European Journal of Neuroscience

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Neuroscience is 30. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Identifying key factors for improving ICA‐based decomposition of EEG data in mobile and stationary experiments115
Methodological considerations for studying neural oscillations93
The effects of microglia‐ and astrocyte‐derived factors on neurogenesis in health and disease86
Mechanobiology of the brain in ageing and Alzheimer's disease64
Understanding human individuation of unfamiliar faces with oddball fast periodic visual stimulation and electroencephalography53
Brain entropy, fractal dimensions and predictability: A review of complexity measures for EEG in healthy and neuropsychiatric populations50
Methods matter: Your measures of explicit and implicit processes in visuomotor adaptation affect your results48
Inflammation‐driven brain and gut barrier dysfunction in stress and mood disorders48
Fecal microbiota transplantation ameliorates gut microbiota imbalance and intestinal barrier damage in rats with stress‐induced depressive‐like behavior46
Arc/Arg3.1 function in long‐term synaptic plasticity: Emerging mechanisms and unresolved issues45
Molecular signature of extracellular matrix pathology in schizophrenia44
Temporal associations between sleep slow oscillations, spindles and ripples43
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of behavioural sex differences in executive control41
Obesity and Alzheimer’s disease: Molecular bases41
Selecting stimulation intensity in repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation studies: A systematic review between 1991 and 202041
Low pre‐stimulus EEG alpha power amplifies visual awareness but not visual sensitivity40
Rhythms in cognition: The evidence revisited38
Integrin adhesion in brain assembly: From molecular structure to neuropsychiatric disorders38
Nuclear factor‐kappa B (NF‐κB) in pathophysiology of Parkinson disease: Diverse patterns and mechanisms contributing to neurodegeneration38
Heparan sulfate proteoglycan‐mediated dynamin‐dependent transport of neural stem cell exosomes in an in vitro blood–brain barrier model35
Initial memory consolidation and the synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis34
The potential role of dexmedetomidine on neuroprotection and its possible mechanisms: Evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies33
Striatal cholinergic transmission. Focus on nicotinic receptors’ influence in striatal circuits33
Go with the flow: A neuroscientific view on being fully engaged32
Cerebral collaterals in acute ischaemia: Implications for acute ischaemic stroke patients receiving reperfusion therapy32
Neuron‐glia interactions: Molecular basis of alzheimer’s disease and applications of neuroproteomics32
A walk in the park? Characterizing gait‐related artifacts in mobile EEG recordings32
Forced swim stressor: Trends in usage and mechanistic consideration32
Coordination of social behaviors by the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis31
Age‐related decrements in cortical gyrification: Evidence from an accelerated longitudinal dataset30
Microbial memories: Sex‐dependent impact of the gut microbiome on hippocampal plasticity30
Sex differences in executive control: A systematic review of functional neuroimaging studies30