Journal of Organizational Change Management

(The H4-Index of Journal of Organizational Change Management is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Understanding Generation Z expectations for effective onboarding88
Factors influencing touristic consumer behaviour72
The organizational impact of Covid-19 crisis on travel perceived risk across four continents69
Blockchain adoption in the fashion sustainable supply chain: Pragmatically addressing barriers56
Understanding the relationship among factors influencing rural tourism: a hierarchical approach50
Towards a framework for the global wine tourism system49
Resistance to change and turnover intention: a moderated mediation model of burnout and perceived organizational support48
Digital transformation of organizations: what do we know and where to go next?42
Managing change with and through blockchain in accountancy organizations: a systematic literature review42
New organizational changes with blockchain: a focus on the supply chain39
Bracketing: a phenomenological theory applied through transpersonal reflexivity35
Abusive supervision and job outcomes: a moderated mediation model34
The effect of internal corporate social responsibility practices on pharmaceutical firm's performance through employee intrapreneurial behaviour33
Exploring role of Indian workplace spirituality in stress management: a study of oil and gas industry31
Exploring microfoundations of dynamic capabilities – challenges, barriers and enablers of organizational change27
The effect of change leadership on employee attitudinal support for planned organizational change27
Love your mistakes!—they help you adapt to change. How do knowledge, collaboration and learning cultures foster organizational intelligence?26
Blockchain technology: uninvestigated issues emerging from an integrated view within accounting and auditing practices25
Blockchain in human resource management of organizations: an empirical assessment to gauge HR and non-HR perspective25
How institutional theories explain and fail to explain organizations24
Enhancing training effectiveness for organizations through blockchain-enabled training effectiveness measurement (BETEM)23
Flexibility, coping capacity and resilience of organizations: between synergy and support22