Design Studies

(The H4-Index of Design Studies is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Sampling in design research: Eight key considerations52
Where next for design research? Understanding research impact and theory building34
A cautionary tale about the impact of AI on human design teams31
Mixed reality in design prototyping: A systematic review31
The life cycle of creative ideas: Towards a dual-process theory of ideation30
Staging negotiation spaces: A co-design framework26
Design performance and designer preference in an interactive, data-driven conceptual building design scenario21
Design anthropology for emerging technologies: Trust and sharing in autonomous driving futures21
Method content theory: Towards a new understanding of methods in design21
Conceptualization and operationalization of empathy in design research20
Quality in research through design projects: Recommendations for evaluation and enhancement20
Prototyping strategies for stakeholder engagement during front-end design: Design practitioners’ approaches in the medical device industry19
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in design studies: Methodological considerations, challenges, and recommendations19
Investigating users’ reactions to surprising products18
Cognitive strategies in solution mapping: How engineering designers identify problems for technological solutions17
Languaging design methods17
Crafters, explorers, innovators, and co-creators: Narratives in designers’ identity work17