Marine Ecology Progress Series

(The H4-Index of Marine Ecology Progress Series is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Seascape ecology: identifying research priorities for an emerging ocean sustainability science58
Trophic structure of southern marine ecosystems: a comparative isotopic analysis from the Beagle Channel to the oceanic Burdwood Bank area under a wasp-waist assumption44
Poor body condition associated with an unusual mortality event in gray whales42
Predicting changes in distribution of a large coastal shark in the face of the strengthening East Australian Current41
Multi-decadal decline in cover of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera at the southern limit of its Australian range39
Variation in the diet of beluga whales in response to changes in prey availability: insights on changes in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem39
Climate alters the migration phenology of coastal marine species38
Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?37
Carbon sequestration potential increased by incomplete anaerobic decomposition of kelp detritus36
When sharks are away, rays will play: effects of top predator removal in coral reef ecosystems35
Highly variable taxa-specific coral bleaching responses to thermal stresses35
Half a century of monitoring macrobenthic animals on tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea34
Littoral habitats as major nursery areas for fish species in estuaries: a reinforcement of the reduced predation paradigm30
Antarctic krill Euphausia superba: spatial distribution, abundance, and management of fisheries in a changing climate30
Ecosystem-level effects of large-scale disturbance in kelp forests29
MPA network design based on graph theory and emergent properties of larval dispersal29
Environmental conditions are poor predictors of immature white shark Carcharodon carcharias occurrences on coastal beaches of eastern Australia29
Breeding seabirds increase foraging range in response to an extreme marine heatwave28
Prevalence of microplastics and anthropogenic debris within a deep-sea food web28
Links in the trophic chain: modeling functional relationships between in situ oceanography, krill, and blue whale distribution under different oceanographic regimes28
Seasonal diving and foraging behaviour of Eastern Canada-West Greenland bowhead whales27
Flexibility in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba decouples diet and recruitment from overwinter sea-ice conditions in the northern Antarctic Peninsula27
Water masses constrain the distribution of deep-sea sponges in the North Atlantic Ocean and Nordic Seas26
Sensitivity of a shark nursery habitat to a changing climate25
Killer whale movements on the Norwegian shelf are associated with herring density25
Little evidence that lowering the pH of concrete supports greater biodiversity on tropical and temperate seawalls25
Rimicaris exoculata: biology and ecology of a shrimp from deep-sea hydrothermal vents associated with ectosymbiotic bacteria25
Regional-scale variability in the movement ecology of marine fishes revealed by an integrative acoustic tracking network25