Machine Learning

(The TQCC of Machine Learning is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in machine learning: an introduction to concepts and methods509
Challenges of real-world reinforcement learning: definitions, benchmarks and analysis167
Evaluating time series forecasting models: an empirical study on performance estimation methods111
HIVE-COTE 2.0: a new meta ensemble for time series classification109
How artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare systems respond to COVID-19100
Regularisation of neural networks by enforcing Lipschitz continuity94
LoRAS: an oversampling approach for imbalanced datasets71
F*: an interpretable transformation of the F-measure69
High-dimensional Bayesian optimization using low-dimensional feature spaces55
Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics53
OWL2Vec*: embedding of OWL ontologies51
How to measure uncertainty in uncertainty sampling for active learning50
Bonsai: diverse and shallow trees for extreme multi-label classification49
Density-based weighting for imbalanced regression47
Imbalanced regression and extreme value prediction45
Loss aware post-training quantization44
The voice of optimization41
Stronger data poisoning attacks break data sanitization defenses37
Double random forest36
ROSE: robust online self-adjusting ensemble for continual learning on imbalanced drifting data streams34
Interpretable clustering: an optimization approach34
Spatial dependence between training and test sets: another pitfall of classification accuracy assessment in remote sensing34
TRU-NET: a deep learning approach to high resolution prediction of rainfall34
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation in Earth Observation: the MiniFrance suite, dataset analysis and multi-task network study29
Global optimization based on active preference learning with radial basis functions28
Conditional variance penalties and domain shift robustness28
Special issue on feature engineering editorial27
A deep reinforcement learning framework for continuous intraday market bidding25
A theoretical distribution analysis of synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning24
CPAS: the UK’s national machine learning-based hospital capacity planning system for COVID-1924
ResGCN: attention-based deep residual modeling for anomaly detection on attributed networks24
Transforming variables to central normality23
Propositionalization and embeddings: two sides of the same coin22
Boosting Poisson regression models with telematics car driving data22
A framework for the fine-grained evaluation of the instantaneous expected value of soccer possessions22
Tensor Q-rank: new data dependent definition of tensor rank22
An empirical comparison between stochastic and deterministic centroid initialisation for K-means variations21
A survey on learning from imbalanced data streams: taxonomy, challenges, empirical study, and reproducible experimental framework21
Learning programs by learning from failures20
Boost image captioning with knowledge reasoning20
Scenic: a language for scenario specification and data generation20
Embed2Detect: temporally clustered embedded words for event detection in social media19
Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning19
Air Learning: a deep reinforcement learning gym for autonomous aerial robot visual navigation18
Inductive logic programming at 3017
Large-scale pinball twin support vector machines17
Machine unlearning: linear filtration for logit-based classifiers17
Classifier calibration: a survey on how to assess and improve predicted class probabilities16
BT-Unet: A self-supervised learning framework for biomedical image segmentation using barlow twins with U-net models15
Satellite derived bathymetry using deep learning15
Conditional t-SNE: more informative t-SNE embeddings15
Incorporating symbolic domain knowledge into graph neural networks15
Testing conditional independence in supervised learning algorithms14
Bandit algorithms to personalize educational chatbots14
End-to-end entity-aware neural machine translation13
Grounded action transformation for sim-to-real reinforcement learning13
Imputation of clinical covariates in time series13
Statistical hierarchical clustering algorithm for outlier detection in evolving data streams13
Sparse classification: a scalable discrete optimization perspective12
On the sample complexity of actor-critic method for reinforcement learning with function approximation12
Graph-based semi-supervised learning via improving the quality of the graph dynamically12
Ensembles of extremely randomized predictive clustering trees for predicting structured outputs12
Optimal survival trees12
Fully convolutional open set segmentation12
A Bayesian-inspired, deep learning-based, semi-supervised domain adaptation technique for land cover mapping12
Embedding to reference t-SNE space addresses batch effects in single-cell classification12
Importance sampling in reinforcement learning with an estimated behavior policy11
Embedding-based Silhouette community detection11
A network-based positive and unlabeled learning approach for fake news detection11
Traditional and context-specific spam detection in low resource settings11
DAFS: a domain aware few shot generative model for event detection11
Toward optimal probabilistic active learning using a Bayesian approach11
SAED: self-attentive energy disaggregation11
The class imbalance problem in deep learning11
autoBOT: evolving neuro-symbolic representations for explainable low resource text classification10
Forecasting directional bitcoin price returns using aspect-based sentiment analysis on online text data10
Global optimization of objective functions represented by ReLU networks10
Beyond confusion matrix: learning from multiple annotators with awareness of instance features10
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves: equivalences, beta model, and minimum distance estimation10
A study of BERT for context-aware neural machine translation10
Linear support vector regression with linear constraints9
Learning from self-discrepancy via multiple co-teaching for cross-domain person re-identification9
Weakly supervised change detection using guided anisotropic diffusion9
Online AutoML: an adaptive AutoML framework for online learning9
Early classification of time series9
Wavelet-packets for deepfake image analysis and detection9
Deep learning and multivariate time series for cheat detection in video games9
RB-CCR: Radial-Based Combined Cleaning and Resampling algorithm for imbalanced data classification9
SPEED: secure, PrivatE, and efficient deep learning9
DIMBA: discretely masked black-box attack in single object tracking9
Relating instance hardness to classification performance in a dataset: a visual approach9
VEST: automatic feature engineering for forecasting9
Optimal policy trees9
A review on instance ranking problems in statistical learning9
STUDD: a student–teacher method for unsupervised concept drift detection9
$${{\mathrm {Latent}}Out}$$: an unsupervised deep anomaly detection approach exploiting latent space distribution8
