Walt Whitman Quarterly Review

(The H4-Index of Walt Whitman Quarterly Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Mark Edmundson. Song of Ourselves: Walt Whitman and the Fight for Democracy.0
“If you call on me I will tell you what I know of Walt”: Unrecorded Assessment of Walter and Walt Whitman by William Booth, Brooklyn Carpenter0
Caterina Bernardini. <i>Transnational Modernity and the Italian Reinvention of Walt Whitman, 1870-1945</i>.0
“Fit for War”: Rhythm and Bodily Health in Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps0
Fellow Journeyers Walt Whitman and Jesse Talbot: Painting, Poetry, and Puffery in 1850s New York0
A Note from the Managing Editor0
"I am more interested than you know, Bill": The Life and Times of William Henry Duckett, Jr.0
Back Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 20
Betsy Erkkila. The Whitman Revolution: Sex, Poetry, and Politics.0
Walt Whitman in the Yugoslav Interwar Periodicals: Serbo-Croatian Reception, 1918–19400
Jim Perlman, Ed Folsom, and Dan Campion, eds. Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song. 200th Birthday Edition.0
Morton Schoolman. A Democratic Enlightenment: The Reconciliation Image, Aesthetic Education, Possible Politics.0
Appendix: A Sampling of New Orleans Crescent “Northern Correspondence” from “Manahatta”/“Manhattan”0
Walt Whitman. <i>Specimen Days.</i> ed. Max Cavitch.0
Zachary Turpin and Matt Miller, eds. Every Hour, Every Atom: A Collection of Walt Whitman’s Early Notebooks and Fragments.0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Spring 20220
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Fall 2021/Winter 20220
“The battle trumpet blown!” : Whitman’s Persian Imitations in Drum Taps0
Back Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 39, no. 10
“Glorious Times for Newspaper Editors and Correspondents”: Whitman at the New Orleans Daily Crescent, 1848-18490
Two Resplendent Suns: Dante Alighieri and Walt Whitman0
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 37, no. 3/40
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 39, no. 10
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 10
Susan Jaffe Tane and Karen Karbiner, Poet of the Body: New York’s Walt Whitman. / Brandon James O’Neil0
A Long-Lost Eagle Article Puts Walt and Jeff on the Map0
"A Hastily Corrected Slip": Literary and Democratic Collectivity in a New Whitmanian Artifact0
“A Singing Walt from the Mower”: Dylan Thomas and the “Whitmanian [Re]turn” in the Post-War Poetic Culture of the States0
In Memoriam: Douglas Arthur Noverr 1942-20200
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography0
Walt Whitman, Editor at the <i>New-York Atlas</i>0
“The Face, the Body, the Voice”0
An Undetected Echo of Tennyson's "Ulysses" in Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass"0
Mark Doty. What Is the Grass: Walt Whitman in My Life0
“Strong, manly, and full of human nature”: The Roots of Rubén Darío’s “Walt Whitman”0
Maire Mullins, ed. Hannah Whitman Heyde: The Complete Correspondence.0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Winter/Spring 20230
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 40, no. 1/20
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 20
“A Story of New York at the Present Time”: The Historico-Literary Contexts of Jack Engle0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography0
Kenneth M. Price. Whitman in Washington: Becoming the National Poet.0
Walt Whitman's Tomb0
Democratic Portraiture: The Political Aesthetics of the Individual and the Collective in Whitman's "Song of Myself"0
Walt Whitman. <i>Leaves of Grass / Grashalme: Zweisprachige Fassung der Erstausgabe von 1855 </i>0
Was Whitman “Betrayed” in Brazil?: Geir Campos, Ana Cristina Cesar, and the 1983 Chopping Up of Leaves of Grass0
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 3/40
"The Indications" (1857)0
In Memoriam: Joel Myerson (1945-2021)0
Carlos Bulosan, Walt Whitman, and the Transnational Jeremiad0
Searching for Proud Antoinette: Evidence and Prospects for Whitman’s Phantom Novel0
David Grant. <i>“The Disenthralled Hosts of Freedom”: Party Prophecy in the Antebellum Editions of</i> Leaves of Grass.0
Walt Whitman, Trinity Church, and Antebellum Reprint Culture0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography0
Behnam M. Fomeshi. <i>The Persian Whitman: Beyond a Literary Reception</i>.0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Summer 20210
Fellowship Dinners and The Armory Show0
Nicole Gray, ed. Leaves of Grass (1855) Variorum.0
A Newly Discovered 1849 Whitman Letter to the “Messrs. Merriam”0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Summer/Fall 20220
Back Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 10
Stefan Schöberlein, ed. <i>Walt Whitman’s New Orleans: Sidewalk Sketches and Newspaper Rambles</i>.0
Front Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 39, no. 2/30
Walt Whitman. <i>Lebenseiche, moosbehangen. Live Oak, with Moss,</i> translated and edited by Heinrich Detering.0
The International Whitman: A Review Essay0
Back Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 38, no. 3/40
Whitman’s First-Person Plural0
Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography, Summer/Fall 20230
Ed Folsom and Christopher Merrill. “The Million Dead, Too, Summ’d Up”: Walt Whitman’s Civil War Writings.0
Back Matter, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 37, no. 3/40