International Journal of Health Planning and Management

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Health Planning and Management is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
The coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic's impact on mental health160
Impact of COVID‐19 on access to healthcare in low‐ and middle‐income countries: Current evidence and future recommendations97
Impact of 3D printed medical equipment on the management of the Covid19 pandemic62
An overview of the effect of bioaerosol size in coronavirus disease 2019 transmission52
Rural communities in Africa should not be forgotten in responses to COVID‐1952
Telemedicine is an important aspect of healthcare services amid COVID‐19 outbreak: Its barriers in Bangladesh and strategies to overcome48
Public health competences through the lens of the COVID‐19 pandemic: what matters for health workforce preparedness for global health emergencies47
Impacts of the Covid‐19 pandemic on the health of university students46
Stigma and COVID‐19 crisis: A wake‐up call43
The massive attack of COVID‐19 in India is a big concern for Bangladesh: The key focus should be given on the interconnection between the countries41
Artificial Intelligence during a pandemic: The COVID‐19 example37
Health system resilience and health workforce capacities: Comparing health system responses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in six European countries36
Some lessons that Peru did not learn before the second wave of COVID‐1935
Under‐reporting of COVID‐19 cases in Turkey32
The use of cow dung and urine to cure COVID‐19 in India: A public health concern32
Increments of gender‐based violence amid COVID‐19 in Bangladesh: A threat to global public health and women’s health32
Multidisciplinary academic perspectives during the COVID‐19 pandemic32
An adaptive model of health system organization and responses helped Vietnam to successfully halt the Covid‐19 pandemic: What lessons can be learned from a resource‐constrained country32
Dark tetrad personality traits and counterproductive work behavior among doctors in Pakistan31
Monkeypox outbreak – No panic and stigma; Only awareness and preventive measures can halt the pandemic turn of this epidemic infection28
The health workforce: Central to an effective response to the COVID‐19 pandemic in the European Region25
Public trust and the COVID‐19 vaccination campaign: lessons from the Philippines as it emerges from the Dengvaxia controversy24
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on maternal health services in Pakistan24
Labour market competition for public health graduates in the United States: A comparison of workforce taxonomies with job postings before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic24