Journal of Anxiety Disorders

(The median citation count of Journal of Anxiety Disorders is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-19): Predictors in an online study conducted in March 2020754
Development and initial validation of the COVID Stress Scales707
How health anxiety influences responses to viral outbreaks like COVID-19: What all decision-makers, health authorities, and health care professionals need to know480
Health anxiety, cyberchondria, and coping in the current COVID-19 pandemic: Which factors are related to coronavirus anxiety?405
Climate anxiety: Psychological responses to climate change389
Do pre-existing anxiety-related and mood disorders differentially impact COVID-19 stress responses and coping?313
Incremental validity of coronaphobia: Coronavirus anxiety explains depression, generalized anxiety, and death anxiety225
Fear and avoidance of healthcare workers: An important, under-recognized form of stigmatization during the COVID-19 pandemic203
Media use and acute psychological outcomes during COVID-19 outbreak in China189
The relationship between perceived stress and emotional distress during the COVID-19 outbreak: Effects of boredom proneness and coping style141
Facing new fears during the COVID-19 pandemic: The State of America’s mental health128
Worry, avoidance, and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive network analysis118
Longitudinal changes of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: The role of pre-existing anxiety, depressive, and other mental disorders116
COVID-19 and traumatic stress: The role of perceived vulnerability, COVID-19-related worries, and social isolation95
Anxiety and safety behavior usage during the COVID-19 pandemic: The prospective role of contamination fear94
Anxiety regarding contracting COVID-19 related to interoceptive anxiety sensations: The moderating role of disgust propensity and sensitivity91
Understanding and managing pandemic-related panic buying77
Obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19: Turning a problem into an opportunity?72
The mental health impacts of climate change: Findings from a Pacific Island atoll nation72
The prospective influence of COVID-19 affective risk assessments and intolerance of uncertainty on later dimensions of health anxiety66
Threats to Mental Health and Well-Being Associated with Climate Change63
A systematic literature review of factor analytic and mixture models of ICD-11 PTSD and CPTSD using the International Trauma Questionnaire57
Anxiety and resilience in the face of natural disasters associated with climate change: A review and methodological critique56
Life in a post-pandemic world: What to expect of anxiety-related conditions and their treatment51
COVID-19 stress and substance use: Current issues and future preparations50
Anxiety disorders, climate change, and the challenges ahead: Introduction to the special issue50
Coronaphobia revisted: A state-of-the-art on pandemic-related fear, anxiety, and stress43
The latent and item structure of COVID-19 fear: A comparison of four COVID-19 fear questionnaires using SEM and network analyses40
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms?39
Coping with climate change: Three insights for research, intervention, and communication to promote adaptive coping to climate change39
Fear and anxiety in the face of COVID-19: Negative dispositions towards risk and uncertainty as vulnerability factors38
Social Anxiety and Empathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis36
Garbage in, garbage out: The tenuous state of research on PTSD in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and infodemic35
Psychometric properties of the PCL-5 in a sample of first responders35
COVID-19 and OCD: Potential impact of exposure and response prevention therapy34
Fear of COVID-19 predicts vaccination willingness 14 months later34
Pre-pandemic disgust proneness predicts increased coronavirus anxiety and safety behaviors: Evidence for a diathesis-stress model33
Extending our understanding of the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and positive emotion dysregulation: A network analysis approach32
Social trauma and its association with posttraumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder32
Efficacy and acceptability of interventions for co-occurring PTSD and SUD: A meta-analysis32
360° Video virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial31
Three decades of increase in health anxiety: Systematic review and meta-analysis of birth cohort changes in university student samples from 1985 to 201731
Real versus illusory personal growth in response to COVID-19 pandemic stressors31
A meta-analysis of relapse rates in cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders30
Psychometric properties of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12 in generalized anxiety disorder: Assessment of factor structure, measurement properties and clinical utility30
Intolerance of COVID-19-related uncertainty and depressive and anxiety symptoms during the pandemic: A longitudinal study in Argentina26
The uptake and outcomes of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for health anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic26
Posttraumatic stress or posttraumatic growth? Using network analysis to explore the relationships between coping styles and trauma outcomes25
