complex object ensemble processing.13
The human black-box: The illusion of understanding human better than algorithmic decision-making.13
An investigation of network growth principles in the phonological language network.13
The architecture of prototype preferences: Typicality, fluency, and valence.13
Fleeting impressions of economic value via summary statistical representations.13
Mindfulness-based stress reduction triggers a long-term shift toward more positive appraisals of emotional ambiguity.13
Iconicity emerges and is maintained in spoken language.13
Unity and diversity of metacognition.13
Crime and punishment: Morality judgment in a foreign language.13
Blatant dehumanization in the mind’s eye: Prevalent even among those who explicitly reject it?13
Skirting the issue: What does believing in repression mean?13
Perceptions of the malleability of fluid and crystallized intelligence.13
Profiles in empathy: Different empathic responses to emotional and physical suffering.13
How development and culture shape intuitions about prosocial obligations.12
Visual working memory items drift apart due to active, not passive, maintenance.12
The conceptual building blocks of everyday thought: Tracking the emergence and dynamics of ruminative and nonruminative thinking.12
Articulation contributes to valence sound symbolism.12
Self-referential processing accounts for cultural variation in self-enhancement versus criticism: An electrocortical investigation.12
Quantifying the interplay of conversational devices in building mutual understanding.12
Serial dependence occurs at the level of both features and integrated object representations.12
Children are full of optimism, but those rose-tinted glasses are fading—Reduced learning from negative outcomes drives hyperoptimism in children.12
Cross-talker generalization in the perception of nonnative speech: A large-scale replication.12
How do children learn novel emotion words? A study of emotion concept acquisition in preschoolers.12
Bridging interpersonal and ecological dynamics of cognition through a systems framework of bilingualism.12
Novel and familiar object recognition rely on the same ability.12
Win–win denial: The psychological underpinnings of zero-sum thinking.12
Revisiting the association between self-reported empathy and behavioral assessments of social cognition.12
Highly accurate and robust identity perception from personally familiar voices.11
Who you know is what you know: Modeling boundedly rational social sampling.11
Genetic associations between executive functions and intelligence: A combined twin and adoption study.11
Not so motivated after all? Three replication attempts and a theoretical challenge to a morally motivated belief in free will.11
A meta-analysis on the effect of visual attention on choice.11
Generalization and recovery of post-retrieval amnesia.11
Community standards of deception: Deception is perceived to be ethical when it prevents unnecessary harm.11
The spatial distribution of attention predicts familiarity strength during encoding and retrieval.11
Different features of real-world objects are represented in a dependent manner in long-term memory.11
A paradox of pride: Hubristic pride predicts strategic dishonesty in response to status threats.11
Speakers and listeners exploit word order for communicative efficiency: A cross-linguistic investigation.11
Language as a window into mind perception: How mental state language differentiates body and mind, human and nonhuman, and the self from others.11
Personal relative deprivation and the belief that economic success is zero-sum.11
The shared features principle: If two objects share a feature, people assume those objects also share other features.11
Perceived femininity and masculinity contribute independently to facial impressions.11
Emotional modulation of episodic memory in school-age children and adults: Emotional items and their associated contextual details.10
Belief digitization: Do we treat uncertainty as probabilities or as bits?10
Belief in unconscious repressed memory is widespread: A comment on Brewin, Li, Ntarantana, Unsworth, and McNeilis (2019).10
Assessing model-based inferences in decision making with single-trial response time decomposition.10
Political depression? A big-data, multimethod investigation of Americans’ emotional response to the Trump presidency.10
Anger bias in the evaluation of crowds.10
Logical intuition is not really about logic.10
Cooperation in sound and motion: Complexity matching in collaborative interaction.10
Electrophysiological evidence for action-effect prediction.10
Spatial anxiety and spatial ability: Mediators of gender differences in math anxiety.10
Guess who? Facial identity discrimination training improves face memory in typically developing children.10
Explaining the existential: Scientific and religious explanations play different functional roles.10
Cross-category adaptation of reflexive social attention.10
Decomposing the semantic processes underpinning veridical and false memories.10
Nature and measurement of attention control.10
Why do people increase effort near a deadline? An opportunity-cost model of goal gradients.10
Speed-accuracy trade-offs in sample-based decisions.10
Trait evaluations of faces and voices: Comparing within- and between-person variability.10
Do humans prefer cognitive effort over doing nothing?10
When an irresistible prejudice meets immovable politics: Black legal gun ownership undermines racially resentful White Americans’ gun rights advocacy.9
A corpus-based versus experimental examination of word- and character-frequency effects in Chinese reading: Theoretical implications for models of reading.9
Autistic traits predict underestimation of emotional abilities.9
Reasoning strategies explain individual differences in social reasoning.9
The endowment effect: Loss aversion or a buy-sell discrepancy?9
Evaluation of the “rethink stress” mindset intervention: A metacognitive approach to changing mindsets.9
Understanding how minds vary relates to skill in inferring mental states, personality, and intelligence.9
Biculturalism, linguistic distance, and bilingual profile effects on the bilingual influence on cognition: A comprehensive multipopulation approach.9
Is discrimination widespread? Testing assumptions about bias on a university campus.9
The intent and extent of collective threats: A data-driven conceptualization of collective threats and their relation to political preferences.9
Communication in action: Planning and interpreting communicative demonstrations.9
The unexpected power of positivity: Predictions versus decisions about advisor selection.9
Domain-general conflict monitoring predicts neural and behavioral indices of linguistic error processing during reading comprehension.9
Noncoercive human intelligence gathering.9
