Computer Supported Cooperative Work-The Journal of Collaborative Compu

(The median citation count of Computer Supported Cooperative Work-The Journal of Collaborative Compu is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Challenges and Paradoxes in Decolonising HCI: A Critical Discussion37
(Re)Configuring Hybrid Meetings: Moving from User-Centered Design to Meeting-Centered Design35
Ethnography, CSCW and Ethnomethodology22
How Live Streaming Changes Shopping Decisions in E-commerce: A Study of Live Streaming Commerce21
Brokerbot: A Cryptocurrency Chatbot in the Social-technical Gap of Trust16
Streaming your Identity: Navigating the Presentation of Gender and Sexuality through Live Streaming16
Achieving Accuracy through Ambiguity: the Interactivity of Risk Communication in Severe Weather Events10
The March of Chatbots into Recruitment: Recruiters’ Experiences, Expectations, and Design Opportunities10
Care Managers and Role Ambiguity: The Challenges of Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Patients with Chronic Conditions9
shARe-IT: Ad hoc Remote Troubleshooting through Augmented Reality9
How Does Collaborative Reflection Unfold in Online Communities? An Analysis of Two Data Sets9
When the System Does Not Fit: Coping Strategies of Employment Consultants8
Unpacking the Role of Boundaries in Computer-Supported Collaborative Teaching8
Coding and Classifying Knowledge Exchange on Social Media: a Comparative Analysis of the #Twitterstorians and AskHistorians Communities8
Organizing Safe Spaces: #MeToo Activism in Sweden7
Immersive Cooperative Work Environments (CWE): Designing Human-Building Interaction in Virtual Reality7
Changing Categorical Work in Healthcare: the Use of Patient-Generated Health Data in Cancer Rehabilitation7
Disruptive online communication: How asymmetric trolling-like response strategies steer conversation off the track7
A Historical View of Studies of Women’s Work7
Future Protest Made Risky: Examining Social Media Based Civil Unrest Prediction Research and Products7
‘Technology is Everywhere, we have the Opportunity to Learn it in the Valley’: The Appropriation of a Socio-Technical Enabling Infrastructure in the Moroccan High Atlas6
Refugee Food Insecurity & Technology: Surfacing Experiences of Adaptation, Navigation, Negotiation and Sharing6
Crowdsourcing historical photographs: autonomy and control at the Copenhagen City Archives6
Participatory Design Going Digital: Challenges and Opportunities for Distributed Place-Making6
The Automation of the Taxi Industry – Taxi Drivers’ Expectations and Attitudes Towards the Future of their Work5
Assembling Amazon Fires through English Hashtags. Materializing Environmental Activism within Twitter Networks5
Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘Information Infrastructures in Healthcare: Governance, Quality Improvement and Service Efficiency’5
Designing a Co-creation System for the Development of Work-process-related Learning Material in Manufacturing5
Uncovering the Complexity of Care Networks – Towards a Taxonomy of Collaboration Complexity in Homecare5
Tech Public of Erosion: the Formation and Transformation of the Palestinian Tech Entrepreneurial Public5
Designing a Data Visualisation for Interdisciplinary Scientists. How to Transparently Convey Data Frictions?4
The Personal is the Political: Internet Filtering and Counter Appropriation in the Islamic Republic of Iran4
Understanding Matchmakers’ Experiences, Principles and Practices of Assembling Innovation Teams4
The Tension between National and Local Concerns in Preparing for Large-Scale Generic Systems in Healthcare4
Infrastructuring Public Consultation in Town Planning— How Town Planners Translate Public Consultation into a Socio-Technical Support System4
Meeting (the) Pandemic: Videoconferencing Fatigue and Evolving Tensions of Sociality in Enterprise Video Meetings During COVID-194
Designing Digital Participatory Budgeting Platforms: Urban Biking Activism in Madrid4
Humor and Stereotypes in Computing: An Equity-focused Approach to Institutional Accountability4
Examining Co-Owners’ Privacy Consideration in Collaborative Photo Sharing4
Green IT Meaning in Energy Monitoring Practices: The Case of Danish Households3
Using Tacit Expert Knowledge to Support Shop-floor Operators Through a Knowledge-based Assistance System3
A Worker-Driven Common Information Space: Interventions into a Digital Future3
Crisis Readiness: Revisiting the Distance Framework During the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Encoding Collective Knowledge, Instructing Data Reusers: The Collaborative Fixation of a Digital Scientific Data Set3
Materializing activism3
Infrastructuring as an Occasion for Resistance: Organized Resistance to Policy-Driven Information Infrastructure Development in the U.S. Healthcare Industry3
Technology for Activism: Toward a Relational Framework2
Who Cares About Data? Ambivalence, Translation, and Attentiveness in Asylum Casework2
Research with a Solidarity Clinic: Design Implications for CSCW Healthcare Service Design2
People First, Data Second: A Humanitarian Research Framework for Fieldwork with Refugees by War Zones2
Participatory Design as the Temporal Flow of Coalescing Participatory Lines2
Regional Differences in Information Privacy Concerns After the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal2
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Negotiating Dependencies and Precarity in the On-Demand Economy2
‘Why are the Sales Forecasts so low?’ Socio-Technical Challenges of Using Machine Learning for Forecasting Sales in a Bakery2
How Potential New Members Approach an Online Community2
Suspicious Minds: the Problem of Trust and Conversational Agents2
The Role of Physical Cues in Co-located and Remote Casework2
Values and Value Conflicts in the Context of OSINT Technologies for Cybersecurity Incident Response: A Value Sensitive Design Perspective2