Investigating the impact of masculinity on the relationship between anxiety specific mental health literacy and mental health help-seeking in adolescent males25
Conducting exposure and response prevention treatment for contamination fears during COVID-19: The behavioral immune system impact on clinician approaches to treatment25
How does COVID stress vary across the anxiety-related disorders? Assessing factorial invariance and changes in COVID Stress Scale scores during the pandemic24
Individual differences in emotion regulation prospectively predict early COVID-19 related acute stress24
Bridging maladaptive social self-beliefs and social anxiety: a network perspective23
Anxiety disorders, COVID-19 fear, and vaccine hesitancy22
A network analysis of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociation in trauma-exposed adolescents22
Linking insomnia and OCD symptoms during the coronavirus pandemic: Examination of prospective associations22
Elements of the therapeutic relationship in CBT for anxiety disorders: A systematic review21
Anxiety and depressive symptoms in U.S. Census Bureau assessments of adults: Trends from 2019 to fall 2020 across demographic groups21
Intolerance of uncertainty and obsessive-compulsive disorder dimensions20
Responding to uncertain threat: A potential mediator for the effect of mindfulness on anxiety20
Shame, guilt, and posttraumatic stress symptoms: A three-level meta-analysis20
A randomized clinical trial of in-person vs. home-based telemedicine delivery of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in military sexual trauma survivors20
Generalized anxiety disorder: Prevalence, predictors, and comorbidity in children and adolescents19
Comparison of symptom-based versus self-reported diagnostic measures of anxiety and depression disorders in the GLAD and COPING cohorts19
What is the internal structure of intolerance of uncertainty? A network analysis approach19
Does complex PTSD predict or moderate treatment outcomes of three variants of exposure therapy?18
Interpersonal problems in social anxiety disorder across different relational contexts17
Effectiveness of a smartphone-based, augmented reality exposure app to reduce fear of spiders in real-life: A randomized controlled trial17
The utility of college student samples in research on trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder: A critical review17
Exposure therapy in a virtual environment: Validation in obsessive compulsive disorder16
Working out the worries: A randomized controlled trial of high intensity interval training in generalized anxiety disorder16
Intolerance of uncertainty in youth: Psychometrics of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Index-A for Children16
Predicting COVID-19-related anxiety: The role of obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions, anxiety sensitivity, and body vigilance15
Is it worth it to personalize the treatment of PTSD? – A variance-ratio meta-analysis and estimation of treatment effect heterogeneity in RCTs of PTSD15
Clinical predictors of treatment response towards exposure therapy in virtuo in spider phobia: A machine learning and external cross-validation approach15
Overcontrol and neural response to errors in pediatric anxiety disorders14
A network approach to climate change anxiety and its key related features14
Interpersonal dysfunction and treatment outcome in GAD: A systematic review14
COVID stress in older adults: Considerations during the Omicron wave and beyond14
tDCS-Augmented in vivo exposure therapy for specific fears: A randomized clinical trial14
Immunization stress-related responses: Implications for vaccination hesitancy and vaccination processes during the COVID-19 pandemic14
A transdiagnostic evaluation of contrast avoidance across generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and social anxiety disorder13
Why Sleep is Key: Poor Sleep Quality is a Mechanism for the Bidirectional Relationship between Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across 18 Years13
Latent class growth analyses reveal overrepresentation of dysfunctional fear conditioning trajectories in patients with anxiety-related disorders compared to controls13
The naturalistic reinforcement of worry from positive and negative emotional contrasts: Results from a momentary assessment study within social interactions13
Training with tarantulas: A randomized feasibility and acceptability study using experiential learning to enhance exposure therapy training13
Understanding climate anxiety: What decision-makers, health care providers, and the mental health community need to know to promote adaptative coping13
The impact of sleep quality on the incidence of PTSD: Results from a 7-Year, Nationally Representative, Prospective Cohort of U.S. Military Veterans13
Does pre-event lack of emotional support increase the risk of post-event PTSD, anxiety, depression symptoms and lack of support? A comparative population-based study among victims of threat and violen12
Remote cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder: A meta-analysis12
Long-term outcomes of cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials12
Are people with social anxiety disorder happier alone?12
Delayed reward discounting and increased risk for suicide attempts among U.S. adults with probable PTSD11
