Australian Social Work

(The median citation count of Australian Social Work is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Online Education in Social Work, Effectiveness, Benefits, and Challenges: A Scoping Review35
Social Work E-Placements During COVID-19: Learnings of Staff and Students14
The Use of Common Humanity Scenarios to Promote Compassion in Healthcare Workers13
Stressors and Supports in Postdisaster Recovery: Experiences After the Black Saturday Bushfires13
Embodiment as an Instrument for Empathy in Social Work13
Resistance to Assimilation: Expanding Understandings of First Nations Cultural Connection in Child Protection and Out-of-home Care11
Simulation and Skills Development: Preparing Australian Social Work Education for a Post-COVID Reality10
Afro-diasporic Experiences of Highly Skilled Black African Immigrants in Australia10
Violence Prevention Strategies for People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Scoping Review10
Social Work Interventions in Cancer Care10
Australian Social Work: Proposed Guidelines for Articles by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Authors and About Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues9
Transition Experience of Families with Young Children in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)9
Working It Out – Hospital Social Work in the Midst of a Pandemic9
Ending Australia’s Status as a “Leaving Care Laggard”: The Case for a National Extended Care Framework to Lift the Outcomes for Young People Transitioning From Out-of-Home Care9
Social Work: Possibilities for Practice in Residential Aged-care Facilities9
Beyond Implicit Bias: Embodied Cognition, Mindfulness, and Critical Reflective Practice in Social Work8
Problematising Disability: A Critical Policy Analysis of the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme8
Identifying the Patterns of Family Contact for Children in Care7
The Social Harms Outweigh the Benefits: A Study of Compulsory Income Management in Greater Shepparton and Playford7
Dying in Hospital during COVID-19: Isolation, Despair, and Moral Distress7
Culturally Informed, Codesigned, Supportive Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People With Cancer and Their Families7
A Program for Valuing Mental Health Lived Experience in Social Work Education7
Elder Abuse Identification by an Australian Health Service: A Five-Year, Social-Work Audit7
Which Models of Supervision Help Retain Staff? Findings From Australia’s Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Workforces7
Attitudes of Cancer Patients to Medicinal Cannabis Use: A Qualitative Study7
The Voices of “At Risk” Young People About Services They Received: A Systematic Literature Review6
Interventions and Practice Models for Improving Health and Psychosocial Outcomes for Children in Residential Out-of-Home Care: Systematic Review6
Challenges Underlying the Involvement of Social Workers From Minority Groups in Policy Practice6
Health Staff Responses to Domestic and Family Violence: The Case for Training to Build Confidence and Skills6
Experiencing Aboriginal Perspectives Through the Embodied Concept of the Tree of Life: Implications for Developing a Teaching Resource6
Transnational Social Workers’ Understanding of Australian First Nations Perspectives in Statutory Child Protection6
Social Work Doctoral Education in Australia: The Case for Further Development5
COVID and Telehealth in a Child Adolescent Mental Health Clinic5
The Impact of COVID-19 on a Social Work Student5
Young Person–to–Mother Violence: An Integrative Review of Evidence from Australia and New Zealand5
Frontline Workers’ Challenges in Hearing Children’s Voices in Family Support Services5
Income Management of Government Payments on Welfare: The Australian Cashless Debit Card5
The Impact of COVID-19 for Social Work in the Intensive Care Unit, Westmead Hospital, New South Wales5
Creating Cultural Safety as an Aboriginal Teacher in a Class of Non-Aboriginal University Students5
Embodiment: A Key to Social Workers’ Wellbeing and Attainment of Social Justice5
An Off-Site Supervision Model of Field Education Practice: Innovating While Remaining Rigorous in a Shifting Field Education Context5
Social Work After Tehan: Reframing the Scope of Practice5
Overcoming Future Professionals’ Fear of Digital Storytelling5
Civic Engagement and Loneliness in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer+ Australian Volunteers5
Masculine Embodiment Among Sexual Minorities in a Women’s Prison4
Exploring the Embodied Habitus of Early Career Social Workers4
Contemporary Practitioner Experiences of Relational Social Work: The Case of Child Welfare4
Going Against the Grain4
Reflections on how COVID-19 has Influenced Social Work Practice in the Community Rehabilitation Setting4
Exploring Older Tenants’ Healthy Ageing in Privately Rented Homes4
