Philosophical Papers

(The median citation count of Philosophical Papers is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Epistemic Agency Under Oppression26
Decolonising Knowledge Here and Now22
Epistemic Decolonization as Overcoming the Hermeneutical Injustice of Eurocentrism16
Towards A Plausible Account of Epistemic Decolonisation12
Hostile Scaffolding12
Whither Epistemic Decolonization5
This Quintessence of Dust - Consciousness Explained, at Thirty2
What Is Race? Four Philosophers, Six Views2
‘Civility’ and the Civilizing Project2
Being Gay and African: A Contradiction in Being?2
Humanness and Harmony: Thad Metz on Ubuntu2
Cognitive Confinement, Embodied Sense-Making, and the (De)Colonization of Knowledge2
Truth in Virtue of Meaning Reconsidered2
Aesthetic Consolation in an Age of Extinction2
Luck and the Limits of Equality2
Unpacking a Charge of Emotional Irrationality: An Exploration of the Value of Anger in Thought2
The Idea of Capital in Bourdieu and Marx1
Anything Can Be Meaningful1
Freedom from Black Governmentality under Privatized Apartheid1
Is Meaning in Life Constituted by Value or Intelligibility?1
An Essay on Compositionality of Thoughts in Frege’s Philosophy1
‘Becoming’ Romeo1
An Argument from Normativity for Primitive Emotional Phenomenology1
Citizenship from the Couch: Public Engagement and Private Norms in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond0
Corporal Punishment: A Philosophical Assessment0
Did Marx Really Think That Capitalism Is Unjust?0
The Evolution of Moral Standing Without Supervenience0
Safety and Unawareness of Error-Possibility0
Conceptual Analysis and African Philosophy0
Seeing Yourself in Others’ Blindness: Learning from Literature as Epitomized in Proust’sIn Search of Lost Time0
Public Goods as Obligatory Bridges between the Public and the Private0
Digital Tools and COVID-19: Shifting Public–Private Boundaries0
Decolonising Philosophy0
Introduction: Public and Private Disruption in the Twenty-First Century0
Emerson's Literary Philosophy0
Development and Modernity in Africa: An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective Development and Modernity in Africa: An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective , by Jose0
Sometimes I Am Fictional: Narrative and Identification0
Nietzsche’s Theory of Empathy0
What Exactly is Voting to Consensual Deliberation?0
Reasons As Evidence Against Ought-Nots0
The Private Cosmology of Public Disgust0
A Relational Moral Theory: African Ethics in and beyond the Continent0
Demarcating the Social World with Hume0
Hobbes On Scientific Happiness0
Some Reflections on the Stability of Liberal Democracy0
How Manipulation Arguments Mischaracterize Determinism0
What is Desirable About Having a Child with a Romantic Partner?0
Is Blame a Moral Attitude?0
Defending Libertarianism through Rethinking Responsibility for Consequences0
Obligation Incompatibilism and Blameworthiness0
Competing Claims and the Separateness of Persons0
The Predicament That Wasn’t: A Reply to Benatar0
Moral Responsibility and Character Formation0
Regret Is Born Where Choice Dies0