Organization Studies

(The H4-Index of Organization Studies is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Behavioral Visibility: A new paradigm for organization studies in the age of digitization, digitalization, and datafication125
Algorithmic Surveillance in the Gig Economy: The Organization of Work through Lefebvrian Conceived Space118
(Un)Sustainability and Organization Studies: Towards a Radical Engagement94
Caste and Organization Studies: Our Silence Makes Us Complicit59
Managing by Data: Algorithmic Categories and Organizing54
Control and Surveillance in Work Practice: Cultivating Paradox in ‘New’ Modes of Organizing53
Pre-understanding: An interpretation-enhancer and horizon-expander in research37
Matter That Embodies: Agentive Flesh and Working Bodies/Selves32
Beyond the Visible, the Material and the Performative: Shifting Perspectives on the Visual in Organization Studies29
In the Shadow of Social Stereotypes: Gender diversity on corporate boards, board chair’s gender and strategic change27
Organizational Memory Studies26
Work Design for Global Professionals: Connectivity demands, connectivity behaviors, and their effects on psychological and behavioral outcomes26
Inter-Organizational Paradox Management: How national business systems affect responses to paradox along a global value chain26
From Automobile Capitalism to Platform Capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platforms25
Imagining Futures: Theorizing the Practical Knowledge of Future-making25
Political Capital and MNE Responses to Institutional Voids: The case of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa25
Interpersonal Connectivity Work: Being there with and for geographically distant others24
From People to Objects: The digital transformation of fields23
Syrian Women Refugees: Coping with indeterminate liminality during forcible displacement23
The Contemporary Resonances of Classical Pragmatism for Studying Organization and Organizing23
Policing Work: Emotions and Violence in Institutional Work22
Professional Fluidity: Reconceptualising the Professional Status of Self-Employed Neo-professionals21
Affective Control in New Collaborative Work: Communal Fantasies of Purpose, Growth and Belonging21
How art becomes organization: Reimagining aesthetics, sites and politics of entrepreneurship21