Is the juice worth the squeeze? Learning the marginal value of mental effort over time.9
A goal-directed account of action slips: The reliance on old contingencies.9
The perceptual span is dynamically adjusted in response to foveal load by beginning readers.9
Affective valence of words differentially affects visual and auditory word recognition.9
Pattern deviancy aversion predicts prejudice via a dislike of statistical minorities.9
Vocal interaction during rhythmic joint action stabilizes interpersonal coordination and individual movement timing.9
Thinking about thinking: People underestimate how enjoyable and engaging just waiting is.9
Emotion regulation contagion: Stress reappraisal promotes challenge responses in teammates.9
People exert more effort to avoid losses than to obtain gains.9
Thinking about God discourages dehumanization of religious outgroups.8
A neurocognitive psychometrics account of individual differences in attentional control.8
Unity and diversity of neural representation in executive functions.8
Individual differences in updating are not related to reasoning ability and working memory capacity.8
The role of political devotion in sharing partisan misinformation and resistance to fact-checking.8
Discriminating memory disordered patients from controls using diffusion model parameters from recognition memory.8
The use of number words in natural language obeys Weber’s law.8
Flavors of desire: Cognitive representations of appetitive stimuli and their motivational implications.8
Measuring metacognition of direct and indirect parameters of voluntary movement.8
Working memory recruits long-term memory when it is beneficial: Evidence from the Hebb effect.8
The confident conservative: Ideological differences in judgment and decision-making confidence.8
The concreteness advantage in lexical decision does not depend on perceptual simulations.8
Wired actions: Anticipatory kinematic interference during a dyadic sequential motor interaction task.8
Is social decision making for close others consistent across domains and within individuals?8
No need to choose: Independent regulation of cognitive stability and flexibility challenges the stability-flexibility trade-off.8
Less is more: Depleting cognitive resources enhances language learning abilities in adults.8
The visual arrays task: Visual storage capacity or attention control?8
Social sampling: Children track social choices to reason about status hierarchies.8
Children flexibly seek visual information to support signed and spoken language comprehension.8
Metacognitive improvement: Disentangling adaptive training from experimental confounds.8
Staying the course: Decision makers who escalate commitment are trusted and trustworthy.8
Motivated free will belief: The theory, new (preregistered) studies, and three meta-analyses.8
Discordant knowing: A social cognitive structure underlying fanaticism.8
Forgetting unrelated episodic memories through suppression-induced amnesia.8
When actions go awry: Monitoring partner errors and machine malfunctions.8
Context effects in similarity judgments.8
How attention controls naming: Lessons from Wundt 2.0.8
Spontaneous mental replay of music improves memory for incidentally associated event knowledge.8
Asymmetric memory for harming versus being harmed.8
Curiosity: The effects of feedback and confidence on the desire to know.8
How adolescents and adults translate motivational value to action: Age-related shifts in strategic physical effort exertion for monetary rewards.8
Biased preferences through exploitation: How initial biases are consolidated in reward-rich environments.8
Emotional ambiguity and memory.8
On the relationship between tip-of-the-tongue states and partial recollective experience: Illusory partial recollective access during tip-of-the-tongue states.7
Predicting pragmatic cue integration in adults’ and children’s inferences about novel word meanings.7
Constant curvature segments as building blocks of 2D shape representation.7
Truth sensitivity and partisan bias in responses to misinformation.7
Repeated retrieval of generalized memories can impair specific autobiographical recall: A retrieval induced forgetting account.7
Testing the over-reliance on central attention (ORCA) hypothesis: Do older adults have difficulty automatizing especially easy tasks?7
Praise-many, blame-fewer: A common (and successful) strategy for attributing responsibility in groups.7
Levels of interpersonal trust across different types of environment: The micro–macro interplay between relational distance and human ecology.7
“Do not teach them how to fish”: The effect of zero-sum beliefs on help giving.7
Galton and Spearman revisited: Can single general discrimination ability drive performance on diverse sensorimotor tasks and explain intelligence?7
Opposing contributions of psychologically distinct components of empathy to empathic accuracy.7
A comparison of memories of fiction and autobiographical memories.7
Dimensions of holistic thinking: Implications for nonsocial information processing across cultures.7
Exploring information use in children’s decision-making: Base-rate neglect and trust in testimony.7
Forever yuck: Oculomotor avoidance of disgusting stimuli resists habituation.7
Two faces of perceptual awareness during the attentional blink: Gradual and discrete.7
Prospective outcome bias: Incurring (unnecessary) costs to achieve outcomes that are already likely.7
Intentional remembering and intentional forgetting in working and long-term memory.7
Out-of-vocabulary but not meaningless: Evidence for semantic-priming effects in pseudoword processing.7
How race and gender shape the development of social prototypes in the United States.7
Levels of specificity in episodic memory: Insights from response accuracy and subjective confidence ratings in older adults and in younger adults under full or divided attention.7
Simple spans underestimate verbal working memory capacity.7
Self-transcendence or self-enhancement: People’s perceptions of meaning and happiness in relation to the self.7
Inference from explanation.7
Conscious perception can be both graded and discrete.7
The human cognitive system corrects traces of error commission on the fly.7
Vision shapes tactile spatial perspective taking.7
Preparing to switch languages versus preparing to switch tasks: Which is more effective?7
Identifying cultural differences in metacognition.7
The effect of opportunity costs on mental fatigue in labor/leisure trade-offs.7
Distractor intrusions are the result of delayed attentional engagement: A new temporal variability account of attentional selectivity in dynamic visual tasks.7
The role of explicit categorization in the Implicit Association Test.7
Children’s beliefs about causes of human characteristics: Genes, environment, or choice?7