Science of Computer Programming

(The median citation count of Science of Computer Programming is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Ranking programming languages by energy efficiency50
Predicting issue types on GitHub44
Programming interactions in collective adaptive systems by relying on attribute-based communication27
The MATLAB Toolbox for EnergyPLAN: A tool to extend energy planning studies27
Improving performance with hybrid feature selection and ensemble machine learning techniques for code smell detection26
Predicting software effort from use case points: A systematic review23
Unifying semantic foundations for automated verification tools in Isabelle/UTP19
Improving software effort estimation using bio-inspired algorithms to select relevant features: An empirical study18
RML: Theory and practice of a domain specific language for runtime verification18
Examining the performance of kernel methods for software defect prediction based on support vector machine16
Formal verification of input-output mappings of tree ensembles16
Understanding stack overflow code quality: A recommendation of caution16
Umple: Model-driven development for open source and education16
Beyond connected cars: A systems of systems perspective16
Safe automated refactoring for intelligent parallelization of Java 8 streams15
A review of code reviewer recommendation studies: Challenges and future directions13
Abstracting gradual references11
Complete algorithms for algebraic strongest postconditions and weakest preconditions in polynomial odes11
On the usage of JavaScript, Python and Ruby packages in Docker Hub images10
CHOReVOLUTION: Service choreography in practice10
Statically identifying XSS using deep learning10
EMIP: The eye movements in programming dataset10
QaSD: A Quality-aware Strategic Dashboard for supporting decision makers in Agile Software Development10
Locally weighted regression with different kernel smoothers for software effort estimation10
Verified synthesis of optimal safety controllers for human-robot collaboration9
Efficient testing of GUI applications by event sequence reduction9
Test case prioritization with neuron valuation based pattern9
Several lifted abstract domains for static analysis of numerical program families9
Measurement of key performance indicators of user experience based on software requirements9
A framework for verifying deadlock and nondeterminism in UML activity diagrams based on CSP9
Automated evolution of feature logging statement levels using Git histories and degree of interest9
Quantifying the interpretation overhead of Python9
SATDBailiff-mining and tracking self-admitted technical debt9
Evaluating the impact of feature selection consistency in software prediction8
Formally verifying consistency of sequence diagrams for safety critical systems8
Are you of value to me? A partner selection reference method for software ecosystem orchestrators8
API recommendation for the development of Android App features based on the knowledge mined from App stores8
Mutating code annotations: An empirical evaluation on Java and C# programs8
Toward safe and efficient reconfiguration with Concerto8
Experiences on teaching alloy with an automated assessment platform8
Impacts of software community patterns on process and product: An empirical study8
A formal, scalable approach to semantic interoperability8
Sustaining and improving graduated graph consistency: A static analysis of graph transformations7
Prioritizing versions for performance regression testing: The Pharo case7
Contract Automata Library6
Safety assurance of an industrial robotic control system using hardware/software co-verification6
Provably correct implementation of the AbC calculus6
Programming language foundations in Agda6
HBSniff: A static analysis tool for Java Hibernate object-relational mapping code smell detection6
A fairness-based refinement strategy to transform liveness properties in Event-B models6
EUD-MARS: End-user development of model-driven adaptive robotics software systems6
Automated test generation for IEC 61131-3 ST programs via dynamic symbolic execution6
: A tool chain for choreographic design6
Improving the success rate of applying the extract method refactoring5
Formal verification of IoT applications using rewriting logic: An MDE-based approach5
On the verification of mission-related properties in software-intensive systems-of-systems architectural design5
Model checking safety and liveness via k-induction and witness refinement with constraint generation5
Fast rule-based graph programs5
Adaptive selection of classifiers for bug prediction: A large-scale empirical analysis of its performances and a benchmark study5
Reversing an imperative concurrent programming language5
A debugging approach for live Big Data applications5
The orchestrator's partner management framework for software ecosystems5
Ready, set, Go!4
From CIL to Java bytecode: Semantics-based translation for static analysis leveraging4
Modelling and verifying BDI agents with bigraphs4
Quantifying the similarity of non-bisimilar labelled transition systems4
