Telecommunications Policy

(The TQCC of Telecommunications Policy is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board170
Exploring the contributors to the digital economy: Insights from Vietnam with comparisons to Thailand127
Editorial Board104
Editorial Board97
Mobile network operators’ business risks in next-generation public safety services97
The South Korean case of deploying rural broadband via fiber networks by implementing universal service obligation and public-private partnership based project96
Analysis of Thailand's fixed broadband internet services demand: A merger screening of AIS and 3BB95
Valuation of digital goods during the coronavirus outbreak in the United States89
What is civil society and who represents civil society at the IGF? An analysis of civil society typologies in internet governance78
Editorial Board78
Who do you think you are? Individual stakeholder identification and mobility at the Internet Governance Forum75
Does the mobile phone affect social development? Evidence from Indonesian villages74
Equitable access to satellite broadband services: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries64
Citation politics: The gender gap in internet governance62
Korea's leadership in 5G and beyond: Footprints and futures52
Work and the need for meaning: Comments on ‘should humans work?’50
Analyzing the competitiveness and strategies of Chinese mobile network operators in the 5G era50
Scoping new policy frameworks for local and community broadband networks49
Editorial Board49
The rewards of municipal broadband: An econometric analysis of the labor market48
Taking Gerschenkron to the Field: Attitudes towards Digitalization Hopes and Fears about the Future of Work in Ghana45
Can one laptop per child reduce digital inequalities? ICT household access patterns under Plan Ceibal45
Conflicting national policies: The creation of the euro and the rebalancing of telecommunications prices44
Editorial Board44
Idea entrepreneurs: The United Nations Open-Ended Working Group & cybersecurity41
Agency and representation in internet governance40
A study on forward and backward linkage effects in South Korea's telecom industry across generations38
Informality and aggregate labor productivity growth: Does ICT moderate the relationship?37
Developing a conceptual framework for digital platform literacy37
Editorial Board36
ICT sector electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions – 2020 outcome35
Regulating the use of facial recognition technology across borders: A comparative case analysis of the European Union, the United States, and China35
Digital divide and financial development in Africa35
How offline retailers adopt O2O: Neighboring star shops and their proximity effect34
Analysis of spectrum pricing for commercial mobile services: A cross country study34
Lifting a regulatory millstone around 5G investors’ neck – 5G network slicing versus EU-net neutrality?34
The economic impact of mobile broadband speed34
Is digitalization a booster for economic growth in Africa? Short run and long run evidence from Tanzania33
Evolution of the internet gender gaps in Spain and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic33
A preview of the broadband fabric: Opportunities and issues for researchers and policymakers32
Digital infrastructure and employment in services: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries32
European Union policy on 5G: Context, scope and limits32
A hard look at quality and policy from the lens of the rural internet consumer31
Reforming funding of universal access to telecommunications and broadband services: Approaches for the new decade31
Is ICT an enduring driver of economic growth? Evidence from South Asian economies31
The tax burden on mobile network operators in Africa30
Social media and happiness nexus in the millennial generation30
Working from home, job tasks, and productivity29
Drivers of and barriers to e-commerce adoption in Indonesia: Individuals’ perspectives and the implications29
A longitudinal analysis of broadband provision in tribal areas28
Cloud computing and rural globalization: Evidence for the U.S. nonfarm economy28
Evaluating digital skills policies: Assessing the potential impact of outreach programs in Italy28
Mobile money, family assistance and welfare in Cameroon27
Willingness to pay and pricing for broadband across the rural/urban divide in Canada27
Netflix's presence: Investigating content producers' understanding of Netflix in the Korean media industry25
Privacy and personal data risk governance for generative artificial intelligence: A Chinese perspective25
Do ICTs drive wealth inequality? Evidence from a dynamic panel analysis24
ICTs quality and quantity and the margins of trade24
Convergence and determinants of ICT development in case of emerging market economies24
The European Commission's approach to mergers involving software-based platforms: Towards a better understanding of platform power23
Digital economy and settlement intention of migrants in urban China23
Explaining cost escalation on Ireland's national broadband plan: A path dependency perspective23
