Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Attosecond technology(ies) and science44
Mesoscopic entanglement through central–potential interactions28
Entanglement and coherence in a hybrid Laguerre–Gaussian rotating cavity optomechanical system with two-level atoms27
Ionization in intense laser fields beyond the electric dipole approximation: concepts, methods, achievements and future directions25
Building a large-scale quantum computer with continuous-variable optical technologies23
Attosecond light science and its application for probing quantum materials23
Benchmark calculations of electron impact electronic excitation of the hydrogen molecule23
Attosecond synchronization of extreme ultraviolet high harmonics from crystals22
Advances in ultrafast gas-phase x-ray scattering21
Floquet states in dissipative open quantum systems21
Attosecond pulse generation at ELI-ALPS 100 kHz repetition rate beamline20
Application of adiabatic passage in Rydberg atomic ensembles for quantum information processing20
Ionization of an atom with different initial angular momenta in an intense circular polarized laser field19
Controlling valley-polarisation in graphene via tailored light pulses19
Angle-resolved studies of XUV–IR two-photon ionization in the RABBITT scheme19
Thermodynamic relations and ro-vibrational energy levels of the improved Pöschl–Teller oscillator for diatomic molecules17
Phase matching and quasi-phase matching of high-order harmonic generation—a tutorial16
Transverse electron momentum distributions in strong-field ionization: nondipole and Coulomb focusing effects16
Critical screening parameters and critical behaviors of one-electron systems with screened Coulomb potentials16
Tunable, few-cycle, CEP-stable mid-IR optical parametric amplifier for strong field applications16
Mean-field study of repulsive 2D and 3D Bose polarons16
Controllable bistable optical switch and normal mode splitting in hybrid optomechanical semiconductor microcavity containing single quantum dot driven by amplitude modulated field16
Time-resolved site-selective imaging of predissociation and charge transfer dynamics: the CH3I B-band16
Buffer-gas cooling of molecules in the low-density regime: comparison between simulation and experiment16