Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A-Mathematical Sciences

(The median citation count of Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A-Mathematical Sciences is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Characterizations of weaving $K$-frames5
Categories over quantum affine algebras and monoidal categorification4
A note on the Peterson hit problem for the Steenrod algebra3
On inversion of adjunction3
Braid group action on the module category of quantum affine algebras3
Maximal $L^{1}$-regularity for parabolic boundary value problems with inhomogeneous data in the half-space3
Iterated towers of number fields by a quadratic map defined over the Gaussian rationals2
On the tree-depth and tree-width in heterogeneous random graphs2
Euler and Laplace integral representations of GKZ hypergeometric functions II1
Algebraic independence of certain infinite products involving the Fibonacci numbers1
Some remarks on finiteness of extremal rays of divisorial type1
Equivalence of Kuo and Thom quantities for analytic functions1
On congruences and linear relations for Drinfeld modular forms of level $\Gamma_{0}(T)$, arbitrary type1
Shintani correspondence for Maass forms of level $N$ and prehomogeneous zeta functions1
PBW theoretic approach to the module category of quantum affine algebras1
Multiplicity in restricting small representations1
Some remarks on finite submodules of the unramified Iwasawa module of totally real fields1
On elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine quadruples1
Chebyshev’s bias for Ramanujan’s $\tau$-function via the Deep Riemann Hypothesis1
Non-purely non-symplectic automorphisms of order 6 on $K3$ surfaces1
Notes on a certain local time and excursions of simple symmetric random walks1
Log Iitaka conjecture for abundant log canonical fibrations1
Spectral analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces1
The $p$-integrable Teichmüller space for $p \geqslant 1$1
A note on operator perturbation of woven frames1
Positivity of the exterior power of the tangent bundles1
Proving dualities for $q$MZVs with connected sums1
Euler and Laplace integral representations of GKZ hypergeometric functions I1
New results on slowly varying functions in the Zygmund sense0
Resurgent transseries, mould calculus and Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra0
A note on obstructions to weak approximation and Brauer and R-equivalence relations for homogeneous spaces over global fields0
A quantitative study of orbit counting and discrete spectrum for anti-de Sitter 3-manifolds0
Deligne–Beilinson cohomology and log Hodge theory0
Log canonical inversion of adjunction0
A result on the number of cyclic subgroups of a finite group0
Perverse sheaves on $\mathbf{C}^{2}$ without vanishing cycles at the origin along a general plane curve with singularities0
Crepant resolution of $\mathbf{A}^{4}/A_{4}$ in characteristic 20
Hidden symmetries of hyperbolic links0
Smooth plane curves with outer Galois points whose reduced automorphism group is $A_{5}$0
Semi-inner products and operators which attain their norm0
Equidistribution in non-archimedean parameter curves towards the activity measures0
Rigidity of Euler products0
Euler tangent numbers modulo 720 and Genocchi numbers modulo 450
Lehmer’s conjecture via model theory0
Simple proof of the global inverse function theorem via the Hopf–Rinow theorem0
A note on factorisation patterns of division polynomials of elliptic curves over finite fields0
A proof of the second Rogers-Ramanujan identity via Kleshchev multipartitions0
Rational period functions for $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(2)$ with poles only in $\mathbf{Q}\cup \{\infty\}$0
On Lecacheux’s family of quintic polynomials0
Infinitely many non-uniqueness examples for Cauchy problems of the two-dimensional wave and Schrödinger equations0
The transcendence of zeros of natural basis elements for the space of the weakly holomorphic modular forms for $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(3)$0
Gosper’s strange series: A new, simplified proof and generalizations0
Legendre magnetic flows for geodesic spheres in a complex projective space0
On some arithmetic questions of reductive groups over algebraic extensions of local and global fields0
On vanishing theorems for analytic spaces0
A local characterization of $B_{2}$ regular crystals0
Non-purely non-symplectic automorphisms of odd order on $K3$ surfaces0
$q$-Log-concavity and $q$-unimodality of Gaussian polynomials and a problem of Andrews and Newman0
Proportion of modular forms with transcendental zeros for general levels0
Concordant pairs in ratios with rank at least two and the distribution of $\theta$-congruent numbers0
On Kakeya’s maximal function II: high dimensional cases0
On minimality of the invariant Hilbert scheme associated to Popov’s $\mathit{SL}(2)$-variety0