Aboriginal Social Work Academics: Failure to Thrive due to Having to Fight to Survive?4
The Production and Dissemination of Australian Social Work Scholarship: A Citation Analysis4
Exploring Connectedness in a Time of Isolation: A Reflection on Social Work Practice in an Oncology Unit during COVID-194
Afghan Women’s Barriers to Seeking Help for Domestic Violence in Australia4
Australian Social Workers’ Understandings of Technology in Practice4
Investigating the Sense of Smell and Its Relevance to Embodied Social Work Practice: Exploring the Literature4
Body, Relationship, Space: Dance Movement Therapy as an Intervention in Embodied Social Work With Parents and Their Children4
Making Continuing Professional Development Relevant and Accessible in Regional Social Work4
Outcomes for Indigenous Children in Care Presenting at a Specialist Child and Youth Mental Health Service3
Using Photography to Capture Young People’s Views About Community and Local Service Delivery3
Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perspective from China3
First Contact Social Work: Responding to Domestic and Family Violence3
Social Work, a Spiritual Kind of Work: Exploring the Experiences of Māori Social Workers3
Involvement of Social Workers in the Community Service Provision System for the Older People in Urban China3
Developing Social Work Professional Identity Resilience: Seven Protective Factors3
Homeless Services in Australia: Perceptions of Homelessness Services Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Re/Un/Discover: An Embodied Heuristic for Uncertainties in Social Work Practice3
Responding to the Needs of Internally Displaced Persons: A Social Work Perspective3
Exploring Rural and Regional Social Workers’ Perceptions and Practices of Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse3
Discussion of the Knowns and Unknowns of Child Protection During Pregnancy in Australia3
A Narrative Inquiry Exploring Social Workers’ Understanding of Yoga and Its Application in Professional Practice3
Improving Services for Aboriginal Women Experiencing Sexual Violence: Working at the Knowledge Interface3
What Is the Best Thing About Being an Indigenous Father in Australia?3
Teaching Mental Health Social Work: What Are We Preparing Students for?3
Collaboration in Social Work Field Education: A Reflective Discussion on a Multiuniversity and Industry Collaboration3
A Service Response to the Pandemic: Open Circle and Restorative Justice During COVID-193
Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Social Work in Australia3
Social Work in the Oncology Setting Compared to Social Work in General Medical Settings: An Analysis of Findings From a Multisite Australian Social Work Practice Audit3
The Non-Indigenous Educator Teaching Australian Aboriginal Content in Social Work Education2
The Types of Scholarly Publications Produced by Australian Social Work Researchers2
Safety Planning for Youth With Suicide Risk: A Clinical Audit2
Decolonisation: More Than a Trendy Word2
Social Work Students’ Perceptions of Eco-Social Work in the Curriculum2
Australian Social Work Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Call for Papers2
Evaluation of a Paediatric Trauma Social Worker Service2
COVID-19 Reflections on Inpatient Rehabilitation2
Developing an Intake Assessment for Domestic and Family Violence Supported Accommodation2
Oncology Social Workers’ Responses to and Reflections on COVID-192
A Modern History of Child Protection in Australia: Queensland 1965–19802
Social Impact Bonds and Homelessness: A Review of the Literature2
Social Work Education and Homelessness: Mobilising Academia–Industry Partnerships to Create a Homelessness Subject2
Service Users in Social Work Student Supervision: A Scoping Review2
Social Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Student Placement Model2
Social Work Students’ Attitudes Towards Indigenous People: An Empirical Study in Taiwan2
Deep Listening and Relationality: Cross-cultural Reflections on Practice With Young Women Who Use Violence2
Contemporary Social Work Practice: Institutional Context and Graduate Outcomes2
First Nations Children and Families and Permanency Planning Reform: The Evidence Counts2
Children and Young People in the Care System: Relational Practice in Working with Transitions and Challenges2
Individual Responsibility and Disconnection: Practitioner Experiences of the First Wave COVID19 Lockdown2
Social Work Students Respond to Greening Social Work Curriculum: “It is Important to See a Change in the Narrative”2
Young Carers in Australia: Understanding Experiences of Caring and Support-Seeking Behaviour2
Barriers Preventing Indigenous Women with Violence-related Head Injuries from Accessing Services in Australia2
