Clinical Journal of Pain

(The H4-Index of Clinical Journal of Pain is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Toward Understanding Movement-evoked Pain (MEP) and its Measurement46
Systematic Review and Synthesis of Mechanism-based Classification Systems for Pain Experienced in the Musculoskeletal System42
Which Psychological Factors Are Involved in the Onset and/or Persistence of Musculoskeletal Pain? An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Prospective Cohort Studies41
Opioid-induced Constipation34
Criteria Used for the Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points in Clinical Trials on Physical Therapy32
Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation, Cognitive Therapy, and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain31
Measurement Properties of the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF) and Revised Short McGill Pain Questionnaire Version-2 (SF-MPQ-2) in Pain-related Musculoskeletal Conditions26
Race, Social Status, and Depressive Symptoms24
Impaired School Functioning in Children With Chronic Pain23
Severity of Chronic Pain in German Adolescent School Students23
The Effects of a Pain Psychology and Neuroscience Self-Evaluation Internet Intervention22
Exercise-induced Hypoalgesia Is Impaired in Chronic Whiplash-associated Disorders (WAD) With Both Aerobic and Isometric Exercise22
Well-being and Perceived Stigma in Individuals With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia21
Conditioned Pain Modulation Efficiency Is Associated With Pain Catastrophizing in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain19
Virtual Reality to Reduce Procedural Pain During IV Insertion in the Pediatric Emergency Department19
Multidisciplinary-based Rehabilitation (MBR) Compared With Active Physical Interventions for Pain and Disability in Adults With Chronic Pain19
The Concept of Pain Inventory (COPI)19
Prevalence, Characteristics, and Clinical Course of Neuropathic Pain in Primary Care Patients Consulting With Low Back-related Leg Pain18