Discrete Applied Mathematics

(The H4-Index of Discrete Applied Mathematics is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
The Kirchhoff index and spanning trees of Möbius/cylinder octagonal chain48
Analysis on component connectivity of bubble-sort star graphs and burnt pancake graphs36
Path factors in subgraphs36
A note on fractional ID-[a,b<34
General properties on Sombor indices31
Spectral properties of the eccentricity matrix of graphs30
The expected values for the Schultz index, Gutman index, multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index and additive degree-Kirchhoff index of a random polyphenylene chain30
A neighborhood union condition for fractional (a28
A single shuffle is enough for secure card-based computation of any Boolean circuit26
Structure connectivity and substructure connectivity of star graphs24
Spectra of eccentricity matrices of graphs23
Partial domination of maximal outerplanar graphs23
Metric dimension and pattern avoidance in graphs22
The expected subtree number index in random polyphenylene and spiro chains22
Binding numbers and restricted fractional (g,22
A note on domination number in maximal outerplanar graphs21
Subgraphs with orthogonal factorizations in graphs20
The generalized 4-connectivity of hierarchical cubic networks19
General eccentric connectivity index of trees and unicyclic graphs19