Using error decay prediction to overcome practical issues of deep active learning for named entity recognition8
Anomaly detection with inexact labels8
Polynomial-based graph convolutional neural networks for graph classification8
InfoGram and admissible machine learning8
Joint optimization of an autoencoder for clustering and embedding8
An adaptive polyak heavy-ball method8
Improve generated adversarial imitation learning with reward variance regularization8
Quick and robust feature selection: the strength of energy-efficient sparse training for autoencoders8
A deep learning approach using natural language processing and time-series forecasting towards enhanced food safety8
An empirical analysis of binary transformation strategies and base algorithms for multi-label learning8
JGPR: a computationally efficient multi-target Gaussian process regression algorithm8
Can language models automate data wrangling?8
Unsupervised representation learning with Minimax distance measures8
Analyzing and repairing concept drift adaptation in data stream classification8
Efficient fair principal component analysis8
Lead–lag detection and network clustering for multivariate time series with an application to the US equity market8
Scrutinizing XAI using linear ground-truth data with suppressor variables7
Dual-domain graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition7
Dealing with multiple experts and non-stationarity in inverse reinforcement learning: an application to real-life problems7
Handling epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in probabilistic circuits7
IntelligentPooling: practical Thompson sampling for mHealth7
Non-technical losses detection in energy consumption focusing on energy recovery and explainability7
Inclusion of domain-knowledge into GNNs using mode-directed inverse entailment7
An improved evolutionary wrapper-filter feature selection approach with a new initialisation scheme7
Ada-boundary: accelerating DNN training via adaptive boundary batch selection7
Beyond graph neural networks with lifted relational neural networks7
RADE: resource-efficient supervised anomaly detection using decision tree-based ensemble methods7
SDANet: spatial deep attention-based for point cloud classification and segmentation7
SLISEMAP: supervised dimensionality reduction through local explanations7
On the benefits of representation regularization in invariance based domain generalization7
Unified SVM algorithm based on LS-DC loss7
Safety-constrained reinforcement learning with a distributional safety critic7
Stream-based active learning for sliding windows under the influence of verification latency7
Automatic discovery of interpretable planning strategies7
Deep multimodal representation learning for generalizable person re-identification7
Transfer learning by mapping and revising boosted relational dependency networks7
Robust supervised topic models under label noise6
WEASEL 2.0: a random dilated dictionary transform for fast, accurate and memory constrained time series classification6
Distance metric learning for graph structured data6
Metrics and methods for robustness evaluation of neural networks with generative models6
Model selection in reconciling hierarchical time series6
Efficient learning of large sets of locally optimal classification rules6
Unsupervised anomaly detection in multivariate time series with online evolving spiking neural networks6
Domain adversarial neural networks for domain generalization: when it works and how to improve6
Protect privacy of deep classification networks by exploiting their generative power6
Learning representations from dendrograms6
Automated adaptation strategies for stream learning6
Ordinal regression with explainable distance metric learning based on ordered sequences6
A generalized Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernel6
Hierarchical optimal transport for unsupervised domain adaptation6
Multi-label feature ranking with ensemble methods6
A user-guided Bayesian framework for ensemble feature selection in life science applications (UBayFS)6
Inductive learning of answer set programs for autonomous surgical task planning6
Understanding CNN fragility when learning with imbalanced data6
MLife: a lite framework for machine learning lifecycle initialization6
Multiscale principle of relevant information for hyperspectral image classification6
Binary classification with ambiguous training data5
A survey of class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning5
Analysis of regularized least-squares in reproducing kernel Kreĭn spaces5
Concentration bounds for temporal difference learning with linear function approximation: the case of batch data and uniform sampling5
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) movies, universal ROC (UROC) curves, and coefficient of predictive ability (CPA)5
Fast and accurate pseudoinverse with sparse matrix reordering and incremental approach5
Optimal transport for conditional domain matching and label shift5
CMD: controllable matrix decomposition with global optimization for deep neural network compression5
Partially observable environment estimation with uplift inference for reinforcement learning based recommendation5
Pruning convolutional neural networks via filter similarity analysis5
Generating contrastive explanations for inductive logic programming based on a near miss approach5
Stateless neural meta-learning using second-order gradients5
Considerations when learning additive explanations for black-box models5
Clustered and deep echo state networks for signal noise reduction5
Multi-target prediction for dummies using two-branch neural networks5
An instance-dependent simulation framework for learning with label noise5
Re-thinking model robustness from stability: a new insight to defend adversarial examples5
Federated learning with superquantile aggregation for heterogeneous data5
Embedding and extraction of knowledge in tree ensemble classifiers5
Coefficient tree regression: fast, accurate and interpretable predictive modeling5
Interpreting machine-learning models in transformed feature space with an application to remote-sensing classification5
The flowing nature matters: feature learning from the control flow graph of source code for bug localization5
Topic extraction from extremely short texts with variational manifold regularization5
Incremental predictive clustering trees for online semi-supervised multi-target regression5
Bimodal variational autoencoder for audiovisual speech recognition5
Lipschitzness is all you need to tame off-policy generative adversarial imitation learning5
Generalizing universal adversarial perturbations for deep neural networks5
Skew Gaussian processes for classification5
Time-aware tensor decomposition for sparse tensors5
A decision-theoretic approach for model interpretability in Bayesian framework5
TSFuse: automated feature construction for multiple time series data5
Explainable online ensemble of deep neural network pruning for time series forecasting5
Multiway p-spectral graph cuts on Grassmann manifolds5
Optimal data collection design in machine learning: the case of the fixed effects generalized least squares panel data model5