Patterns of exposure to potentially morally injurious events among Israeli combat veterans: A latent class analysis approach11
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Outcomes From a Multi-State, Multi-Site Primary Care Practice11
Examining the associations between PTSD symptoms and aspects of emotion dysregulation through network analysis11
Reductions in social anxiety during treatment predict lower levels of loneliness during follow-up among individuals with social anxiety disorder11
Dimensionality of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms: Validation of the Chinese version of the posttraumatic diagnostic scale for DSM-5 across multiple trauma samples11
An experience sampling investigation of emotion and worry in people with generalized anxiety disorder11
Examining the link between positive affectivity and anxiety reactivity to social stress in individuals with and without social anxiety disorder11
Transdiagnostic emotion regulation processes explain how emotion-related factors affect co-occurring PTSD and MDD in relation to trauma11
Social anxiety disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and subtypes in the Young-HUNT3 study11
The OCI-4: An ultra-brief screening scale for obsessive-compulsive disorder10
Examining the psychometric properties of the PCL-5 in a black community sample using item response theory10
Anxiety disorders among adolescents and young adults: Prevalence and mental health care service utilization in a regional epidemiological study in Germany10
Mental contamination, disgust, and other negative emotions among survivors of sexual trauma: Results from a daily monitoring study10
Adherence to exposure and response prevention as a predictor of improvement in obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions10
But first, coffee: The roles of arousal and inhibition in the resistance of compulsive cleansing in individuals with high contamination fears10
Aerobic exercise in the treatment of PTSD: An examination of preclinical and clinical laboratory findings, potential mechanisms, clinical implications, and future directions10
A meta-analysis of mentalizing in anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and trauma and stressor related disorders10
Anxiety among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Psychophysiological assessment of stress reactivity and recovery in anxiety disorders10
Event centrality and secondary traumatization among Holocaust survivors' offspring and grandchildren: A three-generation study10
Internet-delivered cognitive-behaviour therapy (ICBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder when delivered as routine clinical care: A phase IV clinical trial9
When a nightmare comes true: Change in obsessive-compulsive disorder over the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic9
PTSD’s risky behavior criterion: Associated risky and unhealthy behaviors and psychiatric correlates in a nationally representative sample9
Reducing contrast avoidance in GAD by savoring positive emotions: Outcome and mediation in a randomized controlled trial9
Worry and rumination enhance a positive emotional contrast based on the framework of the Contrast Avoidance Model9
The Use of Evidence-Based Assessment for Anxiety Disorders in an Australian Sample9
Distinguishing PTSD, complex PTSD, and borderline personality disorder using exploratory structural equation modeling in a trauma-exposed urban sample9
Disgust propensity and sensitivity in childhood anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Two constructs differentially related to obsessional content9
Evolution of the network pattern of posttraumatic stress symptoms among children and adolescents exposed to a disaster9
Testing a gamified Spider App to reduce spider fear and avoidance9
Partners’ motivations for accommodating posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in service members: The reasons for accommodation of PTSD scale9
Symptom networks of COVID-19-related versus other potentially traumatic events in a global sample9
The impact of treating parental anxiety on children’s mental health: An empty systematic review9
Intergenerational transmission of maternal overprotection and child anxiety in substance-using families9
Psychometric evaluation of the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 (ADNM-20): A multi-study analysis9
Family accommodation mediates the impact of childhood anxiety on functional impairment9
Meta-analyses of the associations of mentalization and proxy variables with anxiety and internalizing problems9
Traumatic memories of childbirth relate to maternal postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder8
Are psychological interventions for adult PTSD more efficacious and acceptable when treatment is delivered in higher frequency? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials8
PTSD symptom heterogeneity and alcohol-related outcomes in U.S. military veterans: Indirect associations with coping strategies8
Reappraisal of disgust: Self-report and behavioural assessment of individuals with moderate to high contamination fears8
The OCI-CV-R: A Revision of the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory - Child Version8
Fear of illness & virus evaluation (FIVE) COVID-19 scales for children-parent/caregiver-report development and validation8