Response to Crisp (2022) “Response to Papadopoulos (2022): Social Work After Tehan: Reframing the Scope of Practice”2
The Experiences of Indigenous Students on Placement: A Scoping Review2
A Yarn Among Social Workers: Knowing, Being, and Doing Social Work Learning, Expertise, and Practice2
Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes About Reflective Practice in Australian Social Work Education and Practice2
Reflections on Working From Home During Lockdown 1.02
Starting Out: Beginning Practice as Hospital Social Worker Under COVID-192
The Experiences of Young People Living With Cancer in Regional and Remote Australia: A Qualitative Study2
Student Participation in Study Abroad Programs: Social Justice Implications for Tertiary Education2
The Continuous Improvement Cultural Responsiveness Tools (CICRT): Creating More Culturally Responsive Social Workers2
Community Service Workers’ Experiences Following Australia’s Black Summer: Contextualising Rural Service Provision1
Collaboration Between Child Protection and Domestic and Family Violence: A Case File Review1
An Examination of Churn Within Australian Family Services: A Scoping Study1
The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Parents and Young People With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)1
Utopian Thinking, Social Work, and Homelessness: Critiquing Ideas Regarding Welfare Dependence1
Social Work and Cancer: The Unique Contribution of Social Workers1
Social Work and Yoga: The Evolution of Practice From Talking to Moving1
Young People’s Support Needs During the Military–Civilian Transition: “I Would Have Been a Very Different Person if There was More Support Available”1
Special Issue: Our Voices: Being Seen and Heard1
Capturing Research Impact: The Case Study of a Community Wellbeing Research Partnership1
Participation by Women With Physical Functional Diversity: From Inherited Oppression to Social Integration1
A Grounded Theory of Living in Two Worlds: Torres Strait Islanders’ Experience of Contemporary Migration1
Enduring Familial Relationships and Identity Preservation Make Simple Adoption the Preferred Permanency Option for Children in Out-of-Home Care1
Addressing Women’s Psychosocial Needs Following an Adverse Prenatal Diagnosis: Qualitative Findings Inform SARF Model Development1
Family Group Conferencing as an Additional Service Response to the Abuse of Older People in Australia1
Hosting Australian Social Work Students on Exchange: The Search for Equity and Mutual Benefit Between the Global South and North1
Messages for Good Practice: Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers and Hospital Social Workers1
Mental Health Service Staff on Sharing Lived Experience in the Workplace1
Saving Australian Social Work: The Save Social Work Australia Campaign and the Effective Use of Social Media1
Aboriginal Cultural Safety: A Case Study of Collaborative Practice at the Intersection of Family Violence and Child Protection1
Supporting Pregnant Women Experiencing Homelessness1
Telehealth for Social Interventions With Adolescents and Young Adults: Diverse Perspectives1
Response to Papadopoulos (2022): Social Work After Tehan: Reframing the Scope of Practice1
Examining the Person-in-Environment Perspective among Social Work Students in China: Individual- or Society-Orientation?1
Living with Experience in the Academy: Pressures to Disclose in Routine Research Activities1
Indigenisation, (De)Colonisation, and Whiteness: Dismantling Social Work Education1
Anger Following the Victorian Black Saturday Bushfires: Implications for Postdisaster Service Provision1
Relative Effectiveness of Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Anxious or Depressed Young People: Rapid Review and Meta-analysis1
Exploring Fathers’ Experiences in Caring for Their Child on a Paediatric Oncology Ward1
Indigenous Ideas Benefit Collaborative Research Partnerships1
Transformational Mentoring Experiences for First Nations Young People: A Scoping Review1
Community Reintegration of Long-Stay Hospitalised Mental Health Consumers During COVID-19 Pandemic1
Thought Patterns Mediate the Development of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Social Workers1
A Simulated Placement: Using a Mixed-Reality Learning Environment for Social Work Field Education1
At-risk Youth Peer Researchers Highlight Safety and “The Bonds You Make With Staff and Peers”1
Psychosocial Intervention During COVID-19 in a Hospital Mortuary: A Social Worker’s Reflection1
Embodiment Practice: Using Poi Spinning in the Healing Process1
Impact of a Global Pandemic on Scope and Diversity of Social Work Research and Practice: Complexity Theory a Lens to Review Current Thinking1
Analysis of Employment Advertisements Requiring Working With Children Checks in Queensland, Australia1
Service Users’ Descriptions of Recovery-Oriented Elements of a Rural Mental Health Service1