
(The median citation count of Paragraph is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Fanon's Lexical Intervention: Writing Blackness in Black Skin, White Masks9
The Logician of Madness: Fanon's Lacan2
Prehistoric Cave Art: From Image to Graphic Narration2
B Effects: Bonds of Form and Time in Barthes, Blanchot and Beckett2
Sleeping away the Factory, Healing with Time: Gaston Bachelard, the Poetic Imagination and Testről és lélekről/ On Body and Soul (2017)1
Imagining Cinema: ‘Cinempathy’ and the Embodied Imagination1
Gender, Sex and Freedom: Testing the Theoretical Limits of the Twenty-First-Century ‘Gender Wars’ with Simone de Beauvoir, Shulamith Firestone and Luce Irigaray1
The Grotte du Renne, Leroi-Gourhan and Flaubert's La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier (1877): The Question of ‘Préhistoire(s)’ to Delimit the Human1
Aporias of Translation in Derrida’s Geschlecht III1
Mise en Esprit: One-Character Films and the Evocation of Sensory Imagination1
Kofman's Affirmative Creation: Moral Law, Dom Juan and the Limits of Maternal Debt1
What is a Literary Image?1
Paul B. Preciado and the Contamination of Genre0
Front matter0
Reading Derrida Reading Kofman0
Notes on Contributors0
On Techno-Tantrik Embodiment0
Teaching, Veering, Unlearning0
Spooker Trouper: ABBA Voyage, Virtual Humans and the Rise of the Digital Apparition0
Rumor, an Anarchimedium0
Front matter0
Anathematizing Barthes and Admiring Beckett with Eugène Ionesco0
‘An eye more penetrating than other men's’: Finding the Recherche's Narrator in a World of Experts0
Beckett, Barthes and Breath0
Data that Matter: On Metaphors of Obfuscation, Thinking ‘the Digital’ as Material and Posthuman Cooperation with AI0
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Existence in its Sexual Being0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Cinematic Imaging and Imagining through the Lens of Buddhism0
Difficult Articulacy: Rhetoric, Disability and Early Modern Styling of Bodymind0
Doing a Psychoanalysis of Nature: Freud and Merleau-Ponty after the Nonhuman Turn0
Front matter0
The Auditory Imagination and the Polyphony of Listening: A Study of Chantal Akerman's South (1999)0
‘I am a Clown’: Lacan's Difficult Literary Dandyism0
Rereading Paul B. Preciado’s An Apartment on Uranus through Latin American Decolonial Transfeminism(s)0
‘(S)extremism’: Imagining Violent Women in the Twenty-First Century with Navine G. Khan-Dossos and Julia Kristeva0
Back matter0
Perceptual-Imaginative Space and the Beautiful Ecologies of Rose Lowder's Bouquets0
Notes on Contributors0
Difficult on Purpose: Embodied Learning in the Feldenkrais Method® and Beyond0
‘The moment is poorly chosen’: Proust, Same-Sex Sexuality and Nationalism0
Front matter0
Listening Through Language: Jean-Luc Nancy and Pierre Schaeffer0
The Vertigos of Coining: ‘Michel Houellebecq’, Or, What Names Remain(s)?0
The Margins of a Nightmare0
The Art of the Exploit: Gender Hacking and Political Agency0
Back matter0
‘La Main négative’: Limit-Case and Primal Scene of Art0
Back matter0
Notes on Contributors0
Leroi-Gourhan and the Evolution of Forms0
Simone de Beauvoir the Memorialist: The Running Threads Connecting Us0
Author Functions and Freedom: ‘Michel Foucault’ and ‘Ayn Rand’ in the Anglophone ‘Culture Wars’0
Back matter0
Back matter0
Rhetoric and Rhythm — Derrida, Nancy and the Poetics of Drawing0
Introduction: Proust's Modernist Sociology0
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Nathalie Sarraute on the Brink0
Legerdemain/Gaucherie: Doodle Theory with Barthes and Beckett0
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Self-Critical Freedoms: White Women, Intersectionality and Excitable Speech (Judith Butler, 1997)0
The Ordinary Contested, Laruelle contra Deleuze and Guattari0
Notes on Contributors0
Front matter0
On Freedom: The Dialogue0
‘Freeze Peach’: A Fruitful Formulation or a Recipe for Heated Discord? Followed by A Response to Keith Reader's ‘Freeze Peach’0
Perec in the Pléiade0
Canguilhem, Simondon and the Resolution of Problems: From Life to Pedagogy0
Somato-militancy: A New Vision for Psychoanalysis in the Work of Paul B. Preciado0
Notes on Contributors0
Freud's Jewish Jokes: The Case of Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious0
Escape from the Digital Infosphere! Mutation and Disentanglement in Franco Berardi’s Critical Media Theory0
Front matter0
Paul Preciado’s Uterine Politics: Abolish the Family or Reclaim Confiscated Queer Genetic Patrimony?0
Mallarmé’s Digital Demon0
Palaeo or Neo? Bataille, Lévi-Strauss and the Rewriting of Prehistory0
‘Culture is What Preserves Difficulty’: An Interview with Zena Hitz0
Back matter0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Interview with Margaret Elphinstone0
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The Law or the Demos? Derrida and Rancière on the Paradox of Democracy0
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Who Gets a Hearing? Academic Freedom and Critique in Derrida’s Reading of Kant0
Trans Auto-Antonym Theory (The Masc–Femme Dialectic)0
Proust on the Beach0
Front matter0
Back matter0
Difficulty's Knots: Disturbance, Untimeliness, Risk0
Calm Weathers: Barthes with Beckett0
Imitation of Life: Cinema and the Moral Imagination0
And Yet It Quakes! (Nietzsche and Voltaire)0
Unbecoming Woman: The Shadow Feminism of King Kong théorie by Virginie Despentes0
Sarah Kofman and the Allure of Music0
Françoise's Way0
Barthes, Beckett and Lacan: The Image, the One and the Real0
Front matter0
Intuition and Excess: Mona Hatoum's Measures of Distance and the Saturated Phenomenon0
Notes on Contributors0
Caught on the Hop: Politico-philosophical Writing of the ‘Leap’0
Imaginative Capacity as Form-of-Life: Giorgio Agamben, Wallace Stevens and the ‘Inoperative’ Potential of Poetry0
Front matter0
Critical Likes and Dislikes: Barthes, Beckett and the Resistance to Reading0
Difficult Opacity: On Reading Difference0
Front matter0
New Takes on Film and Imagination0
The Great Prehistoric Art Swindle: André Breton and Palaeolithic Cave Painting0
Tender Violence, Coercive Simplicity, Geschlecht III: An Introduction0
The Wounds of Rhetoric: Derrida on Condillac and Rousseau0
Notes on Contributors0
‘The Cruel Radiance of What Is’: Empathy, Imagination and Estrangement in Johan van der Keuken's Face Value and Herman Slobbe0
Of Metals and Men: Kofman, Conversion and The Merchant of Venice0
Barthes, Beckett and the Theatre: Three Dialogues0
Engram: Derrida's Reply to Stiegler0
The Techno-Barbie Speaks Back: Experiments with Gendered Hormones0
Proust's Political Emotions0
Notes on Contributors0
Proustian Nonsense: A Partial Taxonomy0
Derrida's Missing Woman0
Front matter0
Decomposing Geschlecht: Thinking Mother/Land … with Soils0