Seminars in Nephrology

(The H4-Index of Seminars in Nephrology is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Hyperuricemia in Kidney Disease: A Major Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Events, Vascular Calcification, and Renal Damage48
From Tweetstorm to Tweetorials: Threaded Tweets as a Tool for Medical Education and Knowledge Dissemination44
Sex and gender differences in chronic kidney disease and access to care around the globe33
Pathophysiology of Gout32
Sex and Gender Differences in Kidney Transplantation30
To Tweet or Not to Tweet, That Is the Question29
The Interplay Between Thyroid Dysfunction and Kidney Disease28
Molecular Pathophysiology of Uric Acid Homeostasis27
Podcasting: A Roadmap to the Future of Medical Education27
Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19: The Chinese Experience27
Twitter-Based Journal Clubs: Bringing Critical Appraisal to the Social Table27
Visual Abstracts: Redesigning the Landscape of Research Dissemination24
Quality Appraisal and Assurance Techniques for Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) Resources: A Rapid Review22
Diabetes and the Gut Microbiome19
Training the Public Physician: The Nephrology Social Media Collective Internship19
Moral Distress and Moral Injury in Nephrology During the COVID-19 Pandemic19
End-Stage Kidney Disease in Areas of Armed Conflicts: Challenges and Solutions18
Obesity Management and Chronic Kidney Disease18