Efficacy of third wave cognitive behavioral therapies in the treatment of posttraumatic stress: A meta-analytic study8
A pilot study of intensive 7-day internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder8
Attentional biases in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder8
Moderators of psychological and psychoeducational interventions for the prevention of anxiety: A systematic review8
The efficacy of interventions for behaviourally inhibited preschool-aged children: A meta-analysis8
The latent structure of ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD in a general population sample from USA: A factor mixture modelling approach8
Positive Emotion Dysregulation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder7
Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of the network approach to psychopathology: Analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Health (ELSA-Brasil) cohort over a 12-year ti7
The Specificity of Inhibitory Control Deficits in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Dissociation Between the Speed and Reliability of Stopping7
The feasibility of verbal and virtual reality exposure for youth with academic performance worry7
The grass is always greener: Envy in social anxiety disorder7
The development and preliminary validation of a brief scale of emotional distress in young people using combined classical test theory and item response theory approaches: The Brief Emotional Distress7
Psychometric properties of the Self-Beliefs related to Social Anxiety (SBSA) scale in a sample of individuals with social anxiety disorder7
Exposure therapy for PTSD in military populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials7
The role of anxiety sensitivity in anger symptomatology: Results from a randomized controlled trial7
The transdiagnostic use of worry and rumination to avoid negative emotional contrasts following negative events: A momentary assessment study7
Typical symptom change patterns and their predictors in patients with social anxiety disorder: A latent class analysis7
Progression of externalizing disorders into anxiety disorders: Longitudinal transitions in the first three decades of life7
Emotions in social anxiety disorder: A review7
Circulating endocannabinoids and psychological outcomes in women with PTSD7
Therapists’ characteristics associated with the (non-)use of exposure in the treatment of anxiety disorders in youth: A survey among Dutch-speaking mental health practitioners7
Threat and safety reversal learning in social anxiety disorder – an fMRI study7
Longitudinal relationships between COVID-19 preventative behaviors and perceived vulnerability to disease7
Pretreatment levels of rumination predict cognitive-behavioral therapy outcomes in a transdiagnostic sample of adults with anxiety-related disorders6
Comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder: The usefulness of a sequential treatment approach within a randomised design6
Cognitive function associated with different diagnoses of anxiety disorders over the lifespan: Results from a Spanish representative sample6
Metacognition, cognition and social anxiety: A test of temporal and reciprocal relationships6
Impaired action-safety learning and excessive relief during avoidance in patients with anxiety disorders6
A systematic review and meta-analysis of resting-state fMRI in anxiety disorders: Need for data sharing to move the field forward6
What explains the failure to identify replicable moderators of symptom change in social anxiety disorder?6
Adverse childhood experiences, adult anxiety and social capital among women in rural Kenya6
Functional outcomes from psychotherapy for people with posttraumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis6
The combined cognitive bias hypothesis in anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis6
Executive functioning deficits exacerbate posttraumatic stress symptoms: A longitudinal mediation model6
The Medium is the Message: Effects of Mediums of Communication on Perceptions and Emotions in Social Anxiety Disorder6
Disentangling the mediating role of modifying interpretation bias on emotional distress using a novel cognitive bias modification program6
Evaluating the psychometric properties of the intolerance of uncertainty scale for children in a preadolescent sample6
Intermittent Motivational Interviewing and Transdiagnostic CBT for Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial6
Is disgust in obsessive-compulsive disorder mediated by fear of pathogens?6
Correlates of treatment seeking in individuals with social anxiety disorder: Findings from a nationally representative sample6
Evaluating the mediating effects of perceived vulnerability to disease in the relation between disgust and contamination-based OCD6
A network analysis of two conceptual approaches to the etiology of PTSD6
Improving mental, physical, and social functioning through participation in a 3-week cognitive processing therapy-based intensive PTSD treatment5
A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual and couple therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder: Clinical and intimate relationship outcomes5
Technology supported mindfulness for obsessive compulsive disorder: The role of obsessive beliefs5
