European Journal of Oral Sciences

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Oral Sciences is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
The consumption of processed sugar‐ and starch‐containing foods, and dental caries: a systematic review34
Xerostomia and hyposalivation among a 65‐yr‐old population living in Oslo, Norway31
Advancing racial equity in oral health (research): more of the same is not enough20
Use of antioxidants to restore bond strength after tooth bleaching with peroxides19
Effect of cell‐free spent media prepared from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans on the growth of Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans in co‐species biofilms19
Influence of 38% silver diamine fluoride application on bond stability to enamel and dentin using universal adhesives in self‐etch mode16
The role of cognitive and non‐cognitive factors in dental anxiety: A mediation model16
Evaluation of photopolymerization efficacy and temperature rise of a composite resin using a blue diode laser (445 nm)15
The dual anti‐caries effect of carboxymethyl chitosan nanogel loaded with chimeric lysin ClyR and amorphous calcium phosphate14
Effect of essential oils on oral halitosis treatment: a review14
Effects of extending duration of exposure to curing light and different measurement methods on depth‐of‐cure analyses of conventional and bulk‐fill composites14
Effectiveness of pit and fissure sealants on primary molars: A 2‐yr split‐mouth randomized clinical trial14
Effect of prolonged application of single‐step self‐etching primer and hydrofluoric acid on the surface roughness and shear bond strength of CAD/CAM materials13