ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems

(The median citation count of ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
A Principled Approach to Selective Context Sensitivity for Pointer Analysis26
RustHorn: CHC-based Verification for Rust Programs24
Armed Cats16
What’s Decidable About Causally Consistent Shared Memory?11
Compositional Programming11
Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions9
A Lightweight Formalism for Reference Lifetimes and Borrowing in Rust9
Ranking and Repulsing Supermartingales for Reachability in Randomized Programs8
Inferring Lower Runtime Bounds for Integer Programs8
Polymorphic Iterable Sequential Effect Systems7
Deep Dive into ZGC: A Modern Garbage Collector in OpenJDK7
Bounded Verification of Multi-threaded Programs via Lazy Sequentialization6
TF-Coder: Program Synthesis for Tensor Manipulations6
Semantic Correctness of Dependence-based Slicing for Interprocedural, Possibly Nonterminating Programs5
Passport: Improving Automated Formal Verification Using Identifiers5
Symbolic Disintegration with a Variety of Base Measures5
On Polymorphic Sessions and Functions5
CSim 2 5
CHAD: Combinatory Homomorphic Automatic Differentiation5
An Extended Account of Trace-relating Compiler Correctness and Secure Compilation5
Fast Graph Simplification for Interleaved-Dyck Reachability4
Robustly Safe Compilation, an Efficient Form of Secure Compilation4
Revisiting Iso-Recursive Subtyping4
A Verified Optimizer for Quantum Circuits3
Safe-by-default Concurrency for Modern Programming Languages3
A Fresh Look at Zones and Octagons3
Type Inference for C3
The Systematic Design of Responsibility Analysis by Abstract Interpretation3
Securing Interruptible Enclaved Execution on Small Microprocessors3
TaDA Live: Compositional Reasoning for Termination of Fine-grained Concurrent Programs3
Conditional Independence by Typing3
Capturing Types2
Side-channel Elimination via Partial Control-flow Linearization2
Active Learning for Inference and Regeneration of Applications that Access Databases2
A Relational Program Logic with Data Abstraction and Dynamic Framing2
A Type Discipline for Message Passing Parallel Programs2
Nested Session Types2
Prophecy Made Simple2
Typed–Untyped Interactions: A Comparative Analysis2
For a Few Dollars More: Verified Fine-Grained Algorithm Analysis Down to LLVM2
Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-calculus2