A decentralized analysis of multiparty protocols4
KinZ an Azure Kinect toolkit for Python and Matlab4
Trace semantics and refinement patterns for real-time properties in event-B models4
Synthesizing and optimizing FDIR recovery strategies from fault trees4
A domain-specific language for verifying software requirement constraints4
NOD4J: Near-omniscient debugging tool for Java using size-limited execution trace4
Are requirements elicitation sessions influenced by participants' gender? An empirical experiment4
A new modular implementation for stateful traits4
The ABS simulator toolchain4
Decoding techniques applied to the compilation of CNOT circuits for NISQ architectures4
Cost-effective simulation-based test selection in self-driving cars software4
Modelling digital avatars: A tuple space approach4
Aggregate centrality measures for IoT-based coordination3
Multi-task Ada code generation from synchronous dataflow programs on multi-core: Approach and industrial study3
A clock-based dynamic logic for schedulability analysis of CCSL specifications3
Automated model extraction: From non-deterministic C code to active objects3
Using word embedding and convolution neural network for bug triaging by considering design flaws3
A nearest-neighbor divide-and-conquer approach for adaptive random testing3
A type-directed algorithm to generate random well-typed Java 8 programs3
Which monads Haskell developers use: An exploratory study3
Time-symmetric Turing machines for computable involutions3
Synthesizing safe policies under probabilistic constraints with reinforcement learning and Bayesian model checking3
Probabilistic model checking for human activity recognition in medical serious games3
SWQL: A new domain-specific language for mining the social Web3
Log analysis and system monitoring with nfer3
The prevalence and severity of persistent ambiguity in software requirements specifications: Is a special effort needed to find them?3
Hermes: A reversible language for lightweight encryption3
Qualification of proof assistants, checkers, and generators: Where are we and what next?3
Candidate test set reduction for adaptive random testing: An overheads reduction technique3
Lost in zero space – An empirical comparison of 0.y.z releases in software package distributions3
Topological consistency preservation with graph transformation schemes3
Specify and measure, cover and reveal: A unified framework for automated test generation3
Formal security analysis for software architecture design: An expressive framework to emerging architectural styles3
State identification for labeled transition systems with inputs and outputs3
Reuse estimate and interval prediction using MOGA-NN and RBF-NN in the functional paradigm3
Applying the Isabelle Insider framework to airplane security3
On the value of project productivity for early effort estimation3
Deductive verification of active objects with Crowbar3
Service-oriented decomposition and verification of hybrid system models using feature models and contracts3
A polymorphic RPC calculus3
How to benefit from newbies' domain ignorance in software development projects3
A refinement development approach for enhancing the safety of PLC programs with Event-B2
RT-MOBS: A compositional observer semantics of time Petri net for real-time property specification language based on μ-calculus2
Formally verified architectural patterns of hybrid systems using proof and refinement with Event-B2
A text classification approach to API type resolution for incomplete code snippets2
Revisiting occurrence typing2
Parglare: A LR/GLR parser for Python2
Event-B formalization of a variability-aware component model patterns framework2
A family of multi-concept program synthesisers in Alloy⁎2
SAMOS - A framework for model analytics and management2
Reversible computing and implicit computational complexity2
Static analysis of linear absolute value equalities among variables of a program2
PSTMonitor: Monitor synthesis from probabilistic session types2
A component-based framework for certification of components in a cloud of HPC services2
Program extraction for mutable arrays2
SSDTutor: A feedback-driven intelligent tutoring system for secure software development2
Loop invariance with break and continue2
Cost analysis for a resource sensitive workflow modelling language2
Medicine-by-wire: Practical considerations on formal techniques for dependable medical systems2
Formalizing the dependency pair criterion for innermost termination2
Handling B models in the PERF integrated verification framework: Formalised and certified embedding2
Pacta sunt servanda: Legal contracts in2
Inclusion algorithms for one-unambiguous regular expressions and their applications2
Behavioural theory of reflective algorithms I: Reflective sequential algorithms2
Innermost many-sorted term rewriting on GPUs2
Bidirectionality in flow-sensitive demand-driven analysis2
Forward- or reverse-mode automatic differentiation: What's the difference?2
Hubs for VirtuosoNext: Online verification of real-time coordinators2
Mediator: A component-based modeling language for concurrent and distributed systems2