Test of the dynamic interplay between DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters in children and adolescents5
Positive valence systems in youth anxiety development: A scoping review5
Increased self-reported reward responsiveness predicts better response to cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety5
Intrusions related to indirectly experienced events in clinical offspring of World War Two survivors5
Threat appraisal and negative affect under ambiguity in generalised anxiety disorder5
Association of attention and memory biases for negative stimuli with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms5
Measuring state pre-event and post-event rumination in Social Anxiety Disorder: Psychometric properties of the Socially Anxious Rumination Questionnaire (SARQ)5
The Patient‐Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) pediatric and parent-proxy short forms for anxiety: Psychometric properties in the Kids FACE FEARS sample5
Treatment outcome of posttraumatic stress disorder: A white matter tract analysis5
Trait self-acceptance mediates parental childhood abuse predicting depression and anxiety symptoms in adulthood5
Does a unique co-occurring OCD and PTSD factor structure exist?: Examination of overlapping OCD and PTSD symptom clusters5
Excessive reassurance seeking in depression versus obsessive-compulsive disorder: Cross-sectional and cognitive behavioural therapy treatment comparisons5
Incidences of anxiety disorders among active duty service members between 1999 and 20185
A scientometric and descriptive review on the debate about repressed memories and traumatic forgetting4
Do positive and negative emotional reactions during war predict subsequent symptomatology? A prospective experience sampling study4
Optimized short-forms of the Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire4
Intolerance of uncertainty prospectively predicts the transdiagnostic severity of emotional psychopathology: Evidence from a Veteran sample4
Can words be worse than stones? Understanding distressing social events and their relationship with social anxiety4
Examining attendance patterns across integrated therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder4
Attentional Bias in specific symmetry and cleaning dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder4
Daily dynamics and mechanisms of anxious symptomatology in the general population: A network study during the COVID-19 pandemic4
Ecological anxiety and pro-environmental behaviour: The role of attention4
Associations between courses of posttraumatic stress disorder and physical health conditions among Canadian military personnel4
The Skidmore Anxiety Stigma Scale (SASS): A covert and brief self-report measure4
Early childhood temperament predicts intolerance of uncertainty in adolescence4
Assessing parental cognitions about child anxiety: Are parents’ thoughts about child anxiety associated with child anxiety and anxiety sensitivity?4
The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Moderates the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma Script-evoked Attentional Bias to Cocaine Cues Among Patients with Cocaine Dependence4
Fears of receiving compassion from others predict safety behaviour use in social anxiety disorder over and above fears of negative self-portrayal4
The structure of social-evaluative threat detection in social anxiety disorder4
Latent stability and change in subgroups of social anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescence: A latent profile and transitional analysis4
Internet-delivered exposure therapy versus internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial4
Linking repetitive negative thinking and insomnia symptoms: A longitudinal trait-state model4
Efficacy of imagery rescripting in treating mental disorders associated with aversive memories – An updated meta-analysis4
Beyond vernacular: Measurement solutions to the lexical fallacy in disgust research4
Mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy for treatment-refractory anxiety disorder: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial4
Changes in guilt cognitions in intensive PTSD treatment among veterans who experienced military sexual trauma or combat trauma4
Positive emotion dysregulation and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: Investigating the role of anxiety sensitivity4
Increasing cognitive load attenuates the moderating effect of attentional inhibition on the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and threat-related attention bias variability4
Ethnic differences in behavioral and physiological indicators of sensitivity to threat4
Treatment response trajectories in residential PTSD programs for veterans: A national cohort investigation4
Within-person networks of clinical features of social anxiety disorder during cognitive and interpersonal therapy4
Understanding the untreated course of anxiety disorders in treatment-seeking samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Cognitive risk factors and the experience of acute anxiety following social stressors: An ecological momentary assessment study4
Neurocognitive predictors of long-term outcome in CBT for late life generalized anxiety disorder4
Tonic immobility is associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms in healthcare professionals exposed to COVID-19-related trauma4