Experimenting in the cloud: The digital divide's impact on innovation23
How does broadband infrastructure promote entrepreneurship in China: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment23
Platform configurations for local and private 5G networks in complex industrial multi-stakeholder ecosystems23
Development of the ICT sector and the determinants of Internet use in the Southern Caucasus22
The heterogeneous role of broadband access on establishment entry and exit by sector and urban and rural markets22
Juggling ecumenical wisdoms and xenophobic institutions: Framing and modelling China's telecommunications universal service and rural digitalization initiatives and policies22
Digital technologies and financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa21
EU technology-specific industrial policy. The case of 5G and 6G.21
Assessing the substitutability of mobile and fixed internet: The impact of 5G services on consumer valuation and price elasticity21
Creating value from 5G: The challenge for mobile operators21
The impact of mobile virtual network operators on the mobile telecommunications services market: The case of the Czech Republic20
Exacerbating the divide? Investigating rural inequalities in high speed broadband availability20
Digital infrastructure empowerment and urban carbon emissions: Evidence from China20
Regulating data sales: The role of data selling mechanisms20
Ubiquitous technologies and 5G development. Who is leading the race?20
Cashlessness and scalable multi-pay practices: Capturing the everyday financial transactions in local contexts19
The moral hazard of Lax FCC land use oversight for advanced network infrastructure19
The impact of digitalisation on remittances. Evidence from El Salvador18
Economic contribution to the debate on cost sharing policy18
Editorial Board18
High-speed internet access and diffusion of new technologies in nonmetro areas18
Editorial Board18
Understandings of the AI business ecosystem in South Korea: AI startups’ perspective18
Exploring the role of data enclosure in the digital political economy18
Is better access to mobile networks associated with increased mobile money adoption? Evidence from the micro-data of six developing countries18
Broadband adoption in Algeria and the structural determinants of its pace18
Inequality of bargaining power in cellular telecommunication services agreements17
Connecting the other half: Exploring options for the 50% of the population unconnected to the internet17
Competition reform and household welfare: A microsimulation analysis of the telecommunication sector in Ethiopia17
Regime complexity and state competition over Global Internet Governance17
Information and communication technologies and employment in developing countries: Effects and transmission channels17
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board16
Factors influencing K-pop artists' success on V live online video platform16
Democratic legitimacy in global platform governance15
Editorial Board15
Development of 5G – Identifying organizations active in publishing, patenting, and standardization15
Editorial: Digital societies and industrial transformations: ITS 23rd Biennial Conference15
What rules the Internet? A study of the troubled relation between Web standards and legal instruments in the field of privacy15
Could information and communication technology (ICT) reduce carbon emissions? The role of trade openness and financial development15
The efficiency analysis of media companies: An application of DEA and Malmquist indices15
Emergency communications policies in Puerto Rico: Interaction between regulatory institutions and telecommunications companies during Hurricane Maria15
Driving information communication technology for tax revenue mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa14
Estimating the impact of co-investment on Fiber to the Home adoption and competition14
Do ‘dig once’ and permitting policies improve fiber availability?14
Economic and financial performance of Indian IT services export firms14
21st century progress in computing13
Editorial Board13
The role of mobile network operators in next-generation public safety services12
Spectrum auctions in a thin market: The Korean case12
How do standards committees affect the success of a standard? Comparative analysis of RCS and VoLTE and proposed hybrid standards development model of open and bandwagon approaches12
The place of content ranking algorithms on the AI risk spectrum12
Developing information and communication technology with the belt and road initiative and the digital silk road12
The impact of literacy on intention to use digital technology for learning: A comparative study of Korea and Finland11
Does ad blocking have an effect on online shopping?11
What drives broadband traffic?11
The evolution paths of neutral host businesses: Antecedents, strategies, and business models11
COVID-19 and changes in content usage behavior: The case of South Korea11
Understanding the evolution of China's standardization policy system11