PAMELA: An annotation-based Java modeling framework2
A big step from finite to infinite computations2
Defending against Return-Oriented Programming attacks based on return instruction using static analysis and binary patch techniques2
Castor: Programming with extensible generative visitors2
A method for identifying references between projects in GitHub2
Modeling and proving hybrid programs with Event-B: An approach by generalization and instantiation2
Vincent: Green hot methods in the JVM1
A two-level formal model for Big Data processing programs1
An empirical study to evaluate the impact of mindfulness on helpdesk employees1
Gamifying model-based engineering: The PapyGame tool1
Automated replication of tuple spaces via static analysis1
Towards a metrics suite for the complexity analysis of LabVIEW systems models1
Anemone: A workbench for the Multi-Bach coordination language1
Kraken: A framework for enabling multi-device interaction-based testing of Android apps1
SApHESIA: An agent-based model and a criticality-based heuristic for cooperatively coupling SoSs1
Compositional model checking with divergence preserving branching bisimilarity is lively1
BoundWarden: Thread-enforced spatial memory safety through compile-time transformations1
Operationally proving memory access violations in Isabelle/HOL1
A Java typestate checker supporting inheritance1
AmbieGen: A search-based framework for autonomous systems testing1
ASTENS-BWA: Searching partial syntactic similar regions between source code fragments via AST-based encoded sequence alignment1
EvoMBT: Evolutionary model based testing1
Testing and incremental conformance testing of timed state machines1
BURST: Benchmarking uniform random sampling techniques1
Software evolutionary architecture: Automated planning for functional changes1
PAMOJA: A component framework for grammar-aware engineering1
Correctness-guaranteed strategy synthesis and compression for multi-agent autonomous systems1
A logic for reflective ASMs1
Max-SAT-based synthesis of optimal and Nash equilibrium strategies for multi-agent systems1
Towards a systematic approach to manual annotation of code smells1
Validating, verifying and testing timed data-flow reactive systems in Coq from controlled natural-language requirements1
Slicing of probabilistic programs based on specifications1
CrossFuzz: Cross-contract fuzzing for smart contract vulnerability detection1
Wodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises1
Sciit: Embedding issue tracking in source control management1
Tackling rapid technology changes by applying enterprise engineering theories1
Inverse problems, constraint satisfaction, reversible logic, invertible logic and Grover quantum oracles for practical problems1
Introduction to reversal fuzzy switch graph1
Use case evolution analysis based on graph transformation with negative application conditions1
FTS4VMC: A front-end tool for static analysis and family-based model checking of FTSs with VMC1
Lean formalization of bounded grids and computable cellular automata defined thereover1
A methodological approach for mobile applications development: MethApp4Mob1
A dependently typed calculus with polymorphic subtyping1
Reshape your layouts, not your programs: A safe language extension for better cache locality1
Compatibility checking for asynchronously communicating software1
CoolTeD: A tool for co-labeling and visual analysis of textual dataset1
desync-cc: A research tool for automatically applying disassembly desynchronization during compilation1
A toolchain for domestic heat-pump control using Uppaal Stratego1
A program logic for fresh name generation1
The CLEARSY safety platform: 5 years of research, development and deployment1
Featured games1
NewWave: Workflow engine1
Notes on the maximality of reversible gate sets under borrow and ancilla closure1
User-driven diverse scenario exploration in model finders1
Computing maximum fixed point solutions over feasible paths in data flow analyses1
ModelSet: A labelled dataset of software models for machine learning1
GaMoVR: Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual reality1
Web Augmentation: A systematic mapping study1
TDFix: A lightweight tool for fixing deadlocks based on templates1
Automated reasoning framework for traceability management of system of systems1
Special Issue on Software Health of Software Ecosystems1
High-level axioms for graphical linear algebra1
Generating C: Heterogeneous metaprogramming system description1
TABASCO: A transformer based contextualization toolkit1
CLG-Trans: Contrastive learning for code summarization via graph attention-based transformer1
Controlling timed automata against MTL specifications with TACoS1
Function translations and search-based transformation for MVL reversible circuit synthesis1
QMaxUSE: A new tool for verifying UML class diagrams and OCL invariants1
Program logic for higher-order probabilistic programs in Isabelle/HOL1
Teaching language processing with the PAMOJA framework1
SolAR: Automated test-suite generation for solidity smart contracts1
Abstraction models for verifying resource adequacy of IMA systems at concept level1