IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies

(The median citation count of IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-03-01 to 2024-03-01.)
Building Forward Better: Inclusive Livelihood Support in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements9
Covid-19 Response and Protracted Exclusion of Informal Settlement Residents in Freetown, Sierra Leone7
Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout: Challenges and Insights from Informal Settlements6
Food Systems After Covid-196
Disruption and Design: Crowdmapping Young Women’s Experience in Cities4
Social Protection, Covid-19, and Building Back Better3
‘Me Too’ and the ‘List’ – Power Dynamics, Shame, and Accountability in Indian Academia3
Local Covid-19 Syndemics and the Need for an Integrated Response3
Adapting Disability Research Methods and Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences from the Field3
Localising Refugee Assistance: Examining Refugee-Led Organisations and the Localisation Agenda During the Covid-19 Pandemic2
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Alternative Governance Systems in Idlib2
Exploring China’s Impacts on Development Thinking and Policies2
Introduction: Reframing Climate and Environmental Justice2
Collective Struggles Against Sexual Harassment: What We Have Learnt About Pathways to Accountability and their Outcomes1
The Distances that the Covid-19 Pandemic Magnified: Research on Informality and the State1
Cutting the Supply of Climate Injustice1
Policing Environmental Injustice1
Building Back Better, Gender Equality, and Feminist Dilemmas1
The Search for Real-Time Impact Monitoring for Private Sector Support Programmes1
Left Behind: The Multiple Impacts of Covid-19 on Forcibly Displaced People1
Livestock and Climate Justice: Challenging Mainstream Policy Narratives1
Women Politicians Navigating the ‘Hostile Environment’ in Pakistan1
Bangladesh and Covid-19: Reversals and Resilience1
Multilevel Responses to Sexual Violence in Schools in West Africa1
Introduction: Reclaiming the Cerrado – A Territorial Account of a Disputed Frontier1
In Search of Professionalism, Bureaucracy and Sustainable Livelihoods for the 21st Century1
Covid-19’s Effects on Contraceptive Services Across the Humanitarian–Development Nexus1
Chinese Foundations and the Challenge of ‘Going International1
Monitoring Systemic Change in Inclusive Agribusiness1
Ownership and Effectiveness of China’s Aid Projects in Africa1
Introduction: Contribution, Causality, Context, and Contingency when Evaluating Inclusive Business Programmes1
Whose Knowledge? Whose Influence? Changing Dynamics of China’s Development Cooperation Policy and Practice1
Glossary: China and International Development: Knowledge, Governance, and Practice1
Editorial: Covid-19 Responses: Insights into Contemporary Humanitarianism1
Anti-Migrant Authoritarian Populism and the Global Vaccination Challenge1
The Health of People with Disabilities in Humanitarian Settings During the Covid-19 Pandemic1
Epistemological Justice: Decoloniality, Climate Change, and Ecological Conditions for Future Generations1
Uniting Against the Tides: Filipino ‘Shefarers’ Organising Against Sexual Harassment1
Humanitarian vs Pandemic Responses: Vulnerable Groups among Rohingyas in Bangladesh0
Sharing and Co-Generating Knowledges: Reflections on Experiences with PRA and CLTS0
Selective Learning: China, the CGIAR, and Global Agricultural Science in Flux0
(Re)pensar un modelo de investigación colaborativa después del Covid-19: presentación de Colabora.Lat0
Resilience in the Time of a Pandemic: Developing Public Policies for Ollas Comunes in Peru0
Livelihoods and Welfare Amidst Layered Crises in Afghanistan0
Systems, Sapiens, and Systemic Change in Markets: The Adopt-Adapt-Expand-Respond Framework0
Transforming Power: From Zero-Sum to Win-Win?0
Collective Silence and Accountability for Sexual Harassment in Lebanon0
Introduction – Building Back a Better World: The Crisis and Opportunity of Covid-190
Introdução: Lutando pelo Cerrado – um olhar territorial sobre uma fronteira disputada0
Policy Influence in Crisis: Reflections from a Southern Thinktank0
Robert Chambers and the IDS Bulletin – Some Reflections for Now and the Future0
