Science Technology & Human Values

(The TQCC of Science Technology & Human Values is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Talking AI into Being: The Narratives and Imaginaries of National AI Strategies and Their Performative Politics126
Fixing Technology with Society: The Coproduction of Democratic Deficits and Responsible Innovation at the OECD and the European Commission26
Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses24
A Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice20
Seeing Like a State, Enacting Like an Algorithm: (Re)assembling Contact Tracing and Risk Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic20
Listening Like a Computer: Attentional Tensions and Mechanized Care in Psychiatric Digital Phenotyping20
The Racializing Womb: Surrogacy and Epigenetic Kinship18
Between Infrastructural Experimentation and Collective Imagination: The Digital Transformation of the EU Border Regime18
The Reproductive Bodies of Postgenomics18
Introduction: Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation17
From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations16
Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy15
Between the Lab and the Field: Plants and the Affective Atmospheres of Southern Science15
“A Heat Pump Needs a Bit of Care”: On Maintainability and Repairing Gender–Technology Relations14
Editorial Work and the Peer Review Economy of STS Journals14
The Double Darkness of Digitalization: Shaping Digital-ready Legislation to Reshape the Conditions for Public-sector Digitalization13
Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies: Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets13
On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies13
Seeking Public Values of Digital Energy Platforms13
Egg Freezing at the End of Romance: A Technology of Hope, Despair, and Repair13
Freedom of Expression Challenged: Scientists’ Perspectives on Hidden Forms of Suppression and Self-censorship13
Competing Transport Futures: Tensions between Imaginaries of Electrification and Biogas Fuel in Sweden12
Public Trust and Political Legitimacy in the Smart City: A Reckoning for Technocracy12
Welcome to Whenever: Exploring Suspended Life in Cryopreservation Practices12
Platform NHS: Reconfiguring a Public Service in the Age of Digital Capitalism11
Value Change in Energy Systems11
Ethics as Discursive Work: The Role of Ethical Framing in the Promissory Future of Data-driven Healthcare Technologies11
“Let’s Not Have the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good”: Social Impact Bonds, Randomized Controlled Trials, and the Valuation of Social Programs10
Quantitative Storytelling: Science, Narratives, and Uncertainty in Nexus Innovations9
Eliciting Values for Technology Design with Moral Philosophy: An Empirical Exploration of Effects and Shortcomings9
Rethinking Science as a Vocation: One Hundred Years of Bureaucratization of Academic Science9
Artificial Intelligence from Colonial India: Race, Statistics, and Facial Recognition in the Global South9
Predicting Success in the Embryology Lab: The Use of Algorithmic Technologies in Knowledge Production8
Meditation Apps and the Promise of Attention by Design8
Audible Crime Scenes: ShotSpotter as Diagnostic, Policing, and Space-making Infrastructure8
Disagreement and Agonistic Chance in Peer Review8
To Test or Not to Test: Tools, Rules, and Corporate Data in US Chemicals Regulation8
Opening Up Containment7
Age-discriminated IVF Access and Evidence-based Ageism: Is There a Better Way?7
Identity in Postgenomic Times: Epigenetic Knowledge and the Pursuit of Biological Origins7
On Staging Work: How Research Funding Bodies Create Adaptive Coherence in Times of Projectification7
Public Perceptions of Risks and Benefits of Gene-edited Food Crops: An International Comparative Study between the US, Japan, and Germany7
Technology, Sexual Violence, and Power-Evasive Politics: Mapping the Anti-violence Sociotechnical Imaginary6
Cryovalues beyond High Expectations: Endurance and the Construction of Value in Cord Blood Banking6
Microbial Extractions: Sequence-based Bioprospecting, Augmented Promises, and Elusive Politics6
Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition6
Rationality in Context: Regulatory Science and the Best Scientific Method6
Searching for a Public in Controversies over Carbon Dioxide Removal: An Issue Mapping Study on BECCS and Afforestation6
Legal Pluralism and Science and Technology Studies: Exploring Sources of the Legal Pluriverse6
Diversifying the Deliberative Turn: Toward an Agonistic RRI6
Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure5
An Interpretation of Value Change: A Philosophical Disquisition of Climate Change and Energy Transition Debate5
Science Communication as a Boundary Space: An Interactive Installation about the Social Responsibility of Science5
The Media’s Taste for Gene-Edited Food: Comparing Media Portrayals within US and European Regulatory Environments5
The Reproduction of Shame: Pregnancy, Nutrition and Body Weight in the Translation of Developmental Origins of Adult Disease5
Governance of Gene-edited Plants: Insights from the History of Biotechnology Oversight and Policy Process Theory5
Transfer or Translation? Rethinking Traveling Technologies from the Global South5
The Economization of Early Life: Human Capital Theory, Biology, and Social Policy5
Patents as Vehicles of Social and Moral Concerns: The Case of Johnson & Johnson Disposable Feminine Hygiene Products (1925–2012)5
Privacy Worlds: Exploring Values and Design in the Development of the Tor Anonymity Network5
Citizen-Person: The “Me” in the “We” in Danish Precision Medicine5