American Journal of Health Promotion

(The H4-Index of American Journal of Health Promotion is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Social Capital in the Response to COVID-19131
COVID-19 and the Social Determinants of Health103
Risk Exposures, Risk Perceptions, Negative Attitudes Toward General Vaccination, and COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among College Students in south Carolina65
Differences Between Races in Health Information Seeking and Trust Over Time: Evidence From a Cross-Sectional, Pooled Analyses of HINTS Data44
Promoting Healthy Food Access and Nutrition in Primary Care: A Systematic Scoping Review of Food Prescription Programs41
Sense of Purpose in Life and Subsequent Physical, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Health: An Outcome-Wide Approach41
Redefining Basic Needs for Higher Education: It’s More Than Minimal Food and Housing According to California University Students38
Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Populations at Risk, Implications, and Opportunities38
COVID-19 Experiences and Social Distancing: Insights From the Theory of Planned Behavior37
Character Strengths Involving an Orientation to Promote Good Can Help Your Health and Well-Being. Evidence From two Longitudinal Studies32
Understanding the Cumulative Burden of Basic Needs Insecurities: Associations With Health and Academic Achievement Among College Students29
Effects of Motivational Interviewing and Wearable Fitness Trackers on Motivation and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review27
A Meta-Analytic Review of Interventions That Promote Meaning in Life26
Unique Predictors of Intended Uptake of a COVID-19 Vaccine in Adults Living in a Rural College Town in the United States25
A Systematic Review of Multi-Component Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) Interventions23
Evaluating Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidality and Self-Harm in Australian Adolescents With Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimizations22
Promoting Physical Activity Among Older Adults Using Community-Based Participatory Research With an Adapted PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Approach: The AEQUIPA/OUTDOOR ACTIVE Project22
Exclusive, Dual, and Polytobacco Use Among US Adults by Sociodemographic Factors: Results From 3 Nationally Representative Surveys21
How to Combat Health Misinformation: A Psychological Approach20
Predicting Intention to Take a COVID-19 Vaccine in the United States: Application and Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior20