Statistical Science

(The H4-Index of Statistical Science is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Outcome-Wide Longitudinal Designs for Causal Inference: A New Template for Empirical Studies117
A General Framework for Vecchia Approximations of Gaussian Processes76
The Box–Cox Transformation: Review and Extensions56
Exponential-Family Models of Random Graphs: Inference in Finite, Super and Infinite Population Scenarios47
A Selective Overview of Deep Learning42
Best Subset, Forward Stepwise or Lasso? Analysis and Recommendations Based on Extensive Comparisons37
Revisiting the Gelman–Rubin Diagnostic35
The Dependent Dirichlet Process and Related Models27
Additive and Multiplicative Effects Network Models25
In Defense of the Indefensible: A Very Naïve Approach to High-Dimensional Inference25
Invariance, Causality and Robustness25
The GENIUS Approach to Robust Mendelian Randomization Inference20
Analyzing Stochastic Computer Models: A Review with Opportunities18
Robust High-Dimensional Factor Models with Applications to Statistical Machine Learning18
Comparative Study of Differentially Private Data Synthesis Methods17
Convex Relaxation Methods for Community Detection17
Choosing Among Notions of Multivariate Depth Statistics16
A Unified Primal Dual Active Set Algorithm for Nonconvex Sparse Recovery16