Assessing the Contribution to Market System Change of the Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia0
Green Grabbing in the Matopiba Agricultural Frontier0
Introduction: Power, Poverty, and Knowledge – Reflecting on 50 Years of Learning with Robert Chambers0
Introducción: Lecciones para la investigación sobre respuestas a emergencias impulsada a nivel local0
Glossary: Building a Better World: The Crisis and Opportunity of Covid-190
Community Leaders and Decentralised Governance: Tales from the SEWA Field0
Introduction: Pandemic Perspectives – Doing Research Differently During Covid-190
Notes on Contributors: China and International Development: Knowledge, Governance, and Practice0
Mapping Fire: The Case of Matopiba0
Glossary: Collective Action for Accountability on Sexual Harassment: Global Perspectives0
Mutual Learning in Development Cooperation: China and the West0
Introduction : Leçons issues des recherches menées localement en réponse aux situations d'urgence0
China’s NGO Partnerships in a New Era of Development Cooperation0
Understanding Behaviour Change in Theory-Based Evaluation of Market Systems Development Programmes0
Tackling Covid-19 and Building Back Better: The Case of Ethiopia0
Governance for Building Back Better0
Notes on Contributors0
Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crucial Arms for Struggle0
Arab Region Social Protection Systems: Research and Policy Design Challenges0
Notes on Contributors: Collective Action for Accountability on Sexual Harassment: Global Perspectives0
Notes on Contributors0
Using Theory-Based Evaluation to Evaluate Systemic Change in a Market Systems Programme in Nepal0
Covid-19 and Urban Migrants in the Horn of Africa: Lived Citizenship and Everyday Humanitarianism0
Environmental Policy Reform and Water Grabbing in an Agricultural Frontier in the Brazilian Cerrado0
Religious Marginality, Covid-19, and Redress of Targeting and Inequalities0
Recognising Recognition in Climate Justice0
The Self-Deceiving State0
Looking Back to Move Development Forward – A Fireside Chat with Robert Chambers0
Brazilian Civil Society and South–South Cooperation: Countering the Green Revolution from Abroad0
Indigenous Technical Knowledge: Analysis, Implications and Issues0
Introduction: Lessons for Locally Driven Research Responses to Emergencies0
Positioning Research for Impact: Lessons From a Funder During the Covid-19 Pandemic0
Fighting Sexual Harassment on Campus: How Local Contexts of Different Universities Affect the Dynamics and Outcome of these Efforts0
Accountability with Teeth0
Notes on Contributors0
Assessing Contributions Collaboratively: Using Process Tracing to Capture Crowding In0
All Power Deceives0
Notes on Contributors0
The Covid-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity for Leveraging Global South Research and Knowledge0
Climate Justice for Whom? Understanding the Vernaculars of Climate Action and Justice in Marginal Environments of India0
(Re-)Thinking a Collaborative Research Model After Covid-19: Introducing Colabora.Lat0
نظم الحماية الاجتماعية في المنطقة العربية: التحديات أمام إجراء البحوث وسن السياسات0
Triangular Cooperation: Different Approaches, Same Modality0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Co-Modelling for Relief and Recovery from the Covid-19 Crisis in Zimbabwe0
Bureaucratic Reversals and Local Diversity0
Transformations of the Agricultural Frontier in Matopiba: From State Planning to the Financialisation of Land0
Notes on Contributors: Building a Better World: The Crisis and Opportunity of Covid-190
Notes on Contributors: Power, Poverty, and Knowledge – Reflecting on 50 Years of Learning with Robert Chambers0
Managing Rural Development0
Brazilian Agricultural Frontier: Land Grabbing, Land Policy, and Conflicts0
Lessons Learned from Mobilising Research for Impact During the Covid-19 Pandemic0
Matopiba’s Disputed Agricultural Frontier: Between Commodity Crops and Agrarian Reform0
Beyond the Crisis: Irish Aid’s Approach to Nutrition in Tanzania during the Covid-19 Pandemic0
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: generando políticas públicas para las ollas comunes en Perú0
The New Asian Development Finance0