Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du D

(The H4-Index of Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du D is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Pandemic, informality, and vulnerability: impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods in India79
The Wall Street Consensus in pandemic times: what does it mean for climate-aligned development?39
Essential for what? A global social reproduction view on the re-organisation of work during the COVID-19 pandemic31
COVID-19 and crises of capitalism: intensifying inequalities and global responses28
What does COVID-19 tell us about the Peruvian health system?21
The care economy and the state in Africa’s Covid-19 responses21
The Knowledge for Change Consortium: a decolonising approach to international collaboration in capacity-building in community-based participatory research21
Turbulence ahead: labour and struggles in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in India18
The Africa Mining Vision: a manifesto for more inclusive extractive industry-led development?18
Never let a pandemic go to waste: turbocharging the private sector for development at the World Bank16
Commodity exporter’s vulnerabilities in times of COVID-19: the case of Ghana15
Authoritarianism, populism, nationalism and resistance in the agrarian South13
Beyond partnerships: embracing complexity to understand and improve research collaboration for global development13